Good job parents!

Quote:The videotaped fight released on Monday afternoon by the Polk County Sheriff's office was just one of five fights filmed over a period of 30 minutes. At one point the victim's head is slammed into a bedroom wall and she's knocked unconscious. The girls accused of taping it seem to enjoy it. You can hear them on tape cheering each other on and begging the victim to “fight back!”


Officials say the girls planned to post the video on the internet for all to see.


FWIW, the videos have been removed from Youtube.

Obviously the plot to lure an individual to a location, prevent her from leaving and then physically assaulting her itself is pretty #$%&ed up and disgusting... but honestly I find myself mostly sickened by the parents of the sociopaths who assaulted this poor girl defending the actions of their children. So what exactly do your kids have to do before they have done something wrong in your eyes? "Just another school fight" my arse.

I would rather be ashes than dust! I would rather that my spark should burn out in a brilliant blaze than it should be stifled by dry rot. I would rather be a superb meteor, every atom of me in magnificent glow, than a sleepy and permanent planet. The proper function of man is to live, not to exist. I shall not waste my days in trying to prolong them. I shall use my time.
Jack London

These Kids are beyond "Sociopaths" IMHO, Psychopaths...the Difference Is Violence :(

Quote:A psychopath will use people for excitement, entertainment, to build their self-esteem and they invariably value people in terms of their material value (e.g. money, property, comfort, etc..)

Characteristics of a Psychopath:
.superficial charm
.self-centered & self-important
.need for stimulation & prone to boredom
.deceptive behavior & lying
.conning & manipulative
.little remorse or guilt
.shallow emotional response
.callous with a lack of empathy
.living off others or predatory attitude
.poor self-control
.promiscuous sexual behavior
.early behavioral problems
.lack of realistic long term goals
.impulsive lifestyle
.irresponsible behavior
.blaming others for their actions
.short term relationships
juvenile delinquency
.breaking parole or probation
.varied criminal activity

The idea that psychopaths eat people is a myth. In reality, a person with a psychopathic personality can lead what appears to be an ordinary life. They can have jobs, get married and they can break the law like anyone else. But their jobs and marriages usually don’t last and their life is usually on the verge of personal chaos. They are almost always in some kind of trouble or they are not far from it.

A psychopath is usually a subtle manipulator. They do this by playing to the emotions of others. They typically have high verbal intelligence, but they lack what is commonly referred to as "emotional intelligence". There is always a shallow quality to the emotional aspect of their stories.

In particular they have difficulty describing how they felt, why they felt that way, or how others may feel and why. In many cases you almost have to explain it to them. Close friends and parents will often end up explaining to the psychopath how they feel and how others feel who have been hurt by him or her. They can do this over and over with no significant change in the person's choices and behavior.

They don't understand or appreciate the impact that their behavior has on others. They do appreciate what it means when they are caught breaking rules or the law even though they seem to end up in trouble again. They desperately avoid incarceration and loss of freedom but continue to act as if they can get away with breaking the rules. They don't learn from these consequences. They seem to react with feelings and regret when they are caught. But their regret is not so much for other people as it is for the consequences that their behavior has had on them, their freedom, their resources and their so called "friends." They can be very sad for their self.

***A psychopath is always in it for their self even when it seems like they are caring for and helping others. The definition of their "friends" are people who support the psychopath and protect them from the consequence of their own antisocial behavior. Shallow friendships, low emotional intelligence, using people, antisocial attitudes and failure to learn from the repeated consequences of their choices and actions help identify the psychopath.

Psychopaths with low intelligence or a poor education seem to end up in jail more than ones with a higher education. The lack of emotional insight is the first good sign you may be involved with a psychopath. The second best sign is a history of criminal behavior in which a person does not seem to learn from their experience, but merely thinks about ways to not get caught.

So what happens to these poor kids if they don’t learn right from wrong? Parents with a child like this usually end up angry and frustrated. They will often shield their child from the consequences of their decisions and take the role of continuously trying to educate their child as to right and wrong. The child is always in trouble and doesn’t seem to learn. Their parents may begin to excuse their child's behavior believing their child will eventually "get it." When they don't, many parents resort to punishment. But what these children need is intensive guidance, instruction, training, choices, consequences and supervision. Severe and repeated punishment alone is the worst thing you can do. Letting a child like this run around unsupervised with violent and antisocial children is almost as bad. And child abuse is a sure way to create a social misfit or a monster.
There is a growing discussion among researchers to suggest there may be a genetic influence that creates a psychopathic personality.

The psychopath may lack the ability to physically feel what others identify as the physical sensation of guilt. They can feel fear, anger, sadness in the moment but not guilt for what they did or what they are about to do. Some sociologists believe that a sexually promiscuous psychopath who can live off others is a survivor and may represent one of many genes for survival in the human species.

Even more surprising has been the observation that many adult psychopaths do not seem to benefit from support, counseling or therapy and may in fact commit crimes again and sooner because of it. Research using brain scanning technology has revealed that the brain of a psychopath functions and processes information differently. One famous brain imaging study showed that psychopaths can remain calm looking photos of dead bodies in automobile accidents where as other people were clearly upset. They don't use their brain they way others do. This suggests that they may be physically different from normal people.
Are you involved with a psychopath? You may not know because they can be very charming and friendly until you get close and disappoint them.

Don’t assume anyone is a psychopath based on their behavior alone. It is the pattern of their life and many other factors. Please don’t go around assuming or calling someone a psychopath just because they may have some of the warning signs. Get a professional opinion from a qualified mental health professional if you think you are involved with a psychopath.


FWIW, the videos have been removed from Youtube.

Obviously the plot to lure an individual to a location, prevent her from leaving and then physically assaulting her itself is pretty #$%&ed up and disgusting... but honestly I find myself mostly sickened by the parents of the sociopaths who assaulted this poor girl defending the actions of their children. So what exactly do your kids have to do before they have done something wrong in your eyes? "Just another school fight" my arse.
Have a Great Quest,
Jim...aka King Jim

He can do more for Others, Who has done most with Himself.

These Kids are beyond "Sociopaths" IMHO, Psychopaths...the Difference Is Violence :(
Sociopaths, psychopaths, whatever.

What they did makes them felons. Where's a good hangin' judge when you need one?

Cry 'Havoc' and let slip the Men 'O War!
In War, the outcome is never final. --Carl von Clausewitz--
Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum
John 11:35 - consider why.
In Memory of Pete
Quote:Sociopaths, psychopaths, whatever.

What they did makes them felons. Where's a good hangin' judge when you need one?

Probably not psychopaths, and I doubt if there is any mental disorder at all other than meanness. I was in a good deal of fights in school, as I was instructed by my father that I should just walk away which actually made me a popular target of the school bullies. So, at some point I would blow a fuse and thrash some bully with the venting of at that point was a near homicidal rage. That age between 10 and 20 is pretty fraught with meanness and violence, which try as we might we won't erase from youth who are too ignorant or stupid to understand consequences.
”There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy." - Hamlet (1.5.167-8), Hamlet to Horatio.

[Image: yVR5oE.png][Image: VKQ0KLG.png]

Quote:That age between 10 and 20 is pretty fraught with meanness and violence, which try as we might we won't erase from youth who are too ignorant or stupid to understand consequences.
Which raises the question what's to be done to them when they're caught? I agree with you there's no real end in site for future crimes like this. But I'm still closely inclined to agree with Occhi on coming down severely on these fools.

In lieu of a solution, what's the best course of action?



How soon before the Copy Cats emerge ??? :(

911 tape released in video beating, Listen to the entire six minute call here.

Quote:Polk County Sheriff's office "For Immediate Release"
Teenager Beaten By Other Teens
Media Contact: Donna C. Wood, PIO April 7, 2008
863.534.6631 (office) or 863.287.9840 (mobile)

“Shocking - I’ve never seen anything like it,” said Sheriff Grady Judd as he described the
video of a Felony Battery that occurred on March 30, 2008, at 6124 West Calendar Court,
Lakeland, in which six female juveniles attacked a 16-year-old victim while one juvenile male
and one adult male stood outside as “look-outs.” “They lured her into the home for express
purpose of filming the attack and posting it on the Internet. This is outrageous behavior.”

The victim, a 16-year-old Lakeland resident, was staying at the home of one of her attackers,
Mercades Nichols, DOB 1/24/1991, during spring break. At approximately 8:00 pm, the
victim arrived at the residence and was met by Nichols, and Brittini Hardcastle, DOB
9/10/1990, 1242 Thomasville Circle, Lakeland, who both began yelling at the victim and
threatening her.

The victim went into a bedroom and was met by April Cooper, DOB 6/12/1993, 1111 West
Greenwood Street, Lakeland, who began insulting and threatening her. Cooper, who had
been hiding, then struck the victim several times in the face, and slammed the victim’s head
into the bedroom wall, knocking the victim unconscious as others were videotaping.

When the victim awoke, she was on the couch in the living room surrounded by Cooper,
Nichols, Hardcastle, Cara Murphy, DOB, 01/02/1992, 2762 Highlands Creek Drive, Lakeland,
Britney Mayes, DOB 01/20/1991, 1111 West Greenwood Street, Lakeland, and Kayla
Hassell, DOB 10/13/1992, 4575 Old Colony Road, Mulberry.

The victim said it was at that time that all of the suspects began hitting and yelling at her while
it was being video taped. At one point in the video, it is plain to see that the suspects blocked
the victim from leaving the residence.
- MORE -
During the incident, two additional suspects, Zachary Ashley, DOB 3/11/1991, 6116
Calendar Court West, Lakeland, and Stephen Schumaker, DOB 10/20/1989, 6020
Calendar Court, Lakeland, acted as “look-outs” while the attack was occurring.

After the attack was over, three of the suspects forced the victim into a vehicle and drove
her to another location where she was finally released with a threat from the suspects
warning her not to contact law enforcement or she would be beaten even worse.

Once at a friend’s home, she called law enforcement and was transported to Lakeland
Regional Medical Center by ambulance for injuries sustained as a result of the beating.
On the video, the teenage victim can be seen being beaten while the suspects video
taped the crime, laughed, and encouraged one another to hurt the victim.

All of the juvenile suspects were transported to the Juvenile Assessment Center without further
incident. The single adult, Schumaker was taken to the Polk County Jail. All suspects
were charged with Felony Battery and False Imprisonment.

Mayes, Hardcastle, and Nichols are the three juvenile suspects who forced the victim into
the vehicle and drove the victim to another location. They are charged additionally with
Felony Kidnapping.

A Seven-Star Accredited Law Enforcement Agency -END
Have a Great Quest,
Jim...aka King Jim

He can do more for Others, Who has done most with Himself.

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