Watch your language!
"According to the population estimates based on the 2000 Census, about 50.2 percent of Texans are now minorities."

AP News: Texas Becomes a Majority-Minority State

What can be said when the minority is the majority, and the majority is the minority, except that the casualty is language, lucid and univocal?

wakim,Aug 11 2005, 01:22 PM Wrote:"According to the population estimates based on the 2000 Census, about 50.2 percent of Texans are now minorities."

AP News: Texas Becomes a Majority-Minority State

What can be said when the minority is the majority, and the majority is the minority, except that the casualty is language, lucid and univocal?
It's all semantics. If you think of a majority as >50%, then no one has the majority. If you think of a majority as being larger than everyone else, then the white population has the majority still. Of course, if you think the latter, you are wrong, and I mourn the death of such treasured words as "majority" and "minority."

I cry. :unsure:
The error occurred on line -1.
Zippyy,Aug 15 2005, 10:18 AM Wrote:It's all semantics.  If you think of a majority as >50%, then no one has the majority.  If you think of a majority as being larger than everyone else, then the white population has the majority still.  Of course, if you think the latter, you are wrong, and I mourn the death of such treasured words as "majority" and "minority."

I cry.  :unsure:

People are people, and that's the end of it. Unless the people are Soylent Green, I guess. :wacko:
[Image: 9426697EGZMV.png]
I think that just makes white guys the Major Minority.
It's nice to come up with new buzzwords to make news.
With great power comes the great need to blame other people.
Guild Wars 2: (ArchonWing.9480) (ArchonWing.1480)
Time for sweet sweet revenge gringos!

Er, no. That would be wrong.



I sense a little Ghost Dance action going down someday soon. If you have to ask, you probably wouldn't understand.
All alone, or in twos,
The ones who really love you
Walk up and down outside the wall.
Some hand in hand
And some gathered together in bands.
The bleeding hearts and artists
Make their stand.

And when they've given you their all
Some stagger and fall, after all it's not easy
Banging your heart against some mad buggers wall.

"Isn't this where...."
The component categories of Texan minorities still do not have the plurality, hence they are still minority.

The whiote folks simply do not have the majority anymore. Just the plurality. More than any of the others, but no longer more than all others combined.
Political Correctness is the idea that you can foster tolerance in a diverse world through the intolerance of anything that strays from a clinical standard.
Doc,Aug 15 2005, 04:57 PM Wrote:Time for sweet sweet revenge gringos!


At first, I thought you were talking about chips, but then I realized. :blink: :D

I must be getting hungry.
With great power comes the great need to blame other people.
Guild Wars 2: (ArchonWing.9480) (ArchonWing.1480)
Archon_Wing,Aug 15 2005, 08:44 PM Wrote:At first, I thought you were talking about chips, but then I realized.  :blink:  :D
I must be getting hungry.


I just made a batch of tortillas not to long ago... pressed them out and fried them on the comal. Should still be warm in the basket, help your self, there is also refried beans, some hominy, some rice, some goat cheese, a fresh slab of goat butter, some of those tortillas got dropped in to some peanut oil and turned in to chips. There are two kinds of salsa on the table, the one in the glass bottle with the green chili stopper is meant for mortals. I would leave the stuff in the bottle with the red chili stopper alone. Help your self, nobody leaves my kitchen hungry. I think it's some kind of law or something. I forget.

Oh, and there is a chocolate tofu silk pie. I think there are a few pieces left. It's nice for cooling off the fires from the green chili stopper bottle.
All alone, or in twos,
The ones who really love you
Walk up and down outside the wall.
Some hand in hand
And some gathered together in bands.
The bleeding hearts and artists
Make their stand.

And when they've given you their all
Some stagger and fall, after all it's not easy
Banging your heart against some mad buggers wall.

"Isn't this where...."
I can envision a new category for the purpose of determining the composition of on-air news teams, and so forth: The Plurality; this would allow one to distinguish large quantities of minorities from smaller quantities so that he may instantly know, upon seeing a person's categorical affilation indicated by his skin-color, who is oppressing whom. You know, "my minority is bigger than your minority..."

The Plurality, it's coming to your neighborhood this fall. Watch for it.

Doc,Aug 15 2005, 07:17 PM Wrote:Hungry?

I just made a batch of tortillas not to long ago... pressed them out and fried them on the comal. Should still be warm in the basket, help your self, there is also refried beans, some hominy, some rice, some goat cheese, a fresh slab of goat butter, some of those tortillas got dropped in to some peanut oil and turned in to chips. There are two kinds of salsa on the table, the one in the glass bottle with the green chili stopper is meant for mortals. I would leave the stuff in the bottle with the red chili stopper alone. Help your self, nobody leaves my kitchen hungry. I think it's some kind of law or something. I forget.

Oh, and there is a chocolate tofu silk pie. I think there are a few pieces left. It's nice for cooling off the fires from the green chili stopper bottle.

It's a good thing I ate after reading this. Otherwise, I might have tried to find your house. :shuriken:
With great power comes the great need to blame other people.
Guild Wars 2: (ArchonWing.9480) (ArchonWing.1480)
wakim,Aug 11 2005, 11:22 AM Wrote:"According to the population estimates based on the 2000 Census, about 50.2 percent of Texans are now minorities."

AP News: Texas Becomes a Majority-Minority State

What can be said when the minority is the majority, and the majority is the minority, except that the casualty is language, lucid and univocal?

Comment: increasing the percentage of people whose common cultural assumptions are based on a broken Papist Hacienda system is not good for America. They are not just coming to Texas, folks.

All cultures are NOT equal. I don't care your birth mother, father, what have you. Assimilate into the American system, which is fundamentally European/Scottish Enlightenment in character.

Or, be considered part of the problem, versus part of the solution.

My grandmother forced her kids to learn English and to assimilate. I thank her every day, had she not, I might just be some "ethnically proud" Bohunk Eastern European American whiner.

Thanks, grandma, for not needing to borrow money to buy a clue. SHe didn't have enough to get credit anyway, not in the Great Depression.

Cry 'Havoc' and let slip the Men 'O War!
In War, the outcome is never final. --Carl von Clausewitz--
Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum
John 11:35 - consider why.
In Memory of Pete
That a good(unpopular) point. All 4 of my great grand parents on my fathers side came to America as sdults barely speaking English(From Poland and the Ukraine). By my fathers generation(and mostly by my grand parents generation) the family had fully asimilated.

Interestingly they did this living ethnic communities, but they sent their kids to "diverse" schools.

Although I will have to your wrong in one respect. Hispanics assililate far mor than we give them credit for. It always takes time though and we are not a patient people and of course some cultural elements they bring will be accepted by the whole society.

I suspect the biggest poin slowing assimilation is money. My great grand parents were able to move here and quickly get good paying jobs and buy farms. Thats not the case for many new imigrants.
Occhidiangela,Aug 20 2005, 04:34 AM Wrote:[I]ncreasing the percentage of people whose common cultural assumptions are based on a broken Papist Hacienda system is not good for America.  [right][snapback]86752[/snapback][/right]
In a moment of curiosity I wondered what a "papist hacienda system" may be; I first tried my dictionary, which yielded naught for the entire phrase, but "a Roman Catholic" for the meaning of the word "papist," and "a large landed estate, esp. one used for farming and ranching," for "hacienda." The meaning of the phrase a "papist hacienda system" would therefore seem to be something to do with Catholic farming; as this made little sense within the context used ("A broken papist hacienda system" means that Catholics farm poorly?), I next sought the aid of Google to help alleviate my ignorance, but it yielded nothing even close in its search return for the phrase "papist hacienda system" except a bulletin board post elsewhere by someone using the pseudonym "Angeleyes." So it would seem that if I am to know what a "papist hacienda system" means I must here ask:

What is meant by the phrase a "papist hacienda system?"
Doc,Aug 15 2005, 06:57 PM Wrote:I sense a little Ghost Dance action going down someday soon. If you have to ask, you probably wouldn't understand.

Oh snap, I am so moving to Denver now. Maybe start up a private ambulance service and call it DocWagon. B)
[Image: 9426697EGZMV.png]
Edited for gross verbosity.
wakim,Aug 20 2005, 11:56 AM Wrote:What is meant by the phrase a "papist hacienda system?"

The roots of the culture in South and Latin America, for all that progress has of course occurred over the generations. The American system owes its constitutional and Parliamentary system to its mother country, England. I decipher the First Ammendment's prohibition against Congress establishing an official religion as directly anti-Papist in origin. Expicitly. We'll leave the Freemasons and Illumaniti out of this, they got the back of the one dollar bill. :D

Some of us think for ourselves, and synthesize what we learn into an idea. If you see that descriptive as reductionist, that is part of the problem of using labels as shorthand. Me, I have stopped even pretending to be politically correct.

For all the progress the revolution south of the Rio Grande made in terms of adapting the modern, European benevolent socialist to the tumultuous political scene of the New World, the apparent inability to break from the old autocratic models of the Old World seems to be one constant theme.

Let's take a peek back to the pre Enlightenment era. Pre Rennaisance, and thus to a certain extent, pre Protestant era. Spain, the mother culture of South and Latin America, was Papist. It is only relatively recently that Spain might be considered non Papist, non autocratic.

Look at the development of the post Revolutionary nation, the reaction that led to a Hapsburg, a Papist again, trying to recolonize Mexico, just as the reaction to 1848 re asserted the Nobility and the Pope's supremacy in Europe.

-- hooray for firing squads --

Then look at the fundamental agricultrual economic model. How well does birth control play in such a society? Compare that to Europe, where most nations are at low, zero or negative population growth rates. Massive population movements are prime catalysts for political change, and political conflict. The Celts were immigrants from somewhere East of the Caspian, and of course the Vandals and the Goths likewise. So too the Turks. Population pressure is a profound cause of strife.

Consider the efects, pro and con, of the Industrial revolution, but leave out the moderating effects of effective dissent and opposition, an inherently non Papist norm, a non autocratic norm. See how even the recent social revolutionary movements are tied to Papism: Liberation Theology.

What you have is the text book case of an inferior cultural model to the American model, or what used to be the American model. Not a big surprise to see people leaving it.

The Americn model changes over time, and I'll argue that the polarization you see so vividly portrayed as political has deeper roots. The American penchant for developing "aristocracies of the rich" that brought us the Industrial Barons of the late 19th century appears to be emerging once again, but this time the playing field is global.

WIth NAFTA and CAFTA, it appears that some movers and shakers are trying to reinvigorate the Peon class on an Industrial hacienda. Deliberately. Globally. The bae cultural affinity for oligarchic and autocratic "norms" is not a mind set I'd prefer to see imported.

Tequila, on the other hand, is fine and dandy. ;)

Cry 'Havoc' and let slip the Men 'O War!
In War, the outcome is never final. --Carl von Clausewitz--
Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum
John 11:35 - consider why.
In Memory of Pete
Feigned ignorance is the most pathetic arguement of all.

At least have the balls to pose your challenge as a direct if unjudgmental question(like Socrates)
Ghostiger,Aug 20 2005, 07:38 PM Wrote:Feigned ignorance is the most pathetic arguement of all.

At least have the balls to pose your challenge as a direct if unjudgmental question(like Socrates)
Forgive me my lack of presumption if it may cause others to presume that I dissemble - I can assure you that my ignorance is not feigned and my desire, as stated, to escape from that condition my motive.
Quote:(Occhidiangela @ Aug 20 2005, 04:34 AM)
[I]ncreasing the percentage of people whose common cultural assumptions are based on a broken Papist Hacienda system is not good for America.
Thank you for your reply. I won't pretend to have followed all that you put forth, but would I be doing an injustice to your thought, based upon your previous post, to understand "people whose common cultural assumptions are based on a broken papist hacienda system" to be a circumlocution that means "Catholics"?
I dont believe you.

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