Nero 7 Ultra sucks
I bought a nifty new portable DVD player a few months ago. It's just a basic model with a 7" LCD, battery pack, and the AC and DC car adaptor. I mostly bought it so that my son can be distracted during long car rides. I wish these things were around when I was a little boy :(

I've been anticipating our next long roadtrip, which will be a 4-6 hour drive (depending on traffic) in August. I was thinking that I really don't want to bring along all of our commercial DVDs. Since I have a DVD burner, I figured that it wouldn't be a problem to just burn backup copies of my son's favourite movies to DVD-R and put them all in a cheap CD binder. If I lose them, it would be no big deal. It would also save a ton of space because I can fit a bajillion DVD-Rs in a really small pouch.

It turns out that backing up commercial DVDs to DVD-R is not as easy as one might think. I have Nero 7 Ultra, so I figured that this should be a breeze. Nero burns everthing, right? Nope. It wouldn't even begin to allow me to burn copies of the movies I own. Copy protection sucks. Out of all of the features of Nero 7 Ultra, I only have use for Nero Express. What a gigantic waste of money that was.

The other problem with backing up commercial DVDs is that they are almost always dual-layer. I have a dual-layer DVD burner, but the required media is almost impossible to obtain. No local stores stock them, and they are incredibly expensive to purchase online.

I asked a few co-workers what they use to burn backup copies of DVD movies, and they almost universally said "DVD Shrink". I googled it, found a download link, and now I'm in love.

DVD Shrink is now my newest favourite toy. It allows you to strip out unneeded DVD extra features and compresses everything so that you can create a regular single-layer DVD-R backup from a commercial dual-layer DVD. I've only used it with one movie (The Hulk widescreen - my son loves the Hulk), but everything was easy to figure out and it even removed the stupid FBI notice and the forced previews.

DeeBye,May 12 2006, 06:33 AM Wrote:I asked a few co-workers what they use to burn backup copies of DVD movies, and they almost universally said "DVD Shrink".  I googled it, found a download link, and now I'm in love.
I agree: DVD Shrink is just great! It does exactly what it should do, does it flawlessly without crashing, is small and fast, and is very intuitive and easy to use - and it's free! I always wonder why expensive, commercial software is very often bulky, slow, counter-intuitive and unstable in comparison.

Too bad it's illegal over here now, you're not even allowed to link to it on your website. What you describe, to make a copy of your DVDs for private use, is no longer legal here. The arm of the MPAA has grown very long indeed. :angry:

There are two kinds of fools. One says, "This is old, and therefore good." And one says, "This is new, and therefore better." - John Brunner, The Shockwave Rider
Kylearan,May 12 2006, 02:11 AM Wrote:Too bad it's illegal over here now, you're not even allowed to link to it on your website. What you describe, to make a copy of your DVDs for private use, is no longer legal here. The arm of the MPAA has grown very long indeed.  :angry:


I neglected to link to a download of DVD Shrink with this sort of thing in mind. I don't want to get the Lounge in trouble.

I'm fairly sure that DVD Shrink is completely legal here in Canada, so I'm not breaking any laws by using it.

I'm not offering to email a copy of the DVD Shrink setup utility (1.06MB) to people, even if they PM me with their email address :shuriken:
DeeBye,May 11 2006, 11:29 PM Wrote:I neglected to link to a download of DVD Shrink with this sort of thing in mind.  I don't want to get the Lounge in trouble.

I'm fairly sure that DVD Shrink is completely legal here in Canada, so I'm not breaking any laws by using it. 

I'm not offering to email a copy of the DVD Shrink setup utility (1.06MB) to people, even if they PM me with their email address  :shuriken:

You should really be using DVD Decrypter also. They work in conjunction. And for stubborn copy-protected movies (that you own of course - don't get any bright ideas), you will need AnyDVD. With these three programs, you can rip anything (no pun intended).
"The true value of a human being is determined primarily by the measure and the sense in which he has attained liberation from the self." -Albert Einsetin
MEAT,May 12 2006, 09:16 AM Wrote:You should really be using DVD Decrypter also.
It should be noted that this piece of software has been discontinued due to pressure from various sources. Macromedia has bought the rights and doesn't distribute it.

You might be able to find the last released version somewhere else on the net though.
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