Terenas Midsummer Celebrations
Ok, the midsummer stuff is up. Complete with maypoles that you can dance around with "streamers". So, I was thinking, and I'd like for us to get together some night, dance around the maypoles in our pretties (Mogo can supply some pretties if folks need something shiny and new:)), and film it. I don't know where all the poles are so we can choose the best backdrop for it, but there's one in Webwinder Path and one in Ratchet.

Any thoughts about the fun little silliness? Possible nights? Treesh has gone off her rocker by wanting to dance around maypoles? :D

Edit: List of fires (thanks to quest givers in undercity)
Ratchet, Master's Glaive in Darkshore, near Silverwing in Ashenvale, near Windshear Crag in Stonetalon Mountains
Winterspring, Northeastern Azshara, Valor's Rest in Silithus, Un'Goro

Orgrimmar, Undercity, and Thunderbluff

Dun Modr in Wetlands, Pyrewood Village in Silverpine, the cliffs of Westfall, the ruined tower in Hillsbrad Foothills
North of Blackrock Mountain, Eastern Plaguelands "near a decrepit town", the cliffs in Hinterlands, Dark Portal in Blasted Lands

Dire Maul, Blackrock Spire, Stratholme, Scholomance

I suggest either one of the capitals (my vote is for Thunderbluff:)) or else one of the lower level flames so as many of our guild can join us as possible.
Intolerant monkey.
Why is The Usurper asking? You should be ordering people! ; )
Quote:Why is The Usurper asking? You should be ordering people! ; )
Ok. :DI order you to reactivate your account and join in on the fun.:D
Intolerant monkey.
Quote:Ok. :DI order you to reactivate your account and join in on the fun.:D

Considering my current computer situation as discussed here, I don't think reactivating would all me to play. : p
Quote:Considering my current computer situation as discussed here, I don't think reactivating would all me to play. : p
No excuses! I gave you an order! ;)
Intolerant monkey.
Quote:No excuses! I gave you an order! ;)

*revolts against The Usurper*

Viva le revolution!
Quote:Any thoughts about the fun little silliness? Possible nights? Treesh has gone off her rocker by wanting to dance around maypoles? :D

Necrali has a couple of nice things to wear and would make an appearance.

I've been really trying to collect the Brocade Set. I've got 3 pieces of it. They are world drops from mid-20s humanoids.

If anyone finds any piece of the Brocade set and doesn't want it (hey they are all statless greys) I would really like to have it.
Quote:Necrali has a couple of nice things to wear and would make an appearance.

I've been really trying to collect the Brocade Set. I've got 3 pieces of it. They are world drops from mid-20s humanoids.

If anyone finds any piece of the Brocade set and doesn't want it (hey they are all statless greys) I would really like to have it.
Gah. I wish I would have known sooner! My little gals have been selling it as they were questing. What three pieces do you have?
Intolerant monkey.
Quote:Gah. I wish I would have known sooner! My little gals have been selling it as they were questing. What three pieces do you have?

I've got vest (it's so cool-looking it's why I started collecting it), belt, and gloves.

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