Female rapist and murderer released from prison
Hardly. I have seen some real bitches go to prison.

But its rather abundantly clear that in this case she was acting on his suggestions.

I didnt imply at aall that that negated her guild. But I wouldnt worry that she was very dangerous by herself.
Ghostiger,Jul 9 2005, 11:38 PM Wrote:Hardly. I have seen some real bitches go to prison.

But it's rather abundantly clear that in this case she was acting on his suggestions.

I didn't imply at all that that negated her guilt. But I wouldn't worry that she was very dangerous by herself.

She was a willing participant in the rape and murder of her own teenaged sister. I'd say that is quite enough to classify her as a danger to society. If she can be persuaded to do that, then there is no telling what else she can do. What happens when cosmic rays from Mars tell her to push a little old lady into traffic?

I certainly wouldn't feel safe living anywhere near her.
You are not dealing rationally with this.

1 You interjected a completely new psycosis in why she might be dangerous. Nothing suggest that she hears voices or is phsycotic. It appears she was simply willing to do something extremely evil to make her mate happy.(as I said that in no way anuls her guilt.)

2 Perhaps she could be persuaded to do something evil again(by a real person) but i kind of doubt it. At any rate you definetly have n o ground to be "sure" about it.

Violent loners and predator types are far more dangerous types to release. Id rather have hunderds of her type released than 1 child molester who acted alone(even if he never killed anyone).
Quote:Things like this make the "system" look like a joke.

Look? ;)
I'm with Deebye on this one. If she was enough of an emotional midget to help her husband carry out these crimes, let alone for the perceived wrong she did her husband before they even met, then what sort of action is she capable of if she falls in with another of society's winners?

She made a deal with the Feds and we are bound by it. She bears close watching in the future, IMO. Her decision making powers are obviously not wired correctly for her to be given free rein.
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