What kind of Paladin am I?
In diablo 1, I preferred a warrior but used my magics, I often liked to heal other when team playing. I like team play, and the bonuses I can give team mates seems something I would like. I am more defensive fighting style, I run around, heal and wear down my enemy. But I like close combat and i like ranged alot to.

I was thinking of being a defensive aura paladin with combat tactic skills. Does that seem like my style based on the info or more of a defensive/offensive aura?

:whistling: What I also need is a guide for a Amazon, Paladin and barbarian as these are my first three classes I picked.

I checked out diabloii.com and they're seems to be a good barbarian one but it seems to be for version 1.03 I think.

I need a premium choice link for how to level up the classes and make them very powerful.


I have been looking at the site above and wonder if its a good site for character builds? I skimmed thru a Paladin 1.10 FAQ and there are others. I need some reccomendations. Something thats good for monsters and team playing and maybe not too bad for the occasional duel to

thanks :)

TheKingofKewl,Oct 9 2005, 12:40 AM Wrote:In diablo 1, I preferred a warrior but used my magics, I often liked to heal other when team playing. I like team play, and the bonuses I can give team mates seems something I would like. I am more defensive fighting style, I run around, heal and wear down my enemy. But I like close combat and i like ranged alot to.

I was thinking of being a defensive aura paladin with combat tactic skills. Does that seem like my style based on the info or more of a defensive/offensive aura?
Hmm, it's nice you are not hell-bent on making a Paladin since I think a Barbarian is more suited to the play style you like.

See, barbarians have the Warcry skilltab, which is almost completely made up of what I would call "support magic". We have the awesome Battle Orders that increases your and your party members' life and mana by a significant degree. We have Shout that increases defense in the same manner. We have Howl and Taunt which can be used to attract or scare away enemies. We have Battlecry that weakens the enemies, Battle Command that increases peoples' skill points (by one) and finally Warcry which stuns enemies for a short period.

Barbarians even has a sort of pseudo-teleport in form of Leap and Leap Attack.

There are a lot of viable barbarian builds these days. Berserkers, Whirlwinders, Frenzybarbs throwbarbs and Concentraters are all viable and popular.

Regarding good Diablo 2 strategy forums I would recommend these two:

DiabloII.net forums
While there are a quite a bit of Bnet kids here and the admins got some strange policies it is one of the most active Diablo 2 forums in existence and has a lot of of really talented and helpful members. Poke around in the character subforums and you should be sure to find several good character guides and other information.

The Amazon Basin Diablo 2 forums
These are not quite as active and popular but are really good and really friendly. The Lurker Lounge and Amazon Basin have a quite friendly relationship to each other.
If you are just looking for guides, many are found in GameFaQ
Almost all of them are good guides for making a char in D2...
"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that
- Winston Churchill
You both mentioned some good websites. However there is so many choices its a bit overwhelming. Given there is just a few for each class. I tried reading through a few to find out what is good for me at:

Okay given the information I gave above I need to select a barbarian and a paladin on my play style. There seems to be 3 or so barbarian ones:

1.11 Dragoon Barbarian Guide 08/21/05 AUNAO
(seems to focus on war cries and maybe favors spear class for combat masteries) is the most recent guide at this site for barbarians I believe. Also seems to like Long ranged melee weapons like Polearms and duel weilding as prime choice options.

Barbarian Guide 08/25/02 Loranna
(On older guide and may not be as up to date, alot of text here as well, a good read but I want to get started soon so I think this one is out)

Barbarian Guide 02/25/04 Magic Mario
(has played with the barbarian class for a long time he says, seems to have a list of the 3 skill sets and with it how many to put in each, effective I think)

Now this is my first time through the entire game so I'm looking for power manly, though I enjoy a challenge. I just am not ready for a throw barbarian for example that more experienced players like to experiment with...

I think for a paladin build I want to go with Blessed Hammer, I enjoyed using it before and it is quite powerful so I need a good guide for this one if anyone can reccomend a paticular one. thanks :)

Chaostheory,Oct 10 2005, 03:00 PM Wrote:If you are just looking for guides, many are found in GameFaQ
Almost all of them are good guides for making a char in D2...
And then there's the lurkerlounge's strategy guides. Some of these are out of date, but can still be relevant.

Refrigerator,Oct 11 2005, 05:49 AM Wrote:And then there's the lurkerlounge's strategy guides.  Some of these are out of date, but can still be relevant.


I would have listed that, but then it dawned upon me that with the exception of ONE guide (Mongojerry's Enchantress) all are pre-1.10.

Also we must face that the Lurker Lounge is mostly a World of Warcraft forum these days.
Little Faith,Oct 11 2005, 07:25 AM Wrote:Also we must face that the Lurker Lounge is mostly a World of Warcraft forum these days.
That is a pity... :(
"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that
- Winston Churchill

yeah :( when I was talkin to my buddy at work he said pretty much the same thing "there all hanging out in the WOW forum" but some people are still here. From the looks of the WOW trailor I saw its no wonder it has become so popular. I'm more medieval though, and it seems in WOW they have discovered the much accursed gun powder :( There are primitive gun variations I think. The graphics blew my mind away though.

I started my Hammerdin Paladin, level 25 now. str 70, dex around 55, vitial 67 non in energy. I'm trying to fucus on strength and vital I always dump 1 or 2 points in dex of course. I hope I'm averaging out the proper point ratio to wear the better armors and swords that are to come.


Chaostheory,Oct 11 2005, 04:18 PM Wrote:That is a pity... :(
My hammerdin is getting hammered :-) In open spaces he does alright, but I am more of a sword and shield person, less dependant on magic. I am the architect of my own destruction as I knew this going in. However a smiter did not sound as good to me for some odd reason. My friend has a Holy Shock paladin and kicks butt with it, dunno how these do in Nightmare or hell modes.

Sigh. I was wanting a barbarian and paladin that would be able to do alright there when the time came. Just hard picking the builds.

Whats your guy's opinion of the much offered and requested rush on the bnet?

TheKingofKewl,Oct 9 2005, 12:40 AM Wrote:In diablo 1, I preferred a warrior but used my magics, I often liked to heal other when team playing. I like team play, and the bonuses I can give team mates seems something I would like. I am more defensive fighting style, I run around, heal and wear down my enemy. But I like close combat and i like ranged alot to.

I was thinking of being a defensive aura paladin with combat tactic skills. Does that seem like my style based on the info or more of a defensive/offensive aura?
TheKingofKewl,Oct 12 2005, 09:39 PM Wrote:Whats your guy's opinion of the much offered and requested rush on the bnet?

Well, I don't do it, at most I will ask for help with Dia or the Ancients!

The guys who rush you usually do it for the Hellforge runes and act boss drops. Don't try to trick them, be paranoid, they might PK you just for fun after they have rushed you.
Prophecy of Deimos
“The world doesn’t end with water, fire, or cold. I’ve divined the coming apocalypse. It ends with tentacles!”
TheKingofKewl,Oct 12 2005, 09:39 PM Wrote:My hammerdin is getting hammered :-)  In open spaces he does alright, but I am more of a sword and shield person, less dependant on magic. [right][snapback]91843[/snapback][/right]
If you are building your hammerdin by a guide, they must have warned you...
Using blessed hammer requires a lot of training. I think hammerdin is the most effective in the whole game, cause no enemy is immune to hammers :-) , only magic resistant beasts have some kind of protection against hammers...

If you like doing the game with melee character and survive in hell difficulty too, i recommend that you use martial arts assassin, i build one and she could solo pretty well in all difficulties.
"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that
- Winston Churchill
Actually I was looking at the marital art assassin and I am very interested in playing one. I have a character called ShadowDance already made with the intention of being one. She hasn't yet done anything cause I been using my new barbarian but I look forward to it.

My friend is having trouble using his sorceress. She's over level 60 now and he's skilled in ice. But Diablo is immune he says to ice and fire at least on higher settings. So does a sorceress get by if she's not schooled in lightening? This seems unfair. He needs some tips. I was talking to a 93rd level paladin, nice guy. He showed me all his stuff, amazing gear. Including a sword with loads of runes some that seemed to offer his sword 50-300 cold damage and same for magic so I guess thats how he gets arround the pyhiscal damage immunities.

He told me that if I was wanting to build a strong paladin to focus on Zeal, Fantacsiam, holy shield and sacrifice I guess. He says it gets him through all difficulties quite well. Course he has body armor giving him 1414 defense and a required lvl 86 to even wear it so I'm sure that helps as well :)
Anyone confirm this as a good build? He also uses a aura merc from act two, who is also lvl 93 and gear almost as good as what he has!
his stats with all his gear on our

265 strength
165 dex
381 vital
38 energy


Chaostheory,Oct 13 2005, 05:39 AM Wrote:If you are building your hammerdin by a guide, they must have warned you...
Using blessed hammer requires a lot of training. I think hammerdin is the most effective in the whole game, cause no enemy is immune to hammers :-) , only magic resistant beasts have some kind of protection against hammers...

If you like doing the game with melee character and survive in hell difficulty too, i recommend that you use martial arts assassin, i build one and she could solo pretty well in all difficulties.
[quote=TheKingofKewl,Oct 14 2005, 09:36 PM]

My friend is having trouble using his sorceress. She's over level 60 now and he's skilled in ice. But Diablo is immune he says to ice and fire at least on higher settings. So does a sorceress get by if she's not schooled in lightening? This seems unfair. He needs some tips. I was talking to a 93rd level paladin, nice guy. He showed me all his stuff, amazing gear. Including a sword with loads of runes some that seemed to offer his sword 50-300 cold damage and same for magic so I guess thats how he gets arround the pyhiscal damage immunities.

He told me that if I was wanting to build a strong paladin to focus on Zeal, Fantacsiam, holy shield and sacrifice I guess.


Tell your friend that maxed Cold Mastery breaks Cold Immunes. The Pala probably meant Vengeance instead of Sacrifice.
Prophecy of Deimos
“The world doesn’t end with water, fire, or cold. I’ve divined the coming apocalypse. It ends with tentacles!”
really? max breaks it? that is so awesome. I thought Blizzard made a mistake SHAME on me :)
thats perfect i will let him know this he will be very happy to know it!

so max Vegenace, Zeal, Fantasicism and Holy Shield?
for a Paladin

Assur,Oct 15 2005, 01:15 AM Wrote:[quote=TheKingofKewl,Oct 14 2005, 09:36 PM]

My friend is having trouble using his sorceress. She's over level 60 now and he's skilled in ice. But Diablo is immune he says to ice and fire at least on higher settings. So does a sorceress get by if she's not schooled in lightening? This seems unfair. He needs some tips. I was talking to a 93rd level paladin, nice guy. He showed me all his stuff, amazing gear. Including a sword with loads of runes some that seemed to offer his sword 50-300 cold damage and same for magic so I guess thats how he gets arround the pyhiscal damage immunities.

He told me that if I was wanting to build a strong paladin to focus on Zeal, Fantacsiam, holy shield and sacrifice I guess.


Tell your friend that maxed Cold Mastery breaks Cold Immunes. The Pala probably meant Vengeance instead of Sacrifice.
Quote:He told me that if I was wanting to build a strong paladin to focus on Zeal, Fantacsiam, holy shield and sacrifice I guess. He says it gets him through all difficulties quite well. Course he has body armor giving him 1414 defense and a required lvl 86 to even wear it so I'm sure that helps as well 
Anyone confirm this as a good build? He also uses a aura merc from act two, who is also lvl 93 and gear almost as good as what he has!
his stats with all his gear on our
the pala described here sounds like a standard zealot in which case maxing sacrifice which is a synergy to zeal will add a ton of damage to your attack

It's Not The Look That Counts Because Survival Is The Most Important Thing.
TheKingofKewl,Oct 14 2005, 09:36 PM Wrote:My friend is having trouble using his sorceress. She's over level 60 now and he's skilled in ice. But Diablo is immune he says to ice and fire at least on higher settings.
Immune to fire and ice you say?
That's odd...
Check this place http://www.battle.net/diablo2exp/monster...ablo.shtml
This should confirm that diablo, nor the two other prime evils are not immune to anything...
"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that
- Winston Churchill
No slvl of cold mastery has any effect at all on cold immunes.
No, I think he's right. I just checked this up in the manual. Quote on Quote:

Cold Mastery (passive)

Once mastery over this powerful elemental force is attained, a Sorceress achieves perfect command over this school of magic. Her freezing spells are now of such potency that adversaries formerly impervious to thier effects soon find themselves the surprised victims of a viscious, chilly assault.

note (this seems to only apply to cold)

adeyke,Oct 15 2005, 04:12 PM Wrote:No slvl of cold mastery has any effect at all on cold immunes.
TheKingofKewl,Oct 15 2005, 02:47 PM Wrote:No, I think he's right. I just checked this up in the manual. Quote on Quote:

Cold Mastery (passive)

Once mastery over this powerful elemental force is attained, a Sorceress achieves perfect command over this school of magic. Her freezing spells are now of such potency that adversaries formerly impervious to thier effects soon find themselves the surprised victims of a viscious, chilly assault.
note (this seems to only apply to cold)

Perhaps you should have read the entire section:

Quote:Cold Mastery will not work against monsters that are Immune to Cold. So even if you have Enemy Resistance -105%, they will still be Cold Immune and you will still be unable to damage them. So what's the point of 100%+ you might ask? Well if they are NOT Cold Immune, it will lower their Cold Resistance down below 0% which essentially means they will take more damage. It's just like when *you* have negative resistances in Nightmare/Hell difficulty.

Having said that, the manuals provided by Blizzard are notorious for errors. However, adeyke is not. :) When he posts a response to a technical question, you can take it as gospel.
And you may call it righteousness
When civility survives,
But I've had dinner with the Devil and
I know nice from right.

From Dinner with the Devil, by Big Rude Jake


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