The Dark Game Guide Archive
I recently noticed that the website for Hellfire: The Dark was down. Part of the site was a guide written by Arthur Dent. It was great content and I found it be very useful for pondering game design, but unfortunately it is no longer accessible.

Well, I went through some old files I collected for Diablo, and as it turns out I archived the pages. I've attached it here, as well as provided a link via Google Drive for anyone that is interested in having a copy:

All the necessary assets are included. The only issue is that all the hyperlinks still point to the web URL. That means that any page that you open in browser will look just fine, but if you click the links at the top, there will be a page not found error. I'll leave it as an exercise for the reader to edit the HTML to point all the links to the local directory if so desired.

Attached Files
.zip (Size: 1.26 MB / Downloads: 12)

Diabolic Psyche - the site with Diablo on the Brain!

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