+30 Spell Damage vs. +22 Intellect
I have now the option to get either a +30 Spell Damage or a +22 Intellect enchantment on my Warlock's Soul Harvester staff. Both enchantments are rather expensive, and I'm leaning towards +22 Intellect because Intellect is always scarce for a mighty SM/Ruin Warlock. +30 Spell Damage, on the other hand, goes nicely too with the damage amplification of the staff and my Robe of the Void. So, what would you choose, and why? :)
"Man only plays when in the full meaning of the word he is a man, and he is only completely a man when he plays." -- Friedrich von Schiller
nobbie,Dec 16 2005, 03:31 PM Wrote:I have now the option to get either a +30 Spell Damage or a +22 Intellect enchantment on my Warlock's Soul Harvester staff. Both enchantments are rather expensive, and I'm leaning towards +22 Intellect because Intellect is always scarce for a mighty SM/Ruin Warlock. +30 Spell Damage, on the other hand, goes nicely too with the damage amplification of the staff and my Robe of the Void. So, what would you choose, and why? :)

+damage because you can always lifetap and bandage if you really need the mana.
Sith Warriors - They only class that gets a new room added to their ship after leaving Hoth, they get a Brooncloset

Einstein said Everything is Relative.
Heisenberg said Everything is Uncertain.
Therefore, everything is relatively uncertain.
Generally most warlocks go the +damage route for both the enchant a lot of their gear, since warlocks have so many ways of obtaining mana for themselves. But if mana really is an issue for you, then I suppose +22 int could make sense. Even if you're running out of mana, though, I would still suggest getting +30 spell damage on your staff and then swapping out other cheaper pieces of gear or use some cheap +int enchants on other pieces of your gear to boost your mana pool. Then, when you get even better gear and mana isn't as much of a limiting factor, you can swap out some of your +int gear and/or enchants, and your staff will be already set with your expensive +damage enchant.
Personally I wouldn't use either enchant on that item - there are direct upgrades available (eg. Rod of the Ogre Magi) so save your money to enchant an item you will keep for a long time.

I'm not big on looks though - if you like the look of the weapon enough to keep it even after statistically superior items are available to you then by all means go ahead. I'd lean towards +damage for a warlock. Another approach is to get a high Int weapon, enchant it with +int and use it for the first couple of casts of each fight then weapon switch to +damage, getting the benefits of both enchants.
I would suggest you start farming materials now for +30 spell power, but maybe save them for a weapon that you'll use longer. The Soul Harvester isn't likely to be your last non-epic weapon, so unless you really like the style (and it is very stylin'!), I'd consider something else for an expensive 'chant like that.

Of course, if you're feeling rich, you could enchant this weapon and your next. Either way, I'd stay away from +int enchants on Warlock gear. Spell power is far more effective for warlocks than any other class, because it applies to each of the several DoTs that you'll have ticking simultaneously. Because you're typically stacking three or more dots on a mob, that +spell damage is working overtime for you.

Because stamina is so important for Warlocks, the Whiteout Staff from AV is a really good choice, with nice high stamina and decent +dmg (to all schools). It takes some work to get the AV faction required to purchase it, but it's worth it.

If you're looking for something a bit more balanced, the Rod of the Ogre Magi has better damage and 1% spell crit, although you give up some stamina. It's easier to get than the AV staff, since it's a reward from DM tribute runs.

And if you're the sort that prefers damage over everything else, go grind Abyssal Templars in Silithus until you get an Amethyst War Staff to drop. With a spell power enchant, it's a tasty +64 to all schools of magic. :D

The Amethyst War Staff with spell power is the top-end butt-kicking option, IMO. With a spell power enchant, it will contribute at least 180 more damage per fight, just in damage from CoA, Corruption, and Immolate. That's far better than 330 additional mana from the +22 int enchant.

In my opinion, Soul Harvester is not nearly good enough to rate either of those enchants. Toss on a +9 int if you really must, but otherwise wait for something better - Rod of the Ogre Magi, if you aren't going into MC.
SM/Ruin eh?

Consider picking up: Blade of the New Moon from DM West Immolthar and Spirit of Aquementas from the quest linked on the page.

That's +39 damage alone. However, Rod of Ogre Magi is certainly the balanced 'can't go wrong' staff, that makes the most of your Ruin.

Soul Harvester is just too underwhelming to deserve the +30 spell enchant. Heck, I'm el cheapo and stuck with less than +7 enchants most of the time. I think I have +3 int on my Rod, and minor beastslaying elsewhere. Still no Azuresong mageblade for me...
Another option for one-handed is the *slightly* better Dark Whisper Blade.
Reward from the chest you get for handing in 3 abyssal scepters from the summoned Silithus lords, but I'm pretty sure you can get it from the duke reward chest as well. :)

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