Save games - how they work

So I am playing D2 patch 1.11 and I come across a boss that kills me, the lizard in the tombs, second act. I hit escape to continue the game. I buy some new gear in town to go back to reclaim my body and the great gear I had. I get killed again, and the game gets buggy and crashes - like they do sometimes.

I restart my computer and the game and there my body is lying in town. I go to it, touch and get my stuff back, only it's not all there! I have lost my gloves and my boots and they have been replaced with the substitute boots and gloves I bought to try and reclaim my body and my good swag! Is there any way to restart the game at an older save to get my first set of gear back?

Thing is I am a Paladin and I had these amazing boots! I think they were for a Barbarian as they gave a Barbarian a 10% jump bonus, (only barbarian in brackets), plus they had all kinds of magic resistance, increased hit, increased defense, increased block etc. They also made me move much faster as they had a run/walk bonus. They were amazing. They were blue and worth about 7889gold! I don't know if I will ever get anything that good for a long time. I would like them back if at all possible, I don't mind starting with an older save, but how can one access them?

The gloves were ok too as they had a get magic items bonus of about 14%, but the boots I want bad!!!!

So can I access older saves? If not, how do I prevent this sort of thing from happening again? I have some set pieces but have not been waring them for fear this sort of thing would happen. The boots were not set pieces, but in many ways better than the set pieces I do have.

Thanks in advance!

Cheers, Mark
There is only one save game per character. This replaced frequently with the autosaves and with the "save and exit." There's no way to go back.

In the future, don't use temporary equipment in an attempt to recover a corpse.

When you die, you leave a corpse that has all the items you had equipped. If you die again, with different equipment, you'll leave another corpse. If you try to pick up a corpse while you don't have enough space for everything (for example, if you're holding temporary equipment), you'll only take some of the equipment and will still leave the corpse.

When you leave the game, only the corpse with the most valuable (in terms of gold sell value) equipment will be saved. The others are gone forever.

So if you just leave the game immediately when you die, your (only) corpse will be in town with all your equipment. But if you try to recover a corpse with temporary equipment, you might have multiple corpses, with your equipment distributed among. If you leave then, you'll lose all but one of them.

As for the boots you described, there's no such thing. You're misremembering.

Thanks for the info on the saves, I will just leave the game in future. Is there a special way to leave the game after dying I need to know about? Or just hit escape to restart the game, and then choose save and exit? or should I do a hard shut down with control alt delete?

About the boots, my memory may not be exact, but they were pretty well what I described. Is there anything similar to what I was describing? I know they had a bonus just for barbarians, and they were blue, and worth several thousand gold to sell.

I am playing version 1.11

Thanks again.

Cheers, Mark

edit: I think the boots may have been Gorefoot, looking around on the net they seem similar to what I had.
Mark9977,Sep 2 2005, 05:51 PM Wrote:Hi,

Thanks for the info on the saves, I will just leave the game in future. Is there a special way to leave the game after dying I need to know about? Or just hit escape to restart the game, and then choose save and exit? or should I do a hard shut down with control alt delete?

About the boots, my memory may not be exact, but they were pretty well what I described. Is there anything similar to what I was describing? I know they had a bonus just for barbarians, and they were blue, and worth several thousand gold to sell.

I am playing version 1.11

Thanks again.

Cheers, Mark

edit: I think the boots may have been Gorefoot, looking around on the net they seem similar to what I had.

Yes, they were gorefoot. They aren't all that great.
What is the judicial system coming to when child molesters get 5 years and cottage cheese gets 30.

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