The Art Of War 1.09 PvP Mod; Pvp Done Right
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This Mod is new, but the community is growing! Come try it out and have some fun!

Check out a fun Diablo II PVP and PVM mod at:
You can continue to play what you are playing as of now, but take some time and try this mod out.

The Art of War is a Diablo 2 1.09 modification, that is based loosely around PvP, with special

changes to add extra difficulty/reward to players who would prefer to just MF (content for pussies, I


Monster difficulty has been re-vamped, making it harder than standard D2, but it should maintain

enough edge to keep you interested until your char is ready to duel.

Skills have been re-balanced and changed (as of now) to fit PvP.

Many new uniques have been added, for all types of character builds, and hundreds more will come as

the mod develops and grows. Our goal is to have enough variety in items so that a player will be able

to find something that is truly unique, and makes that character special.

Various other changes have been implimented, but thats for the players to notice.

Plans for the future:

-Complete new skills
-over 40 new sets, including 7 class specific sets that will feature new skills.
-over 1000 new uniques
-special arena's for dueling, if the blood moor ever gets boring
-new imported monsters (possibly)
-new cube recipes, some of which will be essential for creating some of the new weapons and armor.

While the future plans aren't limited to just those changes, those are the ones you can expect. A few

other surprises will also be in store, assuming they are within the limits of d2's softcode.

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