Diablo Wins Academy Award!
Now we know what Diablo was doing while waiting for heroes to break open those seals: screen writing!

Guised as a young woman with a tattoo, Diablo was emotionally thankful for being accepted "the way I am". Who knew Diablo, all this time, was just pining for acceptance?

Don't you now feel guilty for repeatedly killing Diablo?

This also explains why we haven't seen Diablo in any new games lately -- Diablo is transitioning to the film industry. I guess we should have expected that, with all the movies bundled with Diablo in the early days.

The Forsaken Inn
"Small races, small price!"
OK, WTF is Van talking about??

Diablo's speech
Quote:Don't you now feel guilty for repeatedly killing Diablo?


She clearly managed to re-spawn even tougher this time. :)
And you may call it righteousness
When civility survives,
But I've had dinner with the Devil and
I know nice from right.

From Dinner with the Devil, by Big Rude Jake


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