The insane Quester!
Along with being hidden out of sight in an Alliance-heavy zone (our only quest in this contested zone) and giving a reward significantly under par for a 42 elite quest? Well, it worked fine until the Kalimdor revamp.


Before the revamp, you probably remember those things taking up most of where Shadowprey Village has been put in. Now, these things have a total of THREE spawn points covering the whole of Desolace, and two of their wander paths crosses so far into fatigue water that a druid can die trying to pull them. Respawn time estimated to be around 1 hour each.

And not only are these things hard to find, but up until the 1.5.0 patch, they will not always drop a tumor. In fact, the drop rate on the tumor is around 3%. Some players - true insane questers - have spent more time farming these Striders than they did farming for their epic mount.

Not a fun quest. But it does show some pretty interesting interfaction storyline... although it doesn't make sense that an orc or (in my case) tauren can take it.
lfd,May 21 2005, 02:50 AM Wrote:On that subject, it seems that the undead cannot do the Compendium of the Fallen Scarlet Monastery quest, on account of it being about spying on them. ;-)

If you'll read my post again, you'll see that I'm quoting Shriek talking about that SM quest and I said that there's also (what I believe to be) an undead-only quest in Duskwood. I then say I wish there was more.
savaughn,May 21 2005, 06:57 AM Wrote:Jarulf, I think you kind of missed my point.  It ends up not being every now and then.  I was spending more time doing gray quests than green ones. 

That was not my experience... after level 30. I recently dinged 60 on the horde side, and am quite a quest whore.

Basically, I was able to keep nearly of my quests green, and do all the obvious quests (ie not religously checking thott for out of the way quest givers) in Mulgore, Barrens, STM, Ashenvale, 1KN, Desolace, Badlands, Arathi, STV, Hinterlands, SOS, Dustwallow, Tanris, Feleras, Searing Gorge, Ungoro, Felwood, and a little of Winter Spring in roughly that order. I did all the quests I could find in all of the instances except SFK and Mauradon. I skipped Durator, Tristafal, Silverpine, and Hillsbrad. I continue to nibble on Winterspring, and the Plaguelands, and still need to do DM, Strath, Scholo, part of BRD, BRS, Oxy, MC, Sithilus, and Burining Steppes.

Whats the point? I am teh uber quest d00d! Wait no. The point is that it is pretty possible to do atleast one side of this, and have fun doing it. It has taken me since launch to do all this, plus 2 lvl 30 and 4 lvl 20 alts.

Now, if you were to try to REALLY get all of the quests, you would be insane. Class specific, high level quests would make you certifiable to try it.

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