09-07-2006, 07:18 PM
While reading in the LA Times today, I found an interesting article about stem cells in adults. Here is a link from another site.
The article I read was basically saying if you turned off the p16-Ink4a gene, you *could* live forever, however you would most assuridly get cancer right away and always live with a high risk of getting cancer!
Quote:Gene fights cancer by aging us, studies find
Sept. 6, 2006
Courtesy Nature
and World Science staff
BiÂolÂoÂgists say theyâve idenÂtiÂfied a gene that proÂtects against canÂcer by supÂpressÂing cellsâ abilÂiÂty to diÂvideâmaking us age faster in the procÂess.
The findÂings sugÂgest that a funÂdaÂmenÂtal tradeÂoff beÂtween long life and canÂcer proÂtecÂtion is built inÂto our bodÂies, the sciÂenÂtists said. The work also inÂdiÂcate agÂing may in some sense be proÂgrammed, they added, which some reÂsearchers have theÂoÂrÂized beÂfore.
The conÂcluÂsions emerge from three paÂpers pubÂlished onÂline in the reÂsearch jourÂnal NaÂture this week.
The studÂies were aimed at exÂplainÂing why stem cells, âmasÂterâ cells that can deÂvelÂop inÂto a vaÂriÂeÂty of difÂferÂent cell types, lose the abilÂiÂty to diÂvide and genÂerÂate new cells with age.
ExÂperÂiÂments found that a moÂlÂeÂcule called p16ÂINKÂ4a, and a gene that proÂduces it, limÂits such cellsâ reÂgenÂerÂaÂtive abilÂiÂties, the reÂsearchÂers said.
The apÂparÂent benÂeÂfit of this is to head off canÂcer, which inÂvolves runÂaway cell mulÂtiÂpliÂcaÂtion. The molÂeÂcule was alÂreadÂy known to supÂpress canÂcer.
The drawÂback is that slowed cell diÂviÂsion is linked with agÂing, acÂcordÂing to the sciÂenÂtists.
The auÂthors of the studÂies found that that the geneâs acÂtivÂiÂty inÂcreases as stem cells in three mouse tisÂsues lose their abilÂiÂty to self-reÂnew.
The teams geÂnetÂiÂcalÂly enÂgiÂneered mice that lacked p16INK4a and then exÂamÂined them when they got old. ProÂgenÂiÂtor cells in the roÂdents clung onÂto their youth and didÂnât show the norÂmal deÂcline in proÂlifÂerÂaÂtion with age, they said.
Sean MorÂriÂson of the UniÂverÂsiÂty of MichÂiÂgan in Ann ArÂbor, Mich. and colÂleagues studÂied proÂgenÂiÂtor brain cells in mice. NorÂman SharpÂless of the UniÂverÂsiÂty of North CarÂoÂliÂna School of MedÂiÂcine in ChapÂel Hill, N.C. and his team studÂied proÂgenÂiÂtors in the panÂcreÂatÂic islets that make insulin-secreting beta-cells. DaÂvid ScadÂden of the HarÂvard Stem Cell InÂstiÂtute in BosÂton and his group exÂamÂined bone marÂrow cells that make blood.
The work alÂso sugÂgests type 2 diÂaÂbeÂtes might partÂly reÂsult from a failÂure of cells in the panÂcreÂatÂic islets to reÂnew with ageÂing, the reÂsearchers said. Thus, they added, blockÂing this proÂtein in cerÂtain tisÂsues might comÂbat cerÂtain efÂfects of ageÂing.
The article I read was basically saying if you turned off the p16-Ink4a gene, you *could* live forever, however you would most assuridly get cancer right away and always live with a high risk of getting cancer!
"The true value of a human being is determined primarily by the measure and the sense in which he has attained liberation from the self." -Albert Einsetin