Terenas Warlock Epic Mount Sunday 8/12 @ 9 PM
I was wondering if I could get some help wrapping up my epic mount this coming Sunday night the 12th at 9pm. I've got everything handled except for the part in Ras's lab in Scholomance and the final part in Dire Maul with the ritual.

If another warlock has the J'eevee's Jar, Black Lodestone, and Xorothian Glyphs then that would be awesome as well as it would save me 250 gold. If not then I can pick them up but any help would be appreciated.

Melothan - 85 BE Warlock
Melidorn - 80 Orc Shaman

If I'm on/around I'll help. Unfortunately can't make guarantee of that.
Quote:If another warlock has the J'eevee's Jar, Black Lodestone, and Xorothian Glyphs then that would be awesome as well as it would save me 250 gold. If not then I can pick them up but any help would be appreciated.

I have these items and am willing to help. However, I will not be playing the game for a little over a week starting either today or tomorrow.
<span style="color:orange">Doomhammer:
Melis -- 60 NE Druid
<span style="color:orange">Terenas:
Octord -- 70 U Warlock
Forgar -- 70 T Druid
Loregar -- 69 BE Hunter
Selyn -- 61 U Mage
Kevas -- 35 TR Shaman
Darklurker -- 24 U Priest
Ratoo -- 17 TR Priest

[Image: 738014xuSdJ.png]
To echo Tris, I'm happy to help, but we'll see if I'm around. :)
Quote:I was wondering if I could get some help wrapping up my epic mount this coming Sunday night the 12th at 9pm. I've got everything handled except for the part in Ras's lab in Scholomance and the final part in Dire Maul with the ritual.

If another warlock has the J'eevee's Jar, Black Lodestone, and Xorothian Glyphs then that would be awesome as well as it would save me 250 gold. If not then I can pick them up but any help would be appreciated.


This time looks like one where I can help. Kati has all the stuff and has helped, hmm Liss, Vreeslik, Malodius, and I think someone else get the mount already by using her stuff. I quite enjoy the event (even with Kati being 65 now) and if folks haven't done DM:W (very likely if you weren't 60 before TBC came out) you can get the quests done while getting the mount quest with only a small bit of added time which will pick you up some gold and or exp.:)
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.
That'll be awesome, thanks guys. I'll make sure to do some prep work of my own to make sure I have all the quests for both instances in the off chance that we do them just in the course of working our way in.

And thanks for the use of the items GG, it's always nice to save some money.
Melothan - 85 BE Warlock
Melidorn - 80 Orc Shaman

Quote:This time looks like one where I can help. Kati has all the stuff and has helped, hmm Liss, Vreeslik, Malodius, and I think someone else get the mount already by using her stuff. I quite enjoy the event (even with Kati being 65 now) and if folks haven't done DM:W (very likely if you weren't 60 before TBC came out) you can get the quests done while getting the mount quest with only a small bit of added time which will pick you up some gold and or exp.:)
You forgot Dhen's warlock. :)

I really enjoy this event so count either Mogo or Taiza in. I really doubt I'll manage to get Mistake to 60 by that time.;)
Intolerant monkey.
I can bring either Shiki to heal, or Shim to DPS.
Terenas (pst !enchant <keywords> or !craft <keywords> to any of my characters)
Shimoyake 375 SW Tailor / 375 Enchanter (Exalted w/ Scryer, CE, Sha'tar, Thrallmar, LC, VE; Revered w/ KoT)
[Image: 551160rumOC.png]
Shikigami 375 SW Tailor / 375 Skinner (Honored w/ Aldor)
[Image: 551176xgSAM.png]
Kosokoso 375 Alchemist / 375 Herbalist (Revered with CE)
[Image: 551190IuloU.png]
et alts

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