What makes you a geek?
[Image: Necromancer.gif]

Hardcore Diablo 1/2/3/4 & Retail/Classic WoW adventurer.
Quote:[Image: Necromancer.gif]

Come on, the thread's not all that old! Was on the top of the second page.
"I may be old, but I'm not dead."
Quote:[Image: Necromancer.gif]


I am so saving that GIF. That makes me a geek.
I think lately my geekiest outlet has been just how much of a fiend I've become for Podcasts. This is the best thing since sliced bread and I love booting up iTunes each day and having a new episode to listen to.

So far I listen religiously to:

Wow Related
The Instance - I just started grabbing this show and it's decent. I'd really like to find a Wow show that went a little more hardcore into min/maxing and high level raiding etc. but most of the ones that touch on that stuff I've found are a couple kids recording out of their basements and whining. This is quality production and generally at least entertaining.

General Gaming
Rebel FM - Great gaming podcast done by some of the guys/gals that used to work at 1up.
Giant Bombcast - Like Rebel FM a good in-the-know podcast that is entertaining while also informative.
Three Red Lights - IGN's xbox 360 podcast that often spends more time talking about Lost than games.
CAGcast - Cheap Ass Gamer's podcast. More like TRL than the other gaming podcasts I listen to as it's just a few guys BSing and generally about games.

Comic Books
Word Balloon - Awesome interview show that gets into the nitty gritty of the comic book world.

This American Life - Awesome, just awesome.
SModcast - Kevin Smith, Scott Mosier, and others of Smith's crew being totally hilarious (link not suitable for work.)
Tell 'em Steve Dave - Sister (or would it be Brother?) podcast of the SMod done by Bryan Johnson and Walt Flanagan of Mallrats fame. Also hilarious if that's your thing.


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