Aura Question
Does the Pride aura from runeword stack with might aura from act2 merc i mean are they actived at same time constandly?
Swiplakiej,Apr 25 2005, 06:48 AM Wrote:Does the Pride aura from runeword stack with might aura from act2 merc i mean are they actived at same time constandly?

Concentration and Might Stack. They do not interrupt each other. Same is true for Insight Rune Word, which gives a Meditation aura on top of the other aura the pole arm wielding merc has up. My Traps Assassin used a Defiance Merc with Insight to good effect.

Pride Rune Word (4 socket pole arms: Cham-Sur-Io-Lo) Wow, where did you get those runes? :)

25% Chance To Cast Level 17 Fire Wall When Struck
Level 18 Concentration Aura When Equipped
260-300% Bonus To Attack Rating (varies)
+1-99% Damage To Demons (Based on Character Level)
Adds 50-280 Lightning Damage
20% Deadly Strike
Hit Blinds Target
Freezes Target +3
+10 To Vitality
Replenish Life +8
1.875-185.625% Extra Gold From Monsters (Based on Character Level)

Man, with this rune word, all you have to do is toss Weaken or Amp Damage, sit back, and watch.

Cry 'Havoc' and let slip the Men 'O War!
In War, the outcome is never final. --Carl von Clausewitz--
Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum
John 11:35 - consider why.
In Memory of Pete
Occhidiangela,Apr 25 2005, 01:16 PM Wrote:Concentration and Might Stack.  They do not interrupt each other.  Same is true for Insight Rune Word, which gives a Meditation aura on top of the other aura the pole arm wielding merc has up.  My Traps Assassin used a Defiance Merc with Insight to good effect.

Pride Rune Word (4 socket pole arms: Cham-Sur-Io-Lo)  Wow, where did you get those runes? :)

25% Chance To Cast Level 17 Fire Wall When Struck
Level 18 Concentration Aura When Equipped
260-300% Bonus To Attack Rating (varies)
+1-99% Damage To Demons (Based on Character Level)
Adds 50-280 Lightning Damage
20% Deadly Strike
Hit Blinds Target
Freezes Target +3
+10 To Vitality
Replenish Life +8
1.875-185.625% Extra Gold From Monsters (Based on Character Level)

Man, with this rune word, all you have to do is toss Weaken or Amp Damage, sit back, and watch.


Its for my ww barb pvp and i do not have runes yet i was just asking but thnx for ur reply dude
Swiplakiej,Apr 25 2005, 08:20 AM Wrote:Its for my ww barb pvp and i do not have runes yet i was just asking but thnx for ur reply dude

Good Morning, Swiplakiej.
While we Lurkers are always glad to help, the Lurker Lounge is not a chat room. If you wish to participate in this forum, please stop writing like a Wanker. Writing like a Wanker is explained here. In one sentence, you committed Wankery no less than 7 times.

Your Wanky sentence: "Its for my ww barb pvp and i do not have runes yet i was just asking but thnx for ur reply dude"

You sentence Unwanked (Unwanking in Yellow Text) : It's for my PvP WW barb. I do not have runes yet. I was just asking, but thanks for your reply dude."

On a side note, take your dude and shove it. :angry: I find your combined Wankery and familiarity offensive. In your defense, you could not have predicted that, so you are immediately forgiven and may now pull it out! :D (Uh, you might want to wipe that off before you use it again. :o ) We can write off my crabbiness to a low caffeine state. :blink:

Bottom line: If you can't put forth the effort to write a single sentence in reasonably correct English, rather then in Wankspeak, you won't fit in here. For your edification I herein provide links to Forum Rules, Etiquete, and FAQ.


Cry 'Havoc' and let slip the Men 'O War!
In War, the outcome is never final. --Carl von Clausewitz--
Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum
John 11:35 - consider why.
In Memory of Pete

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