Delve league
So is anyone playing the new Delve league (basically similar to D3's endless dungeon)?

I'm working on a Caustic Arrow Trickster Shadow (seems a better start area than going with Ranger Pathfinder). I decided to use a name that most from the old DSF will find tongue-in-cheek and slightly humorous, _Caustic_Bostic_... =p
Sith Warriors - They only class that gets a new room added to their ship after leaving Hoth, they get a Brooncloset

Einstein said Everything is Relative.
Heisenberg said Everything is Uncertain.
Therefore, everything is relatively uncertain.
Hey Lissa!

I've just started playing PoE again, with Delve league, and I'm having a lot of fun. I've started out with a toxic rain trickster and it seems incredibly strong. Focusing on quill rain stacking the chaos damage, not the physical/poison.

I feel like I have a good understanding of the league/mechanics so I'm going to start over in self-found hardcore with a summoner and see where I go from there.

Hope all is well! Keep us updated how Caustic Bostic is going Tongue
I played a little bit of Delve, but alas, I did not enjoy it at all. I do have a level 50 Melee Ranger in SC Delve that I kick around on from time to time. I still play on the regular, and I'm making my way through the Atlas, and heading towards 90 on my Reflect Immune Frost Blades Scion.
Used to play WoW on Terenas.
Played PoE for a while, Guild Leader of the Lurker guild there. Back to playing.
Lover of stringed instruments, and the beautiful music they make.

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