Ranged Damage Application
I've been playing a lot with my Hunter of late, and have been watching the 'numbers', as it were. I'm trying to figure out where and how the damage bonus to ranged attack from Hunter's Mark applies, as I can't SEE it anywhere.

I usually have Aspect of the Hawk on, so that's a +84 to my ranged attack power. It shows up in my paperdoll window as such. But that's the only visible bonus that applies. Even after I Hunter's Mark a target, the ranged attack power number doesn't change.

First I wondered then if it even was applied, but now I've turned to wondering if it's simply an 'invisible' bonus, that is in effect, but that I either don't get to see, or don't kow where to look to see.

Anyone know where/if/how the ranged attack power bonus from HM is applied to?
~Not all who wander are lost...~
Mirajj,Apr 1 2005, 09:37 AM Wrote:First I wondered then if it even was applied, but now I've turned to wondering if it's simply an 'invisible' bonus, that is in effect, but that I either don't get to see, or don't kow where to look to see.[right][snapback]72684[/snapback][/right]
Yeah, this is how it works. It doesn't show up anywhere on your character screen.
Mirajj,Apr 1 2005, 10:37 AM Wrote:Anyone know where/if/how the ranged attack power bonus from HM is applied to?

I think it's treated more as a debuff to someone as oppose to a buff for you. If you think about it, why would you character screen reflect a bonus to ranged attack power? You only get a bonus if you attack that particular mob, the bonus is not innate to your character. Think of the mark as a debuff on the mob that gives anything attacking it a bonus, like hemorrage or something.

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