Self Cast Magma Orb Inquisitor
Needed to take a break from Map burnout at high levels again. The Shaper beat my ass something fierce when I went the first time. Part of it was my fault for getting frustrated and trying to rush. Part of it was me overestimating the survivability of my build. Part of it, was that line Top Dollar had in the original Crow movie:

Quote:Quick impression for you... Caw! Caw! Bang! Fuck, I'm dead!

I don't know what I happened. I went in the second portal, and when I killed that, and popped back out, I was dead. Instantly.

So, frustrated and tail firmly between my legs, I decided to take a break, and try out a Templar. I've never leveled a Templar high. I'm just not a fan of the model. (Man, I'd love to have some sort of customization in models / voices / genders / something)

Anyway, I decided to try out a Templar. I fell in love with the bouncing orbs of Magma Orb in the early game with it, and just kept going. I used a lot of what I learned from playing Molten Strike and applied it to Magma Orb, which has gotten me moving, but now I have to learn about Spell Casting Mana Management.

The Character
Passive Tree

Level 78, and I'm smashing T10 maps with ease, and I can do T11, but they are a little sketchy, since my only defense is my relatively large pool of HP.

From here, until 90 (when I feel like you can no longer count on passive points to round out a char), I'm going to spend a little time fixing a few things in the tree, Finishing ULab (God I hate lab), and rounding out Mana Regen, and changing up some jewels.

Here is a pastebin of my plan at 90. TADA!

This is also my first dedicated caster build in quite a long time. I've always struggled with the mana management of a caster, which is one of the reasons why I specifically went inquisitor with this build. Damage, and Consecrated ground while stationary that also regens mana? Cool!

The basic gist of the build, is drop the totem (which can roast basic mobs on its own), while you just bowl everything over with 3 fiery balls of death, and move on.

Still not sold on Flame Dash, but it's faster than leap slam, and I just don't understand why people like Shield Charge, I guess. I didn't find it useful.

Anyway, If anyone has any useful tidbits, I'm all ears.
Used to play WoW on Terenas.
Played PoE for a while, Guild Leader of the Lurker guild there. Back to playing.
Lover of stringed instruments, and the beautiful music they make.

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