I finally had a chance to play Mythos tonight, and I like what I see. I didn't get too far - only about level 6 - and I put skill points all over the place because I just wanted to try new things out. It gimped my character, but I really like the thought put into the variety of build possibilities.
Thanks DeeBye! My invite had been junked a couple days ago. I just downloaded it and am going to go install it. Whee!:w00t:

[edit] Oh no! The server comes up at 10am PST today but I'm scheduled for a WoW raid at that exact time. :(Hmm, I'm just another mage in the crowd. Maybe they won't miss me...
Freshman Diablo

[Image: jsoho8.png][Image: 10gmtrs.png]

"I reject your reality and substitute my own."
"You don't know how strong you can be until strong is the only option."
"Think deeply, speak gently, love much, laugh loudly, give freely, be kind."
"Talk, Laugh, Love."
Quote:Mythos rocks;)

So, seeing Jarulf got in I gather, it's not strictly limited to North America?

Well, tried my luck, the screenshots look nicely familiar :P

With magic, you can turn a frog into a prince...
With science, you can turn a frog into a Ph.D. ...
and still keep the frog you started with.
Quote:So, seeing Jarulf got in I gather, it's not strictly limited to North America?

Well, tried my luck, the screenshots look nicely familiar :P

There are many Europeans. I was invited though and many playing then was people from various Hellgate fansites (including European ones). I don't know how the mail signup works but I see no reason why for example Europeans should not be allowed. I think they in part aded test runs in the morning for Europeans to have an easier time participating. Getting up at 3 in the morning to join the 6 pm test is not something you do, especially with a work day afterwards:)
There are three types of people in the world. Those who can count and those who can't.
A couple questions for those that are playing:

Are you playing behind a firewall? I logged in today, after the listed end of the test, and it seemed that the server was still up because I didn't get the same server down message as other times. However, I did get a message saying something about my firewall (I didn't write it down because I thought I would be able to find the info I needed). I couldn't find anything in their FAQs about what ports are needed so I could configure my firewall. I won't run without the firewall

Also, have you looked at their forums? I tried looking there for the answers, sure that someone else would have already asked. I was able to register and it says I have logged in. However, I can't see any forums. Are there forums with posts and I am somehow not able to see them or are the forums not actually set up yet? I would assume that they have to be working for bugs to be reported to them from the tests.
Freshman Diablo

[Image: jsoho8.png][Image: 10gmtrs.png]

"I reject your reality and substitute my own."
"You don't know how strong you can be until strong is the only option."
"Think deeply, speak gently, love much, laugh loudly, give freely, be kind."
"Talk, Laugh, Love."
Quote:A couple questions for those that are playing:

Are you playing behind a firewall? I logged in today, after the listed end of the test, and it seemed that the server was still up because I didn't get the same server down message as other times. However, I did get a message saying something about my firewall (I didn't write it down because I thought I would be able to find the info I needed). I couldn't find anything in their FAQs about what ports are needed so I could configure my firewall. I won't run without the firewall

Also, have you looked at their forums? I tried looking there for the answers, sure that someone else would have already asked. I was able to register and it says I have logged in. However, I can't see any forums. Are there forums with posts and I am somehow not able to see them or are the forums not actually set up yet? I would assume that they have to be working for bugs to be reported to them from the tests.

I don't have a software firewall beyond Windows XP SP2, and I connect behind a router. I didn't have any trouble connecting, nor did I have to bother with port-forwarding.

The forums are not viewable until your Mythos forum account is validated. It took about 24 hours for mine to validate. You'll get an email informing you of such.
Quote:The forums are not viewable until your Mythos forum account is validated. It took about 24 hours for mine to validate. You'll get an email informing you of such.
Yeah, I got the email saying I was validated. It was odd that it allowed me to log in but not see the forums, thus the confusion. I also found the port information I think I need. It was in the first post I read, a stickied post about connection problems. Now I just have to wait for another test to see if I can get on.:unsure:
Freshman Diablo

[Image: jsoho8.png][Image: 10gmtrs.png]

"I reject your reality and substitute my own."
"You don't know how strong you can be until strong is the only option."
"Think deeply, speak gently, love much, laugh loudly, give freely, be kind."
"Talk, Laugh, Love."
Quote:A couple questions for those that are playing:

Are you playing behind a firewall? I logged in today, after the listed end of the test, and it seemed that the server was still up because I didn't get the same server down message as other times. However, I did get a message saying something about my firewall (I didn't write it down because I thought I would be able to find the info I needed). I couldn't find anything in their FAQs about what ports are needed so I could configure my firewall. I won't run without the firewall

The server was crashing with regular intervalls yesterday. I think it was some memory leak problem. When that happened people was kicked and then got various error messages trying to connect back including the error message about the firewall. I got it too once. During the test, they restarted the servers of course and after a few minutes one could log back on. However, the last crash was about 5 or 10 minutes after sheduled end of test so I guess they just didn't restart them but they was running for a short while and you managed to connect at that time. Otherwise I don't know of any problems.

Quote:Also, have you looked at their forums? I tried looking there for the answers, sure that someone else would have already asked. I was able to register and it says I have logged in. However, I can't see any forums. Are there forums with posts and I am somehow not able to see them or are the forums not actually set up yet? I would assume that they have to be working for bugs to be reported to them from the tests.

You first log in on the main page (on the right side). After having loged in, you can access the forum link on the left hand side menue. At the forums, you still need to register and get a forum name and so on, which then after registration has to be manually approved by the administrator. After that, you can see and post freely. At least it was this way back when I created an account.

Hope this helps.
There are three types of people in the world. Those who can count and those who can't.

I've just enjoyed that youtube video flagship has published. Seems to be great, if a bit too ... WoW-alike candy graphic.
Well, I assume flagship doesn't bother about Mac-Users, so I'm off anyway ;-)
so long ...

Check out some peanuts or the
Diablo II FAQtoids
current status: re-thinking about HoB
I'll throw my hat in the ring (email given)

Quote:...Hope this helps.
Private Message for Jarulf. I saw something over at that I thought you would be very interested in and may not yet be aware of. I PM'd you a couple days ago here (I cant PM you at the forum), I rarely check my own msgs and am not sure if they pop up in the middle of screen, where you can't avoid seeing them, such as the AB does.
Now that I have a comp that can run the game, I wanted to ask a quick question. Since it's lsited an alpha, is there/what kind of NDA is involved?
Alea Jacta Est - Caesar
Guild Wars account: Lurker Wyrm
Quote:Now that I have a comp that can run the game, I wanted to ask a quick question. Since it's lsited an alpha, is there/what kind of NDA is involved?

None, it was lifted long ago.
There are three types of people in the world. Those who can count and those who can't.
I'm in. Had my first real playsession today for a few hours. Last week's test was crashtastic, so this weekend the servers have been up for hours.

I got a bloodletter to level 11, in a rather desultory fashion. It's fun -- feels rather like Diablo/Diablo2, rather like FATE, a bit like WoW, and so on.

Of course, your mileage may vary.
Quote:I'm in. Had my first real playsession today for a few hours.

Same here. Last week's trainwreck doesn't count :P

Too bad the testing times are generally on Saturday evening for us Europeans, the time when most people have other plans...

Thanks for the invite again, Thecla. Fun thing to see this come together, the game has a lot of that old Diablo 1 feeling...

With magic, you can turn a frog into a prince...
With science, you can turn a frog into a Ph.D. ...
and still keep the frog you started with.
Well, I threw my name into the hat.

Hopefully they don't mind that I'm on Vista now and not XP, not that it really matters, but whatever.
Alea Jacta Est - Caesar
Guild Wars account: Lurker Wyrm
If you're in on the alpha and the time doesn't work for you, try later on anyway. The server came up at about 10am pacific time yesterday. They went down once or twice during the official test time but were up at the end. They left them up and I played off and on until about an hour ago, when I lost my connection. I assumed the server had gone down, but I just checked and see that the server is up. Give it a try if you feel like playing it.
Freshman Diablo

[Image: jsoho8.png][Image: 10gmtrs.png]

"I reject your reality and substitute my own."
"You don't know how strong you can be until strong is the only option."
"Think deeply, speak gently, love much, laugh loudly, give freely, be kind."
"Talk, Laugh, Love."
Quote:I assumed the server had gone down, but I just checked and see that the server is up. Give it a try if you feel like playing it.

I just logged off (10:15 pm eastern), and had been playing for a few hours with only one lost connection. It seems extremely stable.

I can't believe how much fun I'm having with Mythos :w00t:
Alpha is over! Now they are preparing for the Closed Beta:)
There are three types of people in the world. Those who can count and those who can't.
Hmm I went to sign up, but it looks like they're not taking any more people atm. The "Join" button remains greyed out.

Edit: I'm a noob. Had scripts disabled.
Currently enjoying liberating the land of Sanctuary

[Image: arethor.jpg]
Stormrage - US (Inactive)

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