Zul'gurub Saturday Morning Run 3
Sign up for the next Saturday morning run here! This will be cross-posted to the Lurkers and Carpe Aurum boards, but all Avarice guilds are welcome (including House Harpell and Keepers of the Cheese).

We will meet in the area out front of the Zul'gurub complex by noon server time (9 AM Pacific). Please be prepared: get yourself ammo and reagents, pick up your class quests from Yojambo Island (far northwest Stranglethorn Vale). Fastest route to ZG from Stormwind is through Darkwood, then just follow the road south into STV.

Please read the Raid Rules and Strategy Notes thread prior to the raid:

Signups will be open through Thursday evening; there is no priority given for earlier signups within that time. Later signups than Thursday will pre-empt earlier signups only if they are necessary for class balance.

Please indicate in your signup your char name(s), classes, and whether you cannot normally make the Tuesday late-night runs. Please also indicate if you want to be a Saturday regular (i.e. you do not need to repeat signups unless you specifically want to opt out of a run)

(Addenda: I'm also considering whether people would prefer a late night Saturday run instead of a morning Saturday run. Please indicate which you would be able to make and which you would prefer, noon server time or 11 PM server time, but this run will be at noon server time for this week.)

Signup thread on the Basin

However, if you sign up here, I'll copy your signup over to the above thread.
Raid roster is up on the Basin!

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