Multiple D2's
If i own 2 copies of D2 (which I do), and 2 copies of LOD (which I also do). Is there any way of having it running twice on the same PC so I can mule safely without having to rely on friends being online?

I hope nobody gets out the witch burning torch and consitutes this as cheating as surely this is not really any different to running 2 copies of Diablo on a LAN.

Anyway, just curious if it's possible (as I just lost a skully in a mule

Thanks in advance.
a55of rot13

539 tbh

Don't think cos i understand... i care
Don't think cos we're talkin... we're friends

*shavenlunatic - Europe
Truth is, you can't run more than one, it wont allow you.
pfft, lies.

Found 2 ways of doing it so far:

1. D2Loader & CD-Key Refiller (/me awaits "Holier Than Thou" angry mob)

2. Use VM Ware to create a virtual machine and install D2 on that

a55of rot13

539 tbh

Don't think cos i understand... i care
Don't think cos we're talkin... we're friends

*shavenlunatic - Europe
There is a thread about it here:

-- CH
I did it for the longest time in 1.09. Was a second game.exe you'd use. However, 1.10 killed that. Emulated dual operating system might be easiest.

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