Molten Core!
Hello all,

I got this crazy idea today to try to put a Molten Core run together this Sunday. I know that it's Easter and everyone knows I'm crazy, but I'm going to try. This is being cross-posted at the Basin and we'll see what happens.

There have been some recent grumblings about people wanting to see end-game content and not really having the numbers organized to do so. I am going to make an attmept to remedy that. To that end I am going to attempt to put together a Molten Core raid this Sunday. My current thought is to start at 2PM server time in deference to some of our friends out west. I fully realize that this is Easter but I figure it's worth a shot anyway.

If this goes off it will probably be a new experience for most of us so everyone should expect it to be a rough outing. Wipes will be expected and we probably won't get very far. That said it could be a great chance to get our feet wet and check the place out. I propose to block off 8 hours (from 2-10) from your schedule and we can take an extended half hour break at some point for people to get food, etc.

The biggest thing here is to judge interest though. I've never tried to pull this many people together so we'll see how it goes. Details in the condensed form:

What: Molten Core Raid!!!! (Stormrage)
When: Sun. March 25, 2PM server time to 10PM server time (or later)
Who: Anyone who is currently level 59 or above. If you are 59 now it would be nice if you could hit 60 by then. If you have a lot of time available and you are 58 I'll consider it as well.
Why: To check the place out and have some fun. Don't expect a well-oiled machine to roll through and get the uber loot.

What I need from everyone interested is a small bit of information emailed to me at Please let me know:

- Your character name, class, and level. If you are under level 60 just let me know your plans before then.
- Any questions or comments you have about the timing of the event. These times are not set in stone but it helps to have a structure ahead of time. If there is enough interest in moving the time (for example back by an hour or something) it can be considered. This is more of a democratic event and I will listen to all input. I just reserve the right to make final decisions in the best interests of the majority.

Please try to have the full 8 hours blocked off if you want to go. If you have special circumstances let me know in your email to me. If interest is too low I might have to scrap the idea but I have some high hopes. If we get close to a full raid group then I might look to GoE or some other select outsiders to fill holes so that we can actually pull this off.

Who's with me?

- mjdoom (Flyndar)

Edit: I just realized some people might be reluctant to email me (if they don't want me to have their address) so feel free to post vitals in response to this message as well.
Flyndar (60) - Dwarf Priest - Tailoring (300), Enchanting (300)
Minimagi (60) - Gnome Mage - Herbalism (300), Engineering (301)
Galreth (60) - Human Warrior - Blacksmithing (300), Alchemy (300); Critical Mass by name, Lurker in spirit
ArynWindborn (19) - Human Paladin - Mining/Engineering (121)
Ramala, Rogue, Level 60 reporting for duty.

I'll work on stacking up heal pots and bandages, and maybe my fire resist gear, since Rogues are the expendable ones. I also would not be upset if you denied me, if you manage to fill up 40 and want a different class :/

Ready at any times, even though I should be doing work :whistling:
Trade yourself in for the perfect one. No one needs to know that you feel you've been ruined!
You might want to mention that you're talking about an alliance run on Stormrage. Lurkers are on many more servers than the Basin, although we obviously have a high concentration on Stormrage.

Good luck! Be sure to watch out for the respawning dog patrolers. They respawn every 15 minutes, I believe.
MongoJerry,Mar 25 2005, 04:28 PM Wrote:You might want to mention that you're talking about an alliance run on Stormrage.  Lurkers are on many more servers than the Basin, although we obviously have a high concentration on Stormrage.

Good luck!  Be sure to watch out for the respawning dog patrolers.  They respawn every 15 minutes, I believe.

Updated in the What line. There was plenty of circumstancial evidence but hopefully that will clear it up a bit. I can't change the post title as far as I know.
On the Basin I made this clear but I figured people here would be able to figure it out a little quicker... my first mistake. I tend to have a problem with assuming people know what I do and ignoring details that might be important. :whistling:

Anyway, I've had some interest so far (I think we have one group set) but I don't think 5 people will go too far in MC. :shuriken: Feel free to join in on the fun if you are on Stormrage and have a capped (or virtually capped) character. What could be more fun then trying out a new place with a huge group of n00bs. B)

- mjdoom
Flyndar (60) - Dwarf Priest - Tailoring (300), Enchanting (300)
Minimagi (60) - Gnome Mage - Herbalism (300), Engineering (301)
Galreth (60) - Human Warrior - Blacksmithing (300), Alchemy (300); Critical Mass by name, Lurker in spirit
ArynWindborn (19) - Human Paladin - Mining/Engineering (121)
This sounds interesting. Unfortunately, I can't do the entire eight hours, so I have to reluctantly bow out of this one.

Keep in mind, Jezabelle from GoE is organizing an MC raid for one week later. She claims to have informed us, but I suspect she managed to advertise to some Lurkers guild instead of coming here to the Lounge. I'm aiming for that, but if you do manage to make it into the MC this weekend, I think we'd all benefit from your experience.
I'd like to go.

Level 60 Hunter.

Account's paid through the 11th.
[Image: Cat_Sig.jpg]
<span style="color:red">Stormrage:
<span style="color:yellow">Catlyn, Level 61 Night Elf Hunter, 300 Miner, 300 Engineer (Goblin)
<span style="color:red">Teneras:
<span style="color:yellow">Urdum, Level 14 Orc Hunter
This squishy guy would gladly report for duty if he could get his handler moving in time. Since I can barely get him out of bed by 2PM server time, let alone get him logged into WoW where he belongs, it doesn't look I can make it. However, if a replacement is needed along the way, look me up.

BTW, if you do want a fill in scheduled for later, and it is easier to coordinate via email, the address is right there in the sig. Feel free to use it.
Freshman Diablo

[Image: jsoho8.png][Image: 10gmtrs.png]

"I reject your reality and substitute my own."
"You don't know how strong you can be until strong is the only option."
"Think deeply, speak gently, love much, laugh loudly, give freely, be kind."
"Talk, Laugh, Love."
I am very much interested in this. You have two choices: Niniuin or Tutelin. This should be a lot of fun.
Cenarius Alliance

Liscentia 80 Death Knight (450 Herbalism 425 Inscription)
Mysteryium 80 Shaman (450 Skinning 441 Leatherworking)
Tutelin 80 Priest (413 Enchanting 420 Tailoring)
Frozzen 73 Mage (Tailoring 375 Enchanting 375)
Obstinate 71 Hunter (375 Herbalism 375 Alchemy)
Squabbles 70 Warlock (Tailoring 375 Leatherworking 291)
Niniuin 70 Paladin (Herbailism 375 Alchemy 375)
Thunderous 66 Warrior (Mining 375 Tailoring 360)
just a side note, the new "fast" way to get in has sevral bugs with it, that can screw up your raid party. It seems if you start the instance with people using the new quest method, it doesn't put everyone into the correct instance (your raid will be split)

what we did tonight was, we formed up raid on the ramp. one group went down and cleared through brd, then zoned into mc starting the instance. We then had a 2nd group follow through the cleared brd to make sure it was viable. After that everyone jumped through the portal.

(note: we made sure everyone in the clearing groups already did the mc discovery quest. Earlier that afternoon we heard reports from other m-c doing guilds that if a "mix" group consisting of people that did the quest and people that didn't do the quest, did the clearing, on entering m-c, the raid was split. Dunno how confirmed those reports where, but when your talking about hours of wasted time, we chose to go on the side of caution, and before the raid spent time getting the quest done for all our members)
I would love to go there but seeing as its Easter Sunday I will be fufilling family duties. Put Sharanna in for another day another run. :)
Suggested reading for those attending:
[Image: ct_raidassist.jpg]

You should also make it a requirement that everyone downloads and installs CT_raidassist from It's fantastic. It lets everyone in the raid see everyone's health, mana, buffs, and debuffs. In addition, it now has the mana conserve feature built into it, so that priests can set it up so that healing spells get interrupted at the last moment if the target is above a percentage of health that you have set. (I have mine set at 85%). However, for your stats to be broadcast to the raid, you need to have it installed, so it's important that everyone -- not just priests -- install it. (Yes, yes, there is a way to broadcast the health and mana of the people who are in your party who don't have it installed, but it doesn't broadcast the debuffs, which are the most important things in Molten Core. It's far better to make sure *everyone* has it installed).

Second, you should have as a requirement that everyone gets either teamspeak or ventrillo (whichever kind of server you want to use) and that they get on it. It's so much easier to coordinate everything by speaking than it is using the text chat window, and when situations change (e.g. the main tank goes down or you get an add), it makes it so much easier to fix things. Not everyone needs to have a mike, but everyone should be able to listen to instructions over teamspeak/ventrillo.
Just a brief update, being a typical male i forgot to check the calendar. Tomorrow i do have prior family commitments until 4PM server time. I should be back by then.
Cenarius Alliance

Liscentia 80 Death Knight (450 Herbalism 425 Inscription)
Mysteryium 80 Shaman (450 Skinning 441 Leatherworking)
Tutelin 80 Priest (413 Enchanting 420 Tailoring)
Frozzen 73 Mage (Tailoring 375 Enchanting 375)
Obstinate 71 Hunter (375 Herbalism 375 Alchemy)
Squabbles 70 Warlock (Tailoring 375 Leatherworking 291)
Niniuin 70 Paladin (Herbailism 375 Alchemy 375)
Thunderous 66 Warrior (Mining 375 Tailoring 360)

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