Too Much Money!
Went over to Terra Nova again after a long hiatus and got confronted with that! Apparently two players on one server have amassed so much gold that they bought out the Auction House. Literally! And then? They put everything up again, but with prices tripled or quadrupled.

Capitalism at its best!

If this is true, and I do not doubt it, then this spins off so many thoughts and questions in my mind that I cannot even begin to write it down. Some things noteworthy: the poster claims one of these players is Japanese. I wonder why? Another thing: although prices were jacked up considerably, people still bought it!

Old age and treachery will always overcome youth and enthusiasm!
Arnulf,Apr 7 2005, 12:54 PM Wrote:Another thing: although prices were jacked up considerably, people still bought it!


Ah, the wonders of player-run economies.

*Sits back and watches the fireworks*
I tried to manipulate Felcloth on the AH.

I failed. I did manage get not lose money, so it was fun.
One problem for me though is that I am on the most populated server(maybe second most populated). That tends to keep all the prices low.
Hehehehe, quite hillarious indeed! :lol:
"Turn the key deftly in the oiled wards, and seal the hushed casket of my soul" - John Keats, "To Sleep"
Arnulf,Apr 7 2005, 07:54 AM Wrote:...

Capitalism at its best!
... Another thing: although prices were jacked up considerably, people still bought it!

Yes there are more than enough players out there that a clueless as to the price and value of many things. I have seen and supplied these players many times with goods that are at ridiculous markups and they still buy the stuff.

The best one that I ran into was when, to match current AH item listings, I sold a vendor purchased item (bought for 30 silver) for a buyout bid of 10 gold. A markup of over 3000%. And this was less than two weeks ago, so it was not a case of the bid pricing being misread. I do not normally expect to do something like this, but still there are many items that can easily be sold for far more than their cost.
Ghostiger,Apr 7 2005, 08:58 AM Wrote:I tried to manipulate Felcloth on the AH.

I failed. I did manage get not lose money, so it was fun.
One problem for me though is that I am on the most populated server(maybe second most populated). That tends to keep all the prices low.
I have done some commodities price manipulation and usually made money at it. You have to pick the right commodity and have pockets deep enough for truely being able to do the manipulation long enough to have any meaning. And no, this does not mean you have to buy out the whole market and usually not even more than about 20% of the market to have the influcence to start the price manipulation. You do need though to not have a 'nit-wit' that is trying to do stupid market manipulations at the same time though.
Arnulf,Apr 7 2005, 06:54 AM Wrote:Went over to Terra Nova again after a long hiatus and got confronted with that! Apparently two players on one server have amassed so much gold that they bought out the Auction House. Literally! And then? They put everything up again, but with prices tripled or quadrupled.

Capitalism at its best!

If this is true, and I do not doubt it, then this spins off so many thoughts and questions in my mind that I cannot even begin to write it down. Some things noteworthy: the poster claims one of these players is Japanese. I wonder why? Another thing: although prices were jacked up considerably, people still bought it!


As you've said, Capitalism at its finest!

I would never attempt market manipulation on such a grand scale, but I'm an obsessive AH camper and I play with the prices quite often.

Prices are way more volatile in WoW than any real world market. Wait long enough and you'll be able to find any given item at a tiny fraction of it's true value. Similarly, wait long enough and you'll be able to sell that item at many times it's true value. It's a great way to make money and you've just gotta feel sorry for the retards who buy stuff for inflated prices.
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