Set bonuses not working
So many people have likely run into odd issue with sets not working right on live. The Twilight Cultist set not allowing you to use the stones, etc.

Well I created the full blue dragonscale set for my L56 shaman the other day and noticed that the char screen wasn't displaying the set bonuses for it. Wondering if it was just a display bug or if I wasn't getting the bonus at all I did some tests. I did 35 casts of Lesser Healing Wave with the set and without it. I should have gotten 12 more healing with the set on (28 * .428 = 12). The results were No Set = 705, Set = 701. A pretty clear indication that I wasn't getting the bonus. Having 4 less on average is statically normal if I was coming from the same base healing level.

To do some more testing (after I put the GM ticket in) I logged out with the gear on and came back on. The bonus was displayed in the char screen at that time and 35 casts of LHW got me an average of 715 or 10 higher than the no set average, which was pretty much in line with having the bonus. 4 of those 35 casts also made critline ding as record heals, the bonus was working.

I took the set off did some stuff, put parts of it on, did stuff put the whole thing on, did stuff. It always worked when I took it on and off. Then I put it in the bank (I'm an enhance shaman and generally run with a holy/disc priest so I don't actually wear +healing gear much). I took it back out of the bank later and the set bonus's were broken again, until I put it on, logged out and logged back in.

I'm not sure if this happens with other sets or not. Or if it is only an issue with crafted sets. I've got a few others I can test with but haven't gotten around to. But be aware that the Blue Dragonscale set at least seems to be pretty bugged up and if the char screen is saying you aren't getting the bonus, testing seems to support that you aren't.

Now this testing was done on the 24th so the live maintenance may have fixed some of it, but I figured I post on it.
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.
On a possibly related note, I have found that the stone that allows you to talk to the ghosts of Caer Darrow does not seems to initially work for me. A work-around that I found was that I could shift to cat form (on my Druid) and then it would start working. Perhaps the act of shifting would force that sort of thing to work. I have not tried it with the Twilight set, however, so we'll see if it works to fix that. :)

I talked to someone who was summoning elementals in Silithus and he said that he had to log out in the set and log back in before it would work. However, he said it didn't always work for other people.
With the Caer Darrow stone thing to see the ghosts I've found if I put it in the bottom trinket slot it works, in the top trinket slot it doesn't.
Currently enjoying liberating the land of Sanctuary

[Image: arethor.jpg]
Stormrage - US (Inactive)
Quote:I talked to someone who was summoning elementals in Silithus and he said that he had to log out in the set and log back in before it would work. However, he said it didn't always work for other people.

Yeah my warlock can't summon them, my hunter can, so it's oh so much fun.
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.
Quote:I'm not sure if this happens with other sets or not. Or if it is only an issue with crafted sets.

It's not just crafted sets. A guildmate's alt notices this happening quite often with the 200 armor bonus from 2 pieces of dreadmist. Your own tests would seem to confirm that this isn't just a display issue; the set bonuses simply aren't applying.

I've been advised in the past by GMs to take off and re-equip items for which the equip bonuses (or set bonuses) do not seem to be applying; there is Something Funny Going On.
You don't know what you're talking about.
Potential exploit: I knew about the cultist set thing and windstones. What I also know was that if you log out and back in with it on you don't need to actually wear it to use a lesser windstone, the set "bonus" remains and as long as you had a full set in your inventory you could activate a stone. Someone may want to check if the set bonuses of other sets stick around after you take them off.
Quote:Potential exploit: I knew about the cultist set thing and windstones. What I also know was that if you log out and back in with it on you don't need to actually wear it to use a lesser windstone, the set "bonus" remains and as long as you had a full set in your inventory you could activate a stone. Someone may want to check if the set bonuses of other sets stick around after you take them off.

This doesn't work in any of my testing.

And of course there is something deeper since nothing I do will allow my lock to use windstones, but my hunter can with the log out and back in.
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.
Quote:This doesn't work in any of my testing.

And of course there is something deeper since nothing I do will allow my lock to use windstones, but my hunter can with the log out and back in.
You sure you got the rep to do them on your lock? :P
Quote:You sure you got the rep to do them on your lock? :P

Yes, she is friendly, and she can't use the Lesser stones. :)
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.
Quote:Yes, she is friendly, and she can't use the Lesser stones. :)

What is your hunters rep? I wonder if they accidentally changed the rep requirement to use the stones,along with the other set bugs that are going on.
Quote:What is your hunters rep? I wonder if they accidentally changed the rep requirement to use the stones,along with the other set bugs that are going on.

Hunter is revered. But I've seen people that were neutral summon at the lesser stones.
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.
Related or not, but I've done some Argent Dawn instance runs, and I've noticed my AD trinket buff disappearing. Swapping the trinket in & out, or between slot 1 & 2 seems to fix it, sometimes.

Definitely not a display issue as I won't get to roll on Corrupter's stones (this is when I notice it).
Quote:Potential exploit: I knew about the cultist set thing and windstones. What I also know was that if you log out and back in with it on you don't need to actually wear it to use a lesser windstone, the set "bonus" remains and as long as you had a full set in your inventory you could activate a stone. Someone may want to check if the set bonuses of other sets stick around after you take them off.

Yes, it does let you summon without the set on. But, it still consumes the set from your inventory.

So no exploit, just less time wasted on equipping:)

(The duke/lord necklace/ring do need to be equipped to work though)
Quote:Yes, it does let you summon without the set on. But, it still consumes the set from your inventory.

So no exploit, just less time wasted on equipping:)

(The duke/lord necklace/ring do need to be equipped to work though)
Haven't done this lately... but usually I talked to the wind stone with the set on and with the open dialog I put on my normal breastplate, helmet and shoulderguards. Then I clicked on the dialog option to summon the templar. Thus I avoided being stuck with no breast/head/shoulders on if I got accidentally into a fight before I could put them back on. (Sometimes evil Horde would just lurk for this opportunity.;))
Old age and treachery will always overcome youth and enthusiasm!
Quote:Yes, it does let you summon without the set on. But, it still consumes the set from your inventory.

So no exploit, just less time wasted on equipping:)

(The duke/lord necklace/ring do need to be equipped to work though)
The exploit would have been if you could retain other set bonuses. For instance: I like the set bonuses on might more than wrath if this had worked i could log in with my might set on but swtich to wrath for the better armor stats.

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