CLASSIC Thurs. Nite Instance Run 2/20/20
(Sorry for misdating the original post!)

Scholomance - and here's the quest list.

I think it's time to get the Recipe: Major Mana Potion for Torenia. Since I can't possibly keep everyone's gear needs in mind, let's go for that one thing that serves most Lurkers on Mankrik the best; a nice big swig of Blue Juice!

If people feel that we're jumping around too much between instances you only need to speak up for what you want so we can focus on your need or your concept of how we should do this. Communication is key to meeting the goals and preferences of 5 different players.

Let's all take a few minutes to think about whether or not we want to add a 2nd weekly instance run and what time and day we'd like. I would love to do one on Saturdays. I'd love a mid-afternoon Saturday, but that won't work when three of you have small kids so I'm flexible. Who else would be open to a Saturday run?
[Image: Sabra%20gold%20copy.jpg]

I blame Tal.

Sabramage Authenticated!

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