Quote:... but a failure nonetheless.
Hold onto that if you like. If idiots and the illiterate are confused with a proper use of language, I don't view it as his failure. In fact, the contrarian in me would say that it might be in fact enlightened to work into your PR work a facile knowledge and correct understanding of African American folk literature. Part of our cultural assimilation is that we Americans share a mutual respect for the genius of our forebearers, whatever the color of their skins. I hope there are some African Americans who are would be happy to know that all kids get to also learn about great Americans like Dr. King, Thurgood Marshall, Harriet Tubman, Booker T, and GW Carver (etc, etc, etc).
In reality, we both know that the press and other rabid liberals are merely feigning ignorance to make it into a story. Now if only our Press Secretary could work in some positive Islamic sayings like "All actions are judged by the motive prompting them." then he would be truly gifted.
"...Here is the unmentionable secret. Racism is not that big of a deal anymore. No sensible person supports it. Nobody of importance preaches it. It's rapidly and thankfully becoming an ugly memory..." -- Tony Snow
Why is it unmentionable? Because using the racist label is too handy a whip to relinquish easily. Are there crack pots and other ignorant racists? Yes. Do we need to be aware and crush it when it rears its head? Yes.
Here is a personal anecdote. I was recently in a casual conversation with a black friend of mine. He told me "when it comes to computers I am a trouble maker", to which I replied, "Uh oh. I'm a trouble shooter". Then I had a pang of white guilt realizing all 250 years of his persecution, and I felt compelled to check to make sure he didn't take that the wrong way. He didn't. But it was awkward. I guess firearms jokes in racially mixed company are a little risky. My ancestors were in Sweden until the late 1890's, and even if they had been here, I live in the area of the nation where men travelled down to Virginia, suffered, fought and died to among other reasons abolish slavery. I've never persecuted anyone (ok, well my younger sister maybe, and she forgave me years ago). I've done pretty well in my life to treat everyone equally by "the golden rule", and when given the opportunity I endeavor to hire and promote talented women and minorities. Yet, here I am, also walking on egg shells. Maybe it will take another 200 years and we can start to let it go.