Petition for Diablo 3
I’m a staffmember of the German-speaking fanpage and I want to introduce the petition "Call to Arms" for the third Diablo sequel to you. We want to express a keen concern from a large Diablo community with this petition.

All of us have played at least one of Blizzards sequels Diablo1, Diablo2 or the expansion Lord of Destruction. Some just for fun some with never ending enthusiasm. And somehow everyone now expects a continuation – Diablo3. Unluckily Blizzard reveals no hint that there will be a Diablo3. All we got so far are rumours which nourish our hopes for a Diablo3.

Then the marvellous BlizzCon came at the end of October 2005 in Anaheim and the Diablo community worldwide focused their attention with great expectations to that gamer event. The disappointment was grievious – no announcement for Diablo3 even not the slightest hint!

Except the latest rumour from Gaming Steve who revealed recently some hot details about the content of Diablo3 from a so-said relyable source.
Shall we patiently lean back, take a nap and wait for what may happen? Yearning for more well-promising rumours? No – the time of depending on rumours now belongs to the past! The time has come to take action! That’s why launches: "Call to Arms" – The petition for a "Diablo3" (Call to Arms is named by a runeword item of Lord of Destruction). The entire Diablo- and the gamer community now gets the chance to express their wish for Diablo3 and sign this petition. Maybe we can set things in motion at Blizzards headquater in Irvine.

We will appreciate if you support our petition "Call to Arms" by signing it... today ;)
If we succeed we will meet in Diablo3 at the battlenet B)
Petra_Silie,Mar 4 2006, 03:17 AM Wrote:I’m a staffmember of the German-speaking fanpage and I want to  introduce the petition "Call to Arms" for the third Diablo sequel to you. We want to express a keen concern from a large Diablo community with this petition.

All of us have played at least one of Blizzards sequels Diablo1, Diablo2 or the expansion Lord of Destruction. Some just for fun some with never ending enthusiasm. And somehow everyone now expects a continuation – Diablo3. Unluckily Blizzard reveals no hint that there will be a Diablo3. All we got so far are rumours which nourish our hopes for a Diablo3.

Then the marvellous BlizzCon came at the end of October 2005 in Anaheim and the Diablo community worldwide focused their attention with great expectations to that gamer event. The disappointment was grievious – no announcement for Diablo3 even not the slightest hint!

Except the latest rumour from Gaming Steve who revealed recently some hot details about the content of Diablo3 from a so-said relyable source.
Shall we patiently lean back, take a nap and wait for what may happen? Yearning for more well-promising rumours? No – the time of depending on rumours now belongs to the past! The time has come to take action! That’s why launches: "Call to Arms" – The petition for a "Diablo3" (Call to Arms is named by a runeword item of Lord of Destruction). The entire Diablo- and the gamer community now gets the chance to express their wish for Diablo3 and sign this petition. Maybe we can set things in motion at Blizzards headquater in Irvine.

We will appreciate if you support our petition "Call to Arms" by signing it... today ;)
If we succeed we will meet in Diablo3 at the battlenet  B)

I'm going to sign this as I type right now. What other gaming communities have you tried? I know that if you could get a news item on Slashdot you'd have signatures coming out your ears :lol:
Maybe forums as well...? Anyway, good luck!!
Actually, I think if there is a real D3 in the works, which improves on D2 (unlike D2, which did not improve on D1, apart from the running in town), it is more likely to be Hellgate: London than anything Blizzard will produce. Iis there a Blizzard North left, anyway? I'm not sure.)
Blizz North is closed, all remained employers moved to the headquarter in Irvine. Don't know what they plot there :blink:

I haven't tried the Blizz forums yet, I can't find an option to contact one of the sane mods there to introduce our petition. Somewhere in their forum guideline there is a decline towards petition to "voice my opinion" :wacko:

We have tried several d2 communities and gaming communities as well but with no overwhelming success so far. But we are still at the beginning of our mission ^^

What is Slashdot? :o
slashdot = /.
slash = /
dot = .

Edit: Sorry, couldn't help myself..

No, i don't really know... I bet it is somekind of community related to games... ;)
"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that
- Winston Churchill
I first believed they would wait because of all the revenue from WOW

But since I doubt the popularity of WOW will dissipitate much in a couple years time they may as well. Maybe they want to wait a while and test some ideas. They might be trying storylines and monsters and classes even now for testing.

Chaostheory,Mar 5 2006, 12:46 PM Wrote:slashdot = /. 
slash = /
dot = .
Edit: Sorry, couldn't help myself..
No, i don't really know... I bet it is somekind of community related to games...  ;)
Chaostheory,Mar 5 2006, 04:46 AM Wrote:slashdot = /. 
slash = /
dot = .
Edit: Sorry, couldn't help myself..
No, i don't really know... I bet it is somekind of community related to games...  ;)

Slashdot - News for Nerds. In other words, a big problem for smaller sites. There are kajillions of Slashdot readers, and once, when Slashdot linked to one of MongoJerry's Tales on the LL, it brought the site to its knees. Too much traffic, the Lounge couldn't handle it. So, there's definitely the potential for a lot of signatures there. :lol:
Refrigerator,Mar 5 2006, 01:15 AM Wrote:I'm going to sign this as I type right now.  What other gaming communities have you tried?  I know that if you could get a news item on Slashdot you'd have signatures coming out your ears :lol:
Maybe forums as well...?  Anyway, good luck!!

Just signed up so that I can sign the petition when they register me. Always prepared to walk the extra mile for D3 B)
Prophecy of Deimos
“The world doesn’t end with water, fire, or cold. I’ve divined the coming apocalypse. It ends with tentacles!”
Refrigerator,Mar 5 2006, 01:15 AM Wrote:I'm going to sign this as I type right now.

Ended up right behind you, but without the LL tag ( seeing as I'm not a mod)

Yay, 300th posting!
Prophecy of Deimos
“The world doesn’t end with water, fire, or cold. I’ve divined the coming apocalypse. It ends with tentacles!”
Assur,Mar 5 2006, 08:16 PM Wrote:Ended up right behind you, but without the LL tag ( seeing as I'm not a mod)

Yay, 300th posting!

Actually the LL thing is just something I do on sites other than Lurkerlounge, because (believe it or not), the name Refrigerator is quite often taken. So I want to distinguish myself from the rest of them. I am the the Fridge from the Lounge, not that OTHER one. :D

I wish I had something more useful to say as well, but I don't. So I guess there's no point in rambling on. I may as well stop right where I'm typing. Go on. Do it. Stop typing. They're all reading this and just sighing, thinking "when will it end?". Stop rambling. End the post. Nothing useful here. :rolleyes:
maybe we should expect something from guild wars team?
Armies of Exigo team: mostly Starcraft people, first game totally ignored -> forget it.
Guild Wars team: Blizzard connection overrated; game rather controversial -> forget it.
Flagship Studios: making a game nobody wants, out of touch with players -> forget it.
Hyboreal Studios: making some sort of generic space shooter -> forget it.
Nothing is impossible if you believe in it enough.

Median 2008 mod for Diablo II
<span style="color:gray">New skills, new AIs, new items, new challenges...
06.dec.2006: Median 2008 1.44
Brother Laz,Mar 7 2006, 11:56 AM Wrote:Flagship Studios: making a game nobody wants, out of touch with players -> forget it.
Why do you say that?

Cry 'Havoc' and let slip the Men 'O War!
In War, the outcome is never final. --Carl von Clausewitz--
Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum
John 11:35 - consider why.
In Memory of Pete
Occhidiangela,Mar 7 2006, 11:25 AM Wrote:Why do you say that?


For consistency. :shuriken:
Occhidiangela,Mar 7 2006, 07:25 PM Wrote:Why do you say that?


Because I asked around on the Keep and nobody there is interested in HG:L. I'd say people who still mod this game after 6 years would be the first to snap up any new Blizzard-related RPG, but they just don't care about it.
Nothing is impossible if you believe in it enough.

Median 2008 mod for Diablo II
<span style="color:gray">New skills, new AIs, new items, new challenges...
06.dec.2006: Median 2008 1.44
Brother Laz,Mar 8 2006, 03:52 AM Wrote:Because I asked around on the Keep and nobody there is interested in HG:L. I'd say people who still mod this game after 6 years would be the first to snap up any new Blizzard-related RPG, but they just don't care about it.

Maybe. Or perhaps they're happy modding. Maybe the analogy would be asking classic car enthusiasts how excited they are about the new hybrids?

At the AB anyway, there is quite a lot of early excitement about Hellgate. Some of that is probably due to the dearth of competition though.
Brother Laz,Mar 8 2006, 03:52 AM Wrote:Because I asked around on the Keep and nobody there is interested in HG:L. [right][snapback]103876[/snapback][/right]

So perhaps you should have said "making a game nobody on the Keep wants". I, for one, am looking forward to HG:L. Not to say that it may not turn out to be a dog.
Refrigerator,Mar 6 2006, 02:03 AM Wrote:Actually the LL thing is just something I do on sites other than Lurkerlounge, because (believe it or not), the name Refrigerator is quite often taken.&nbsp; So I want to distinguish myself from the rest of them.&nbsp; I am the the Fridge from the Lounge, not that OTHER one.&nbsp; :D


Other people actually take the name nick refrigerator? Wow. I always thought you would be the one and only refrigerator out there on the internet. I tend to use the nick Brasidas elsewhere - after the ancient Greek General. And it's never taken. Not exactly sure what psychological ramifications that tells us about human nature - quicker to chose the common household inanimate object than the (quasi) famous historical figure.


I am not sure how I feel about this petition, as I am not sure how I feel about many things.

Since I first played Diablo in 1996, I have been heavily attached to it. It is one of the few things I always look forward to, which has made it tough for the last year or so, for I have barely been able to play.

Even without playing, I still think about Diablo so often. Not many things are more appealing to me than a cup of coffee combined with some time with either D1 or D2.

That lovely stuff said, I would rather wait longer for D3. I am looking forward to it no doubt more than any other game I know of (except maybe the next installment in the line of Baldur's Gate), but I just do not mind waiting. I can still play both D1 and D2 with the same amount of joy and interest I always had. I also have other games I still want to play more of, and games I bought which I have not even played yet (like Icewind Dale's sequel). This coupled with the fact I rarely play anymore leaves a lot of future gaming for me.

I think the idea for a petition is good, and I am glad so many are interested in D3, which I hope when it does come out, we are at a point where either 3d games look much better, or they stick with the same crisp style of D2. Hmm, yes, I like the graphics in D2 probably better than any game.
How about them apples? They say they do not fall far from the tree, and that one can spoil the whole bunch. Well I say we may not all be rotten, but we are all spoiled.
degrak youtube
some poeple say there will be a Diablo 3 - definitely. And a petition like that isn't necessary. Well, that could be true (there will be a D3) but "Call to Arms" shall emphasize this "there will be" and mobilize the community ^_^

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