LCD HDTV vs LCD Monitor

I have a 19" Hyundai ImageQuest L90D+ 8ms TFT [$400.00]....I'm pricing [$600.00] a Olevia LT26HVE 26-Inch 1280 x 768 12ms Black HD-Ready LCD TV ...> a Response Time of "12ms" is fast for Gaming & if I wall mount it above my desk I will be about 30 in from this BIG screen LCD :wub:

Does anyone here at LL Use a LCD TV for Gaming with a PC or PS Playstation/XBox ? <_<

Everything you wanted to know about Liquid Crystal Diode (LCD) TV

EDIT: 2nd Choice: Sceptre 27" 16:9 HDTV-Ready LCD Television [$700.00]
Have a Great Quest,
Jim...aka King Jim

He can do more for Others, Who has done most with Himself.
King Jim,Oct 23 2005, 01:27 PM Wrote:Hi,

I have a 19" Hyundai ImageQuest L90D+ 8ms TFT [$400.00]....I'm pricing [$600.00] a Olevia LT26HVE 26-Inch 1280 x 768 12ms Black HD-Ready LCD TV ...> a Response Time of&nbsp; "12ms" is fast for Gaming &&nbsp; if I wall mount it above my desk&nbsp; I will be about 30 in from this BIG screen LCD :wub:

Does anyone here at LL Use a LCD TV for Gaming with a PC or PS Playstation/XBox ?&nbsp; <_<

Everything you wanted to know about Liquid Crystal Diode (LCD) TV

EDIT: 2nd Choice: Sceptre 27" 16:9 HDTV-Ready LCD Television [$700.00]

Go with your second choice, if you're going to go with an LCD TV. Widescreen is the ONLY way to go these days, for ANYTHING. If you don't, you're wasting your money and limiting yourself for no reason.

Having said that, I think Plasma would be the better technology, or even a Projector. But, go with what you feel is best.
Roland *The Gunslinger*
Roland,Oct 23 2005, 01:47 PM Wrote:Go with your second choice, if you're going to go with an LCD TV. Widescreen is the ONLY way to go these days, for ANYTHING. If you don't, you're wasting your money and limiting yourself for no reason.

Having said that, I think Plasma would be the better technology, or even a Projector. But, go with what you feel is best.

Been awhile since I researched this, but from what I remember having read from various articles in IGN Magazine, PC World, PC Magazine, Popular Science, Sound & Music, and tons of clippings around the web, the BEST choice is a Front-Side-Projector (yes, the type you can mount on your ceiling or hide within your coffee table). Most front-side projectors are now HDTV capable and have a far superior resolution and contrast to any LCD or Plasma I have ever seen. Most can project an image as small as a couple inches tall-and-wide, to as large as 30-feet+ depending on the model, and the starting price on these bad boys is a mere $700 from Fry's Electronics last time I checked (about 1-year ago), but you may even be able to find them for cheaper on the net! If you get a projector with a powerful enough bulb, you can even watch your media in total daylight without any ill fading or degradation. Did I mention you can plug in your computer or other media devices? Oh yah, and size for size, they're a hell-of-a-lot cheaper than rear-side projectors or plasma screen T.V.'s.

I'd try to get a projector with XVGA, not SVGA, along with at least an 800:1 contrast ratio minimum. Because I don't really watch T.V. that much in the day, the brightness of the bulb wouldn't be that large of a concern for me personally. I could never fully understand why people choose huge, bulky, and expensive rear-side projectors, LCD's, or plasma screens over front-side projectors, especially when you compare them next to each other. The plasmas and LCD's mainly show jagged edges that you don't see from projectors! I think it has something to do with marketing and the fact that everyone in retail makes more money off the more expensive TV’s than off the cheaper ones.

Well, good luck with your decision. Do a little more research and really try to compare the TV’s your sincerely interested in side-by-side before you sink some serious cash into them! You may find something better around the corner.
"The true value of a human being is determined primarily by the measure and the sense in which he has attained liberation from the self." -Albert Einsetin
I don't have one, but I've seen games on them and the DLP technology enabled products are better. That projector that was linked was a DLP projector as well.

Admittedly when I was looking for an summer or co-op position when I was still a sophomore in EE back in 95 and I saw a demo of DLP tech that was still not yet ready to be in a product I was amazed by it and still am. The clarity, color, response, sharpness are all just better to my eye than anything else I've seen.

The problem is that right now they aren't in any of the smaller T.V.'s. So you are looking a projector if you want the tech for under $1k right now. :(

I also agree that you want widescreen if you get anything now.

But yes you can use a T.V. as your monitor if you get a good enough one. I had a co-worker who did. It was a $2000 HD TV at the time he got it, very equivalent to the stuff that you are looking at now for $700
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.

Prices are for LCD are going Nuts :P

SOYO 32" Widescreen LCD HDTV ( Dymond Series ) $795.00
Have a Great Quest,
Jim...aka King Jim

He can do more for Others, Who has done most with Himself.

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