Zealadin and Hammerdin versus Über Duriel
So, I got interested about the new Übers that roam around the land, so i thought with my friend to go and kick their butt for good (would be pretty hard to make it on my own)
I am making a zealadin and my friend is making a hammerdin...
Of course the first Über to start with, is Über Duriel
About the zealadin: What would be the best aura to use with zeal against The Über Duriel? i thought about using fanaticism, but if there is a better one, i'd like to know...

The Boss:

Über Duriel
Level: 110
Experience: 2,648,000
Hit Points: 650,000-660,000
Attack rating: 7185 & 9798
Defense rating: 2520
%block: 50
Damage resist: 50
Magic resist: 75
Fire resist: 75
Cold resist: 75
Lightning resist: 75
Poison resist: 75
Drain effectiveness: 100
Chill effectiveness: 20

I think we can make pretty fine in the battle
(Zealadin + Hammerdin = dead Über Duriel)
but i some tips would be useful too :)

For example what kind of gear i would have when fighting him?
What would be ideal weapon for fighting Über Duriel?

And if you have fought Über Duriel yourself, plz tell about the battle (meaning like if it was easy or hard)

Thx for all for replying!!
"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that
- Winston Churchill
The hammerdin might come in handy for the final uber trist (crowd clearing), but against the uber bosses themselves the class won't be as effective as a char that can deal out some crushing blow.

You'll want some source of poison damage or open wounds on the zealer, to prevent duriel healing himself. As far as weapons go, try to get a heaven's light or better yet a 'Death' runeword. Both these weapons have CB, which is what you'll want. Also, I'd stick with fana for the zealer. If you can get a source of life tap (either a wand, or a pair of draculs) then it would make the task alot easier.

The main problem with duriel is his holy freeze aura slowing you down, but of the 3 first uber bosses he isn't too difficult. More often than not, he'll be right next to the portal (just up right of the 'waypoint'), so you don't really need to worry about the other monsters in the area.

Edit: Also, if you do try uber trist with these two, you might want to consider having the hammerdin sit on salvation for meph. It makes alot of difference.
Chaostheory,Oct 18 2005, 12:27 PM Wrote:For example what kind of gear i would have when fighting him?
What would be ideal weapon for fighting Über Duriel?

And if you have fought Über Duriel yourself, plz tell about the battle (meaning like if it was easy or hard)

I've gone up against the ubers quite a few times with a friend of mine. The first few times we attempted it we got our asses handed to us, but we eventually figured out an ideal way to beat them pretty easily. We can now do a complete uber Tristram run in under 5 minutes, with no deaths.

The key is two characters - one is a melee character that loads up on Crushing Blow and has a fast attack skill. Some method of casting Life Tap is essential. The second character's sole job is to shut down the summoned minions so the first character can focus on the ubers unimpeded. Additional characters are actually a detriment as they increase the life of the ubers.

We used a Smite Paladin as the uber-whacker, but Fury Druids, Zealers, Frenzy Barbs, and maybe even WW Barbs could do pretty well. The key is as much Crushing Blow as possible, and Life Tap.

The secondary "safety character" is ideally a Summoning Necro, with lots of minions and max Dim Vision. This is the guy I play. Dim Vision shuts all of the summoned guys down, and the minions keep the heat off of the uber-whacker. I imagine that a Multishot Rogue with 100% Pierce and knockback might also be effective, as would be a Barb with lots of Howl. The later is perfect for clearing a way free of the portal if things go awry.

I really can't suggest using a Hammerdin at all, even to help with the summoned minions. A Necro does the job much better. He doesn't kill many of them, but that's not his job. His job is to keep everything tied up and to allow the uber-whacker to do his job.

I've built up my own Zealer for uber runs, following a template I saw posted by MMAgCh. Crushing Blow is the theme.

Helm: Guillaume's Face w/ Um rune (35% CB)
Armor: "Duress" runeword (15% CB)
Boots: Gore Riders (15% CB)
Gloves: Dracul's Grasp (for the ever-important Life Tap)
Belt: String of Ears, Nosferatu's Coil, or Verdungoes
Shield: Herald of Zakarum w/ P. Diamond (mine has an Um rune for some stupid reason)
Amulet: Highlord's Wrath (no CB, but offers +1 skills and IAS)
Ring1: Ravenfrost
Ring2: Ideally BK, but anything with resists and life works also

There are a few weapon choices. Astreon's Iron Ward, Heaven's Light, and Stormlash all offer IAS and 33% Crushing Blow, so those would be the top choices. I personally use Astreon's.

All told that's 98% Crushing Blow, which will bring an uber to his knees in fairly short order assuming that Life Tap is cast and the summoned minions are neatly tied up.
DeeBye,Dec 14 2005, 03:58 AM Wrote:I've built up my own Zealer for uber runs, following a template I saw posted by MMAgCh.  Crushing Blow is the theme.

Helm: Guillaume's Face w/ Um rune (35% CB)
Armor: "Duress" runeword (15% CB)
Boots: Gore Riders (15% CB)
Gloves: Dracul's Grasp (for the ever-important Life Tap)
Belt: String of Ears, Nosferatu's Coil, or Verdungoes
Shield: Herald of Zakarum w/ P. Diamond (mine has an Um rune for some stupid reason)
Amulet: Highlord's Wrath (no CB, but offers +1 skills and IAS)
Ring1: Ravenfrost
Ring2: Ideally BK, but anything with resists and life works also

There are a few weapon choices.  Astreon's Iron Ward, Heaven's Light, and Stormlash all offer IAS and 33% Crushing Blow, so those would be the top choices.  I personally use Astreon's. 

All told that's 98% Crushing Blow, which will bring an uber to his knees in fairly short order assuming that Life Tap is cast and the summoned minions are neatly tied up.
I have built a smiteadin and he is level 79 now, he is wearing these things:

Helm: Delirium ( I can't seem to find Guillame's face anywhere )
Armor: Duress
Boots: Gore Riders
Gloves: Venom Grip (no luck in getting dracu's yet)
Belt: Thundergod's vigor
Shield: Alma necra (since I haven't got Herald yet)
Amulet: Atma's scarab (haven't got a better one yet)
Ring1: Ravenfrost
Ring2: some rare ring
Weapon: barbed club with runeword Black for 40% cb, Wizardspike

As you can see I have read about those things too, a runeword Death would give 50% change of crushing blow but unfortunately I am non-ladder so I can't do it...

I can bring any boss monster down quite easily but the little monsters before them seem to be a bit tough (at least the undead stygian dolls before meph)

Since I haven't got Herald of Zakarum yet, i have some troubles with resistances...
That thing I have replaced with Wizardspike (+75 all resistances), but that results the loss of 40% cb

At the time I have some troubles on finding the key of Destruction, the two others are easy to get...
I have to build a hammerdin with enigma..
"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that
- Winston Churchill

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