Nifty paladin judgement macros
Paladins: check 'em out. Very handy. ^_^
Grayfox 60 Paladin <The Basin> Miner/Armoursmith
GrayFox,Jan 11 2006, 10:18 PM Wrote:Paladins: check 'em out. Very handy. ^_^

I've gotta say, these macros are fantastic. If you're casting always the highest level of seal and judgement, e.g. Seal of Command level 4 (or whatever the highest is), then it's perfect. I still need judgement on my bar, though, as I frequently use Seal of Command level 1 for those low-mana, non-judging situations.

With these macros, I frequently find myself, in mutli-Paladin situations, being the only person that judges anything on mobs. It could be that other Paladins are just sloppy and lazy (which is, unfortunately, the case on my Alliance server), but being able to cast the seal and judge it all with the same button press really makes it fun and easy to do.

Helps a lot in PvP too. I can squeeze in a Seal of Crusader before I Holy Shock, or even Hammer of Wrath. The extra damage afforded me from Seal of Crusader brings my DPS up to an almost reasonable level. Oh, and Seal of Righteousness is completely, utterly obsolete, when you get Seal of Command from talents.

A nice little thing Blizzard added as well was character specific macros. Not sure if it's documented or not, but it's nice to put these macros in my Paladin-only macro set.

"Yay! We did it!"
"Who are you?"
"Um, uh... just ... a guy." *flee*

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