Lurker Warsong Gulch Group
Alright, let's get things sorted out. I think it's best not to rely on drops, so I'll list the best quest rewards which I can then update as better options are found.

Weapon: Wingblade
Shield: Arctic Buckler
Ring 1: Seal of Sylvanas
Ring 2: Bounty Hunter's Ring
Legs: Settler's Leggings
Back: Barkeeper's Cloak
Waist: Cinched Belt

Is it possible to get shoulder armor, a helmet, a necklace, even trinckets at such a low level?
A plague of exploding high-fives.
You can make head armor if you're engineering and pay for AH mats to skillup far enough

White (but not green or blue) shoulder armor is available at 19, again, AH is probably your best bet. There are a couple of quests, but they are all for cloth.

If you get Warsong rep to Honored (takes a LONG time of turning in the marks) you get the opportunity to buy a necklace required level 18. I think chances are slim that you can turn in enough marks and not get at least level 20.

I think the rest is best left to the AH.

Thottbot is your friend for looking up this kind of stuff.
Conc / Concillian -- Vintage player of many games. Deadly leader of the All Pally Team (or was it Death leader?)
Terenas WoW player... while we waited for Diablo III.
And it came... and it went... and I played Hearthstone longer than Diablo III.
Quote:So many very coordinated opposing groups, and some of the horde people are so caught up in the PvP ladder that they would AFK out of any match where a cap didn't happen in the first few minutes or they decided the opponent would be too tough and the match would last too long.

Grrrrr, that really boils my blood! It's the scourge of BGs as far as I'm concerned. I can handle loosing - hey, each encounter gives you the opportunity to learn and improve - but it's soooooo frustraiting when it's three on ten. After all, you can't learn much when 2 shadow bolts and three fireballs hit you at the same time. :angry:

Oops, rant off now. Sorry about that. ><

For gearing up, don't forget to check the various trade skills. There's some pretty neat low level stuff in some of them that might help fill the gaps.

Another handy WSG tip for when you're not on Vent or TS, whip up three macros that say in raid "east" "west" and "tunnel". I never got the hang of typing while I was running the flag or chasing it down, and found having those macros on my hotbar really handy.

Bah, that has to be about my most half-arsed attempt to stay on topic every. :rolleyes: Carry on, nothing to see here.
I hate flags

"Then Honor System came out and I had b*$@& tattoo'd on my forehead and a "kick me" sign taped to my back." - Tiku

Stormscale: Treglies, UD Mage; Treggles, 49 Orc Shaman; Tregor, semi-un-retired Druid.

Terenas (all retired): 60 Druid; 60 Shaman. (Not very creative with my character selection, am I?!Wink
This idea interests me quite a bit. I currently have a level 15 warrior gathering dust. He hasn't been able to keep my interest, possibly running WSG and later on AB would be a good way for him to go. I would expect we could pick more lurkers as we advance thru the levels. (Perhaps the ICP would be interested.)

I could also use some help on talent specs, I would expect that in pvp, there would be less need to change stance and less need to employ Anger Management. As an orc, I'll be using an axe, but would love advice on pros/cons of each: 2 hand, 1 hand & shield or dual wield. I am currently looking at something like this Crazed Orc Warrior Spec

As Shadowe has a bunch of low level alts, I am sure I could convice her to run along in there too.

Edit: pasted incorrect spec in original post.

See ya on Terenas!
<span style="color:red">Absolute Power!!!!<!--sizec--><!--/sizec--> - Jafar

<span style="color:green">Terenas
60 Gorohnt Orc Warlock - Herb / Alchemy (Main)
54 RawkPaine Orc Shaman - Mining / Jewelcrafting
54 Galahnt Orc Hunter - Mining / Engineer (Goblin)
42 Garahnt Tauren Shaman - Skinning / Leatherworking
36 Gholoko Tauren Druid - Enchanting/ Mining
33 Gharawk Troll Rogue - Mining / Engineer
20 MaxPaine Orc Warrior - Mine / Smith
Which alt would you like? I currently have a lev 10 rogue, lev 22 Lock, lev 27 mage....ummm...all my others are under lev 10
<span style="color:red"> Terenas<!--/sizec-->

<span style="color:orange">
Tamainelka- ----62 O Hunter(Eng/Min)
<span style="color:orange">
Sharissea--------23 BE Hunter(Skin/Min)
<span style="color:orange">
Kaiyleri-----------17 BE Warlock(Tail/Ench)
<span style="color:orange">
Crysalisse--------05 BE Mage(Alch/Herb)
<span style="color:orange">
Paksarrian--------01 BE Paladin(LW/Smith)

FlashNPan,Nov 8 2005, 12:32 PM Wrote:This idea interests me quite a bit. I currently have a level 15 warrior gathering dust. He hasn't been able to keep my interest, possibly running WSG and later on AB would be a good way for him to go. I would expect we could pick more lurkers as we advance thru the levels. (Perhaps the ICP would be interested.)

I could also use some help on talent specs, I would expect that in pvp, there would be less need to change stance and less need to employ Anger Management. As an orc, I'll be using an axe, but would love advice on pros/cons of each: 2 hand, 1 hand & shield or dual wield. I am currently looking at something like this Crazed Orc Warrior Spec

As Shadowe has a bunch of low level alts, I am sure I could convice her to run along in there too.

See ya on Terenas!

Not sure on that. Intercept is huge in PvP and I know that I wouldn't want to be in zerker stance the whole time so anger management and tactical mastery seem pretty important to me. I can even see wanting rage to pop into defensive and hit shield wall at times. Tactical mastery and anger management actually seem the least useful when you are running instances. Sure you lose some tricks but you can tank or DPS as a warrior in an instance pretty easily without either. I know this because I've had builds without them and done just fine. But those skills are about flexibility and PvP to me seems to be all about flexibility because your opponents isn't scripted.
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.
Hmmm.....I personally would love to take ICP into WSG. Warlock, 2 mages, and 2 priests? We'd be killing machines with healers to back us up. We wouldn't make great flag carriers, as we're squishy, but it sounds fun. However, I would doubt that the ICP party will have the opportunity to do that as a group. Part of the biggest thing in the way of ICP is the lack of playing time for much of the group. But, I do like the way you think, Flash. :D

Bloodmourne - 85 Blood Elf Death Knight <Lurkers>
Vreeslik - 85 Undead Warlock <Lurkers>
Fazuul - 70 Tauren Druid <Lurkers>
Ooh - 70 Troll Rogue <Lurkers>
Gorkuk- 63 Orc Hunter <Lurkers>
Rojaal - 70 Blood Elf Paladin <Lurkers>
Gnollguy,Nov 8 2005, 10:39 AM Wrote:Not sure on that.&nbsp; Intercept is huge in PvP and I know that I wouldn't want to be in zerker stance the whole time so anger management and tactical mastery seem pretty important to me.&nbsp; I can even see wanting rage to pop into defensive and hit shield wall at times.&nbsp; Tactical mastery and anger management actually seem the least useful when you are running instances.&nbsp; Sure you lose some tricks but you can tank or DPS as a warrior in an instance pretty easily without either.&nbsp; I know this because I've had builds without them and done just fine.&nbsp; But those skills are about flexibility and PvP to me seems to be all about flexibility because your opponents isn't scripted.
I have to agree with GG on this, Tactical Mastery is huge in PvP. Charge, intercept, disarm, all big in PvP, and all in different stances. Plus, the passive rage generation of Anger Management helps quite a bit.

In your talent plan, you favored Imp Battle Shout over Enrage, and I don't agree with that. With a MS build, you can't have improved execute and maxed Enrage, but Enrage is still better than maxing out imp battle shout, IMO. Keeping improved execute, you could still get 3 into Enrage by a more standard 31/20 format. I've also favored Unbridled Wrath over Improved Demo Shout. I don't think Demo shout is used too much in the chaos of PvP, and rage is hard to come by, especially when you execute all away as soon as you can.
Dagorthan – Level 85 Blood Knight
Turothan – Level 83 Blood Knight
Sarothan – Level 62 Blood Knight
Durambar – Level 82 Warrior
Strifemourne – Level 80 Death Knight
Gnollguy,Nov 8 2005, 05:39 PM Wrote:Intercept is huge in PvP and I know that I wouldn't want to be in zerker stance the whole time so anger management and tactical mastery seem pretty important to me. [right][snapback]94398[/snapback][/right]

The point is moot, for me anyways, seeing as I'm only going to get 10 talent points. I'm probably just going to stick them in Shield Specialization and Toughness.

Krashenk seems to be in his prime for 10-19 WSG, at least in your signature. Stop on by anytime!

@ Shadowe: The level 10 rogue!
A plague of exploding high-fives.
Sheep,Nov 8 2005, 06:28 PM Wrote:The point is moot, for me anyways, seeing as I'm only going to get 10 talent points. I'm probably just going to stick them in Shield Specialization and Toughness.

Krashenk seems to be in his prime for 10-19 WSG, at least in your signature. Stop on by anytime!

@ Shadowe: The level 10 rogue!

Krashenk is 20 or 21 now. I haven't updated yet. Though I have other alts not in the sig. And yeah I would be up for some PvP. I want to do more of it on Stormrage too but I well I really want to be in lurker groups for my first few goes so that I can get advice in constructive manners.
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.

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