Off-weapon damage and Smite
Wise and kindly lurkers, I beg your opinions in this matter:

I seem to recall reading that Damage to Demons is considered off-weapon ED, even if it's on a weapon. Is that actually the case?

If it is, would the +318% Damage to Demons on, say, a Sazabi sword, work with Smite in the same way as the 350% Damage to Demons on Laying of Hands would?

Once that's settled, my troubles haven't ended. According to this post from last year by Librarian, Damage to Demons works with Smite, but over at the AB, there are those who believe it doesn't.

I ask because I'd like to see if smite can work as a boss-killer without Crushing Blow. I suppose with the ED to demons from both Sazabi and LoH, Zeal might be fairly effective, but Zeal isn't Smite.

Yours truly,
Pally with a Sazabi's Cobalt Redeemer and a pair of Laying of Hands sitting on a mule and hoping for an alternative to Crushing Blow.
Stormrage: Rocdog - Night Elf Hunter - Skinning/Leatherworking
Stormrage: Bait - Human Warrior - Herbalism/Alchemy
I believe enhanced damage to demons/undead has always been used in the equation where non-weapon enhanced damage was applied. This even happens if the property is found on weapons.

As for whether enhanced damage to demons affects smite, I don't think it does. I remember there was this huge thread on the forums, with several people testing it. I could probably try and find it again, but I think it was determined there that it didn't increase smites damage at all.

my knowledge since that post has only increased in so far as Open Wounds indeed works with Smite since 1.10final release.

Note that damage to demons counts as offweapon ED in every case, but won't icrease Smite damage if it is on a weapon, same for damage to undead. I trust the testing two Pal players I got the info from.

Given the fact that most Smiters these days prefer Dracul's and Grief/(Astreon/Redeemer) for obvious reasons there are not so much people around interested in solid testings.
so long ...

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current status: re-thinking about HoB
Thank you for the replies.

I think I'd prefer Dracul's and a Grief or one of those scepters, too ... given the chance. :)
Stormrage: Rocdog - Night Elf Hunter - Skinning/Leatherworking
Stormrage: Bait - Human Warrior - Herbalism/Alchemy

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