HC Druid Summoner
Quote:So it's been a while since I last posted an upate, so here it is. Not much has happened except that I beat Normal, got my Spirit sword, max resists in Normal and about 50% each resist in NM. I have been using the wolves but just recently switched to the grizzly because I just be Andariel a few days ago and replaced the BA merc with a Might merc.

So there you have it, short and sweet:)

Good to see you still going with the build. Spirit runewords are incredibly useful, and so cheap too! On my elemental Dru I decided to use spirit in a 4 socket monarch shield. Although the STR req was steep, the +22 to vit helped soften the blow (the lost + vit points were lessened). On the positive, this also allowed my Dru to wear a snappy rare Loricated Mail with 950+ def and other goodies. He made it in HC up to level 84 in act5 Hell, but has yet to attempt taking on Baal and his minions. My HC MF sorc has been busy trying to find some better gear before I'm silly enough to attempt it:)

I'm glad to see you enjoying it.



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