Priest T6 Bonuses


1) What makes Priests the "best" healing class is that we have good single-target heals, a HoT, and powerful group heals all wrapped into one class. When 5-manning, Priests just plain dominate the healing department.

2) However, in raiding environments, group heals are almost *never* used. This is why Priests complain; Druid HoTs beat Priest HoTs, Paladins have great single-target healing, and Druids/Paladins bring all sorts of utility that Priests don't. With Paladin buffs as uber as they are, it's better to bring multiple Paladins than multiple Priests because they stack while we don't.

3) The 2pc Tier 6 bonus is a buff to Prayer of Healing.

4) Tier 6 gear is obtained via raiding.

Anyone else see a hole in this?


Who comes up with these bonuses, anyway?

Quote:Considering the mods here are generally liberals who seem to have a soft spot for fascism and white supremacy (despite them saying otherwise), me being perma-banned at some point is probably not out of the question.
I see what you're saying, but it might be too early to worry about tier 6 loot. It's not in game yet at least, it could change.

And on the bright side, tier 5 priest gear has a 4-pc bonus that increases our single-target healing, great for MT healing:

And for tier 6, we get a clever 2-pc bonus for MT and spot healing, and a 4-pc bonus that makes Renew very attractive to have ticking on people:

Regarding the "stacking the raid" argument against bringing priests, I think it clearly makes sense to have at least 2, one for fort and improved divine spirit, and a shadow priest for VE/VT/misery. Few classes stack as well as paladins, but IMHO priests are great flexible healers no matter what.

Who comes up with these bonuses, anyway?


Excellent question.

I look at the DPS Warrior bonuses and I'm like huh? -3 Rage on Cleave for 2pc

Tier 5 2pc is +100AP for 5sec after an Overpower and -5 Rage for BT/MS for 4pc. Those are some nice bonuses.

Now +5% dmg for 4pc on Tier 6 is really nice. But they definately have some strange ideas about 2pc set bonuses for some of the classes.

Gracile 85 DK wowarmory
Faible 83 Pally wowarmory
Wimpy 82 War wowarmory
Zwakke 80 Sha wowarmory
To be honest, neither of those buffs look 'playstyle-changing', at least not the way that say, the priest T5 bonus 'get 100 mana for topping the tank off with a Greater Heal' could be.

It may be that the intent for T6 to have enough stats that priests will be willing to forego the gimmick bonuses.

Kitty bonuses.... when 95% of ferals are bear.
Quote:And on the bright side, tier 5 priest gear has a 4-pc bonus that increases our single-target healing, great for MT healing:

Incarnate is Tier 4.

Avatar Raiment is Tier 5.
<span style="color:#33FFFF">Nynaeve <span style="color:#33CC00">70 Draenei Priest <Emeritus>, Stormrage
<span style="color:#33FFFF">Riselar <span style="color:#33CC00">60 Night Elf Druid <Emeritus>, Stormrage
<span style="color:#33FFFF">Dynatos <span style="color:#33CC00">60 Dwarf Warrior <Emeritus>, Stormrage

If it's like the other "feral" sets Bear *would* be seen dead in it, so I'd hope for kitty bonuses:)


You got a giggle out of me for that one. They say they will be looking over bear epic set itemization. It might be nice to have a justification for taking more then 1 piece of T4.

Kitty bonuses.... when 95% of ferals are bear.

Most feral druids I've seen are kitties. Why be a bear when Pallies and Warriors are doing the tanking?
ArrayPaladins were not meant to sit in the back of the raid staring at health bars all day, spamming heals and listening to eight different classes whine about buffs.[/quote]
The original Heavy Metal Cow™. USDA inspected, FDA approved.
Quote:Most feral druids I've seen are kitties. Why be a bear when Pallies and Warriors are doing the tanking?
I've probably done more runs with bear tanks than warrior tanks right now. Pally tanks (*huggles Moors) I've done a bit more than warriors, but less than druids. :) Well, since the expansion anyway.
Intolerant monkey.
Quote:Most feral druids I've seen are kitties. Why be a bear when Pallies and Warriors are doing the tanking?

In what context? If you see somebody out questing/grinding, sure they are in cat form. In 5 mans, I try to be as flexible as possible to get the group moving quickly. I've only catted 4-5 times, serverwide tanks are in short supply but DPS is falling out of the trees. All the pallies that I know who have hit 70 are rerolls who went with the idea of being holy for ease of getting into a raid. Bears bring a few major advantages in certain situations over warriors, and if you figure you want one tree, there isn't really any room in a 25man for a dedicated cat. Now I do go cat form on a number of encounters, but I wouldn't take a set piece token for those.
Quote:I've probably done more runs with bear tanks than warrior tanks right now. Pally tanks (*huggles Moors) I've done a bit more than warriors, but less than druids. :) Well, since the expansion anyway.
That's just weird! I have been on ONE run where a bear tanked, and have never been on a run tanked by a paladin...
Dagorthan – Level 85 Blood Knight
Turothan – Level 83 Blood Knight
Sarothan – Level 62 Blood Knight
Durambar – Level 82 Warrior
Strifemourne – Level 80 Death Knight
Quote:In what context? If you see somebody out questing/grinding, sure they are in cat form. In 5 mans, I try to be as flexible as possible to get the group moving quickly. I've only catted 4-5 times, serverwide tanks are in short supply but DPS is falling out of the trees. All the pallies that I know who have hit 70 are rerolls who went with the idea of being holy for ease of getting into a raid. Bears bring a few major advantages in certain situations over warriors, and if you figure you want one tree, there isn't really any room in a 25man for a dedicated cat. Now I do go cat form on a number of encounters, but I wouldn't take a set piece token for those.

Pretty much. If a Druid goes to a 5-man it's probably either as tank or as healer (and the latter only if there is a resser in the group already). Thinking of the random invites I've had from people that don't know me I'd guess at about 70% "please come tank" and 30% "please come heal" since BC.
Quote:That's just weird! I have been on ONE run where a bear tanked, and have never been on a run tanked by a paladin...
Hehe. That wouldn't have anything to do with you being a prot warrior. ;) :D
Intolerant monkey.
Quote:That's just weird! I have been on ONE run where a bear tanked, and have never been on a run tanked by a paladin...

Your comment made me think of something else odd. Every run (of high level content) I've done has had a hunter on it, but so many people in the guild keep saying they only rarely have a hunter with them. Clearly this needs more investigation. :)
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.
Quote:That's just weird! I have been on ONE run where a bear tanked, and have never been on a run tanked by a paladin...

Lol... there are WAAAAYYYY more bear tanks then warrior tanks on my server... seems like there is one on pretty much every run I've been on:P
Quote:Hehe. That wouldn't have anything to do with you being a prot warrior. ;) :D

I tanked for Seiki (one of our best protection warriors) once, and I'm only 33 resto/28 feral...

He wanted to see how much DPS he could do. :whistling: (it actually turned out to be a fair bit)
Quote:Pretty much. If a Druid goes to a 5-man it's probably either as tank or as healer (and the latter only if there is a resser in the group already). Thinking of the random invites I've had from people that don't know me I'd guess at about 70% "please come tank" and 30% "please come heal" since BC.

I actually get "please come nuke" after Paladin healers see how nice the added crit is.
See you in Town,
Quote:I actually get "please come nuke" after Paladin healers see how nice the added crit is.

Good point - do you get that from randoms or just people that know you? I've never had it, but I've had "you don't have to tank this time" from friends.

How does Moonkins 5% compare to how much a Shadow Priest helps Paladin healing? I know both are good but haven't done the math for just how good each is.

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