Major Domo and Ragnaros
In 6 weeks that In Aeternum has been in existence (started as a guild mid-March), i have been with them for 4. We have made great progress in that time (Onyxia downed 3 times, all the Molten Core bosses defeated with the exception of Major Domo and Ragnaros) but for the past 2 weeks we have been stumped by Major Domo. The objective of this battle is to defeat his 8 bodyguards (4 elites and 4 healers) and make him submit. Once he submits he spawns Ragnaros (the final boss in Molten Core). It is a big accomplishment to get to Major Domo (you must defeat 8 bosses and snuff out 5 flames to spawn Domo) but no matter what strategy we used we could not defeat Major Domo. This past Saturday we spent 8 hours, yes 8 hours, probably 12 attempts and for myself 25 gold later (for our tanks 50 gold in repairs) as well as 3 repair bots, but the closest we could get Domo to submit was killing 5/8 of his bodyguards.

Finally on Monday we did what i thought was impossible, we made Major Domo submit. Here is some screenshots of the encounter with Major Domo.

The above screenshot is the set up of the encounter. After an epic battle, we defeated Major Domo and finally got the opportunity to spawn Ragnaros. This encounter is in another part of Molten Core and looks like this.

This picture is of Major Domo in the lair of Ragnaros.

To begin the encounter with Ragnaros, you have to talk to Major Domo.

Here are some random shots of our battle with Ragnaros

I actually survived a surprisingly long time in this battle even though i was healing the main tanks (we used 2 to tank Ragnaros).

But the expected did happen and we all wiped (got Ragnaros down to 87%).

IMHO, this is the best rendered and designed encounter. Ragnaros is awesome, just awesome! My screenshots did not do justice to what helooks like live. As with the Major Domo battle, we will figure him out and Ragnaros will die. For our first time we were all happy and excited to be there. Next time will go better.

Cenarius Alliance

Liscentia 80 Death Knight (450 Herbalism 425 Inscription)
Mysteryium 80 Shaman (450 Skinning 441 Leatherworking)
Tutelin 80 Priest (413 Enchanting 420 Tailoring)
Frozzen 73 Mage (Tailoring 375 Enchanting 375)
Obstinate 71 Hunter (375 Herbalism 375 Alchemy)
Squabbles 70 Warlock (Tailoring 375 Leatherworking 291)
Niniuin 70 Paladin (Herbailism 375 Alchemy 375)
Thunderous 66 Warrior (Mining 375 Tailoring 360)

I might as well just resign myself to the fact that I'll never get to do the Hunter Epic quest.
[Image: Cat_Sig.jpg]
<span style="color:red">Stormrage:
<span style="color:yellow">Catlyn, Level 61 Night Elf Hunter, 300 Miner, 300 Engineer (Goblin)
<span style="color:red">Teneras:
<span style="color:yellow">Urdum, Level 14 Orc Hunter
Congratulations! The group I've been raiding with, The Offenders on Tichondrius, just killed Major Domo this past weekend and saw Ragnaros for the first time as well. We've decided to farm Molten Core normal mobs a bit to get Core Leather, Firey Cores, etc., to make a bunch of +fire resistance items for our whole raid. All the damage Ragnaros does is fire, I understand, so you pretty much have to go whole hog on the fire resistance and give up on armor, defence, and things of that nature. We have some ideas on how to beat him, though. We'll see on our next run this weekend.
Catlyn,Apr 26 2005, 02:04 PM Wrote:(sigh)

I might as well just resign myself to the fact that I'll never get to do the Hunter Epic quest.

If you want to do stuff like that, start asking around to get in some raid groups. Molten Core has been nerfed a little bit in the patch to make it a little easier on new raiding parties (while still being quite fun). I understand that some of the guildmembers in the "Honorables" guilds on Stormrage have been trying to get together some raiding parties. Try to get in with them. Or, ask some friends you've made who are in raiding guilds on the server and find out if there's a way to get into their raids.

I have to say that I've become quite a raid junkie lately. Normal instances seem so trivial now, and the only reason I run them is to get some cash together (I will have my epic mount one day!). After running so many raids, both the encounters and loot available in normal instance seem so unexciting. I can't wait until Blackwing's Lair is introduced. Then, I could probably raid seven days a week!

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