CA/Lurkers vs Molten Core
Yesterday we went in with 35 people in the Core to kill trash, disembowel Lucifron and take Magmadar to skool. I have to say that this run was one of the most professional, smooth and fluid runs I have seen. This is not a joke. Gah we were flying through the pulls there, very good work guys.
I loved the fact that even when we got a core hound add we handled it calmly and never had any close calls.

The Lucy fight? Ok so that pull was perhaps one that some people were not ready for but the fight after was executed wonderfully. I got MC'd twice in that fight and it never stayed on for more than a millisecond, heh. Heck, I dont even think we lost anyone in that fight, did we?

Wonderful slaughter on the corehound packs, they gave us zero trouble. Atleast not then.
I think our downfall when it came to Magmadar was that we stood around talking strategy too long. This is not a fault in itself but you need every second when it comes to that fight if you accidentily wipe or something. I was very impressed overall by the groups level of skill and I am SURE that we could have killed him if we hadn't got the repop at the 2nd try. That is the main reason why you need to attack as soon as possible, to try and nail him as quick as possible without those damn dogs popping.
Anyway, excellent work by the tanks, mages and paladins.
Especially, Anadrol you pumped up SuperTank™. Good job. And the rest of you tanks as well, heh. Tranq shot people, wow! I never felt like we only had 2 tranq shots. Awesome. Oh and you priests, *flirt* I love you. Also good work by the rogues, you didnt have to be rezzed that often ;) Hehe.

Overall, a VERY GOOD attempt on Magmadar. I am certain that we will kill him next time. All we have to do is just to get the fight going sooner. Anyway, congrats Popsie on the Arcanist Boots and .. hmm what else dropped?
Oh and grats Sayuri on the Tranq shot!

Someone fill in the 2nd drop and who got it please.

I'll see you guys again in MC. Honor demands it! Oh and the need to carpe the aurum. You know. :ph34r: *blink blink*

- Without wax, Alrin
[Image: 104024yQmrG.png][Image: 201194cOrXg.png]
And for those of you who stuck around afterwards that was a great deal of fun. Unfortunately chain adding 4 mobs in Molten Core will run your healers out of mana :blink: but otherwise 18 PCs > MC trash!

I especially had a kick trying to 5-man a corehound with Vilatra, Psybie, Anadrol and Porlupus at the end of the night. Unfortunately we got a Ancient Hysteria hound that halved Vil and Flyn's mana polls right off the bat and by the time the two of us worked out a solid healing rotation our mana pools were too low. We got it to 50% but next time we will win! Five manning MC mobs ftw. :)

- mjdoom
Flyndar (60) - Dwarf Priest - Tailoring (300), Enchanting (300)
Minimagi (60) - Gnome Mage - Herbalism (300), Engineering (301)
Galreth (60) - Human Warrior - Blacksmithing (300), Alchemy (300); Critical Mass by name, Lurker in spirit
ArynWindborn (19) - Human Paladin - Mining/Engineering (121)
mjdoom,Aug 14 2005, 03:07 PM Wrote:And for those of you who stuck around afterwards that was a great deal of fun.  Unfortunately chain adding 4 mobs in Molten Core will run your healers out of mana :blink:  but otherwise 18 PCs > MC trash!

I especially had a kick trying to 5-man a corehound with Vilatra, Psybie, Anadrol and Porlupus at the end of the night.  Unfortunately we got a Ancient Hysteria hound that halved Vil and Flyn's mana polls right off the bat and by the time the two of us worked out a solid healing rotation our mana pools were too low.  We got it to 50% but next time we will win!  Five manning MC mobs ftw. :)

- mjdoom

I would gladly have stuck around but it was not doable, ufortunately.
Monday next time? I'm all in, you know that :)
[Image: 104024yQmrG.png][Image: 201194cOrXg.png]
It was a great run! I think the emphasis on dispels got us through Lucifron with flying colors. Magmadar, I think, was quite doable - we just had a bad run when healers were running around screaming on fire.

For that part, we should probably put some paladins on healing-the-healers duty, standing behind the healer line out of AOE fear range, since they have the fastest heals, and advise the healers that they don't need to bandage, stick to healing the MT. Sounds reasonable?
Alrin,Aug 14 2005, 07:44 AM Wrote:The Lucy fight? Ok so that pull was perhaps one that some people were not ready for but the fight after was executed wonderfully. I got MC'd twice in that fight and it never stayed on for more than a millisecond, heh. Heck, I dont even think we lost anyone in that fight, did we?

We did not. 36-man group, on a pull most of us weren't yet ready for... and ZERO deaths. That was good stuff.
Darian Redwin - just some dude now

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