Shocking new DNA study reveals that human beings are divided into two genders!

There’s some additional bad news out there for the “party of science” (as the Democrats have taken to calling themselves) and particularly for transgender advocates. But even if you have no interest in such social justice topics, a new study published by geneticists in Israel is still pretty fascinating. The Liberty Council has a report this week on new research material coming from Israel’s Weizmann Institute of Science, where scientists have undertaken an exhaustive study of genetic differences between the two genders which go far beyond just what’s found in their 23rd chromosomal pair or what sorts of genitalia they display externally. And some of this research could have far reaching implications in terms of fighting diseases and solving other medical mysteries on top of sorting out this “gender vs sex” question which liberals keep trying to push.

A recent study released from Israel’s Weizmann Institute of Science refutes propaganda from LGBT activists who detach gender completely from sex and promote that men can become so-called “women” by merely “identifying” as female, and vice-versa.

Professor Shmuel Pietrokovski and Dr. Moran Gershoni, both researchers from the Weizmann Institute’s Molecular Genetics Department, “looked closely at around 20,000 protein-coding genes, sorting them by sex and searching for differences in expression in each tissue. They eventually identified around 6,500 genes with activity that was biased toward one sex or the other in at least one tissue, adding to the already major biological differences between men and women.”
You can access the study here in .pdf form and browse through it. They discovered all manner of fascinating things, some of which seem obvious in retrospect while others are quite surprising. They identified specific genes which are directly associated with hair growth in skin cells. These genes are far more widespread in men than women, showing up in different places. (The result of that should be obvious.) One of the more surprising developments (at least to me) came in the area of mammary glands. Both males and females have all of the “equipment” to support lactation, but it’s almost never seen in men. The study identified specific genes in men which apparently turn off that process since it’s not needed. Some others would be easier to predict, such as higher levels of muscle building genes in men as opposed to higher levels of genes which are related to fat storage in women. The list goes on.

But mostly, this is just one more brick in the wall for the folks who seem to insist on “listening to the scientists” except when it’s inconvenient to do so. Whenever this debate comes up, someone inevitably tries to point to a single study done years ago hinting that the brain waves of transgender people match those of people of the opposite sex. But further research showed that those results couldn’t be reliably repeated under laboratory conditions. To boot, experts in the field have already admitted that they can’t tell a male brain from a female brain in those scans to begin with. By comparison, any deep dive into readily measurable and repeatable genetic studies shows the true nature of our species, as well as the striking and generally wonderful difference between our two genders which are established basically at the moment of conception.


This is pretty obvious, no? NO?
Bill Nye told me this isn't true. You are a gross bigot.
What? How am I seeing your garbage again? I had you blocked years ago...
Quote:But mostly, this is just one more brick in the wall for the folks who seem to insist on “listening to the scientists” except when it’s inconvenient to do so.

You have it backwards. More like, people such as yourself who consistently "deny science" EXCEPT when it is misused to come to ideological conclusions that align with your archaic worldviews. Of course, it ceases to even be science at that point, but that's another topic.

Science is, generally speaking, a good thing, but it has a complex if not precarious position in capitalist societies, and can (and has been) misused for malicious purposes. The most prominent example of course was the Nazi regime and its pseudo-scientific eugenics program structured around and upon the premise of Aryan supremacy and German nationalism. In a far less extreme but more common and subtle example, it is misused by economists and psychologists, everyday, to perpetuate bourgeois ideals.

This article isn't any better really, and has absolutely no legitimate scientific backing anyways. And even if it did, I would say its being misused here to promote or pander to a heteronormative viewpoint, and therefore, again, that would be ideology and not science.

In short, FOAD.

"Your very ideas are but the outgrowth of conditions of your bourgeois production and bourgeois property, just as your jurisprudence is but the will of your class, made into law for all, a will whose essential character and direction are determined by the economic conditions of the existence of your class." - Marx (on capitalist laws and institutions)
(05-12-2017, 02:58 PM)FireIceTalon Wrote: Science is, generally speaking, a good thing, but it has a complex if not precarious position in capitalist societies, and can (and has been) misused for malicious purposes.
The Scientific Method is a rational process for testing hypothesis through observable phenomena, and so, like solving maths has no ideological agenda.

Quote:This article isn't any better really, and has absolutely no legitimate scientific backing anyways. And even if it did, I would say its being misused here to promote or pander to a heteronormative viewpoint, and therefore, again, that would be ideology and not science.
THIS ^^.

Quote:Results: We comprehensively mapped human sex-differential genetic architecture across 53 tissues. Analyzing available RNA-sequencing data from 544 adults revealed thousands of genes differentially expressed in the reproductive tracts and tissues common to both sexes. Sex-differential genes are related to various biological systems, and suggest new insights into the pathophysiology of diverse human diseases. We also identified a significant association between sex-specific gene transcription and reduced selection efficiency and accumulation of deleterious mutations, which might affect the prevalence of different traits and diseases. Interestingly, many of the sex-specific genes that also undergo reduced selection efficiency are essential for successful reproduction in men or women. This seeming paradox might partially explain the high incidence of human infertility.

I read three things; a) insights into disease expression by gender, b) differences in the bad mutations, c) some insights into high incidence of human infertility.

It seems to have zero to do with gender identity at all. It is like the author of the article failed to understand the science, in either the functionality or conclusions, or more likely, the author found some research on sexual differentiation, then attempted to baffle the idiots on the internet with some fictitious bull crap in order to advance their bigoted world view.

The only suggestion in the research paper, if grossly taken out of context, and then repeatedly fed through a blender, might be...
Quote:Genes with men-biased expression also showed enrichment in glucose metabolism pathways, but the gene sets differed, suggesting alternative pathways in glucose metabolism between men and women (Additional file 14: Table S5). A muscle contraction pathway was also associated with genes over expressed in men (Additional file 14: Table S5). This might be related to the physiological differences in muscle tissues and in physical features between men and women [38, 39].
So, you will notice they describe it as different, not better. It might suggest a testable hypothesis that anecdotally XX perform better in longer distances, while XY are better in short duration exertions. They draw no conclusions on the gene expressions they identified.

In other words, it should be obvious to all that even in Trans transitioning, the underlying chromosomes remain XX or XY, including specific differentiation. With medical procedures and hormone therapy we can make XX look like XY and vice versa to appease gender identity. This is a good thing for those who feel they are in the wrong gendered body.

This is what research into Gender Identity looks like. It generally will be from Psychologists, and not Biologists.

I also found the subject appropriate link for this topic;

Quote:Look inside
Look inside your tiny mind
Now look a bit harder
Cause we're so uninspired
So sick and tired of all the
Hatred you harbor
So you say
It's not okay to be gay
Well I think you're just evil
You're just some racist who
Can't tie my laces
Your point of view is medieval
”There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy." - Hamlet (1.5.167-8), Hamlet to Horatio.

[Image: yVR5oE.png][Image: VKQ0KLG.png]

I have to add a few things.

It doesn't take much more than a kindergarten education to understand male/female biology.
"Gender Identity" is barely definable. It seems like feeling. Science/logic and feelings go together like oil and water.
Lurking was much more enthralling when Pete was still with us.
Gharbad at the Roxbury still Rox:
(05-13-2017, 02:05 AM)GhastMaster Wrote: #2 "Gender Identity" is barely definable. It seems like feeling. Science/logic and feelings go together like oil and water.
I agree with all, but would comment on #2.

Gender Identity for me is an extension of individual liberty. If a persons psychology leads them into a set of harmless behaviors, then why should the society feel the need to shame, denounce, or make laws to force people into a normative box? So, yes, it might be a feeling, or it might be deeper innate psychology. Either way, our concern for other people's psychology should be more focused on those that lead to destructive behaviors.

As a tech geek, I always had a lower opinion of the soft sciences, like economics, sociology, or psychology. But, the fates would direct my computer science into data science, and now into sociological research. I see better now that often the difference with these newer sciences is some tolerance for bad experimentation, something which took a few hundred years to exorcise from the physical sciences. The standards of quality in published research in all sciences these days are head and shoulders better than a few decades ago.
”There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy." - Hamlet (1.5.167-8), Hamlet to Horatio.

[Image: yVR5oE.png][Image: VKQ0KLG.png]

(05-13-2017, 05:07 PM)kandrathe Wrote:
(05-13-2017, 02:05 AM)GhastMaster Wrote: #2 "Gender Identity" is barely definable. It seems like feeling. Science/logic and feelings go together like oil and water.
I agree with all, but would comment on #2.

Gender Identity for me is an extension of individual liberty. If a persons psychology leads them into a set of harmless behaviors, then why should the society feel the need to shame, denounce, or make laws to force people into a normative box? So, yes, it might be a feeling, or it might be deeper innate psychology. Either way, our concern for other people's psychology should be more focused on those that lead to destructive behaviors.

As a tech geek, I always had a lower opinion of the soft sciences, like economics, sociology, or psychology. But, the fates would direct my computer science into data science, and now into sociological research. I see better now that often the difference with these newer sciences is some tolerance for bad experimentation, something which took a few hundred years to exorcise from the physical sciences. The standards of quality in published research in all sciences these days are head and shoulders better than a few decades ago.

I agree with the individual liberty aspect. Behaviors not effecting third parties generally should not be governed. Shame, denouncement, and intolerance are one thing. Laws are another. Laws should not infringe on personal liberty. I think a lot like Ben Shapiro when it comes to trans issues. I consider trans a mental disorder(I am not a Psychologist). I think MD's who practice genital mutilation on these people are making it worse for them. I don't remember the suicide rates, but I believe they were the same for post and pre op, which indicates the transition is not helpful mentally. I feel sorry for people who have the LGBT tendencies. Most I have met are very unstable, insecure, and generally miserable. I think it stems from the confusion.

They are outside the norm.

When you are outside the norm politically it is hard to stay sane! That is why you try to change the politics of the people around you and vote to promote your politics. It is my opinion that LGBT feel the same way about LGBT and want it to be the norm when it is not. Nearly everyone wants to feel normal.
(05-14-2017, 01:00 AM)GhastMaster Wrote:
(05-13-2017, 05:07 PM)kandrathe Wrote:
(05-13-2017, 02:05 AM)GhastMaster Wrote: #2 "Gender Identity" is barely definable. It seems like feeling. Science/logic and feelings go together like oil and water.
I agree with all, but would comment on #2.

Gender Identity for me is an extension of individual liberty. If a persons psychology leads them into a set of harmless behaviors, then why should the society feel the need to shame, denounce, or make laws to force people into a normative box? So, yes, it might be a feeling, or it might be deeper innate psychology. Either way, our concern for other people's psychology should be more focused on those that lead to destructive behaviors.

As a tech geek, I always had a lower opinion of the soft sciences, like economics, sociology, or psychology. But, the fates would direct my computer science into data science, and now into sociological research. I see better now that often the difference with these newer sciences is some tolerance for bad experimentation, something which took a few hundred years to exorcise from the physical sciences. The standards of quality in published research in all sciences these days are head and shoulders better than a few decades ago.

I agree with the individual liberty aspect. Behaviors not effecting third parties generally should not be governed. Shame, denouncement, and intolerance are one thing. Laws are another. Laws should not infringe on personal liberty. I think a lot like Ben Shapiro when it comes to trans issues. I consider trans a mental disorder(I am not a Psychologist). I think MD's who practice genital mutilation on these people are making it worse for them. I don't remember the suicide rates, but I believe they were the same for post and pre op, which indicates the transition is not helpful mentally. I feel sorry for people who have the LGBT tendencies. Most I have met are very unstable, insecure, and generally miserable. I think it stems from the confusion.

They are outside the norm.

When you are outside the norm politically it is hard to stay sane! That is why you try to change the politics of the people around you and vote to promote your politics. It is my opinion that LGBT feel the same way about LGBT and want it to be the norm when it is not. Nearly everyone wants to feel normal.

As someone LGBT I feel neither insane nor miserable.
"I may be old, but I'm not dead."
(05-14-2017, 01:00 AM)GhastMaster Wrote: I agree with the individual liberty aspect. Behaviors not effecting third parties generally should not be governed. Shame, denouncement, and intolerance are one thing. Laws are another. Laws should not infringe on personal liberty. I think a lot like Ben Shapiro when it comes to trans issues. I consider trans a mental disorder(I am not a Psychologist). I think MD's who practice genital mutilation on these people are making it worse for them. I don't remember the suicide rates, but I believe they were the same for post and pre op, which indicates the transition is not helpful mentally. I feel sorry for people who have the LGBT tendencies. Most I have met are very unstable, insecure, and generally miserable. I think it stems from the confusion.

They are outside the norm.

When you are outside the norm politically it is hard to stay sane! That is why you try to change the politics of the people around you and vote to promote your politics. It is my opinion that LGBT feel the same way about LGBT and want it to be the norm when it is not. Nearly everyone wants to feel normal.
The truth is, I believe there is no normal when it comes to identity. There is a majority who identify toward hetero. What is hard to deal with as a minority is the crushing oppression of being made to feel the outcast. I hope you don't think I mean to imply a pathological psychology, just an alternative view of living. I think depression is a very universal human problem, but like anyone isolated, the outcasts can suffer more of it. The solution is easy, to lift the exile, and make no more outcasts.

LGBT folks don't need or want pity, but would like just a little support from the majority in allowing them the same rights and dignity that the majority enjoys. We are yet to see how this president acts toward LGBT, but there is reason to fear the return of persecution. I will fight against any roll back of LGBT rights because I believe in the freedom to be whomever you really are regardless of the majority opinions.
”There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy." - Hamlet (1.5.167-8), Hamlet to Horatio.

[Image: yVR5oE.png][Image: VKQ0KLG.png]

(05-14-2017, 01:00 AM)GhastMaster Wrote:
(05-13-2017, 05:07 PM)kandrathe Wrote:
(05-13-2017, 02:05 AM)GhastMaster Wrote: #2 "Gender Identity" is barely definable. It seems like feeling. Science/logic and feelings go together like oil and water.
I agree with all, but would comment on #2.

Gender Identity for me is an extension of individual liberty. If a persons psychology leads them into a set of harmless behaviors, then why should the society feel the need to shame, denounce, or make laws to force people into a normative box? So, yes, it might be a feeling, or it might be deeper innate psychology. Either way, our concern for other people's psychology should be more focused on those that lead to destructive behaviors.

As a tech geek, I always had a lower opinion of the soft sciences, like economics, sociology, or psychology. But, the fates would direct my computer science into data science, and now into sociological research. I see better now that often the difference with these newer sciences is some tolerance for bad experimentation, something which took a few hundred years to exorcise from the physical sciences. The standards of quality in published research in all sciences these days are head and shoulders better than a few decades ago.

I agree with the individual liberty aspect. Behaviors not effecting third parties generally should not be governed. Shame, denouncement, and intolerance are one thing. Laws are another. Laws should not infringe on personal liberty. I think a lot like Ben Shapiro when it comes to trans issues. I consider trans a mental disorder(I am not a Psychologist). I think MD's who practice genital mutilation on these people are making it worse for them. I don't remember the suicide rates, but I believe they were the same for post and pre op, which indicates the transition is not helpful mentally. I feel sorry for people who have the LGBT tendencies. Most I have met are very unstable, insecure, and generally miserable. I think it stems from the confusion.

They are outside the norm.

When you are outside the norm politically it is hard to stay sane! That is why you try to change the politics of the people around you and vote to promote your politics. It is my opinion that LGBT feel the same way about LGBT and want it to be the norm when it is not. Nearly everyone wants to feel normal.

I don't know who you've met that is LGBT, but I think there was probably something else that was driving their feelings of being miserable. Of all the people I've known that are LGBT, only one was mentally screwed up and it wasn't because she was Bi, it had to do with the fact that she found her mother dead when she was the age of 9 (she had gone to school in the morning with her mother fine and then came home after school and found her mother dead on the kitchen floor).
Sith Warriors - They only class that gets a new room added to their ship after leaving Hoth, they get a Brooncloset

Einstein said Everything is Relative.
Heisenberg said Everything is Uncertain.
Therefore, everything is relatively uncertain.
(05-14-2017, 01:00 AM)GhastMaster Wrote: Nearly everyone wants to feel normal.

This is a pretty misleading assertion, especially regarding LGBT persons. I highly doubt they give a single fuck of what is normal or not normal, so much as they demand to be treated with the same respect and dignity as any other human being (as they rightfully should be).

Bourgeois heteronormativity is a social construct anyway, passed down from generations of ruling class propaganda on what passes for normalcy (acceptable, or preferable) as far as gender identity and sexuality are concerned, and anything outside that ideal is "not normal" or inferior, treated as "the other". Just as they have tried in the past (and to some extent in the present) tried to tell us that whites are superior to minorities, men superior to women, and capitalists superior to workers/poor people. It's all a load of bullshit, and people are starting to see through it.

"Your very ideas are but the outgrowth of conditions of your bourgeois production and bourgeois property, just as your jurisprudence is but the will of your class, made into law for all, a will whose essential character and direction are determined by the economic conditions of the existence of your class." - Marx (on capitalist laws and institutions)
Hi, I felt this would fit nicely in this topic; enjoy

"The true value of a human being is determined primarily by the measure and the sense in which he has attained liberation from the self." -Albert Einsetin
In the clearest interpretation I know, sex refers to the biological category, gender to the social category. Neither are fundamentally binary, though of course there are more and less common forms of both. They are not exclusive categories, and the relationship between them is flexible.

Anyone making the "there are two genders, that's obvious" claim is almost invariably trying to simplify and merge the biological and social categories into one idea - your social role is identical with your squishy bits, and anyone saying differently should get back in their box. Hume's fork is ignored - "is" statements and "ought" statements are thrown around interchangeably. Men have penises, women have vaginas, men should have sex with women, women should have sex with men, men hunt the mammoth, women raise the babies, etc, as though these were all the same type of claim. Aristotelian categories are confused for empirical evidence. Complex phenomena that don't fit well are ignored (androgen insensitivity, anyone?). Words like "logic" and "facts" then get thrown around, to give this fallacious equivocation the patina of reason, despite it being no more "logical" than the old syllogism "nothing is better than steak, hamburger is better than nothing, therefore hamburger is better than steak." Once you mean more than one thing by a word, it no longer works for deductive reasoning.

We are (largely) stuck with our biology, though we are eroding even those barriers. How we interpret that biology into social categories is up to us, and there is nothing in the world of empirical observation that tells us what we can and cannot do, or what we should or should not do. If we want to have a society that respects how people want to be identified, we can do that. If we want to squash people into boxes that feel more comfortable to us, regardless of their feelings, we can do that too. Nature doesn't decide this, we do.

(05-14-2017, 08:05 AM)Taem Wrote: Hi, I felt this would fit nicely in this topic; enjoy

Now, tell me: is that video aimed at providing facts? Or making some people feel better, and others worse?


Also are we really quoting a source that's quoting a source that's quoting another source?
With great power comes the great need to blame other people.
Guild Wars 2: (ArchonWing.9480) (ArchonWing.1480)
(05-15-2017, 07:03 AM)Archon_Wing Wrote: SCIENCE huh

Also are we really quoting a source that's quoting a source that's quoting another source?

Sounds like a Matryoshka source... >.>
Sith Warriors - They only class that gets a new room added to their ship after leaving Hoth, they get a Brooncloset

Einstein said Everything is Relative.
Heisenberg said Everything is Uncertain.
Therefore, everything is relatively uncertain.
(05-15-2017, 07:03 AM)Archon_Wing Wrote: SCIENCE huh

Also are we really quoting a source that's quoting a source that's quoting another source?
The original cited journal paper is a legitimate genetic study of gene expression differences, most likely due to the influence of a Y chromosome. But, then it was misinterpreted by religious right homophobes, then requoted even more out of context by another agenda driven fake news click bait generator.

But it's not like big news to discover XX does not equal XY.
”There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy." - Hamlet (1.5.167-8), Hamlet to Horatio.

[Image: yVR5oE.png][Image: VKQ0KLG.png]

Now that we've established we're dealing with a 4th person source, then I think that's all that needed to be said.

I'm reminded of that type when i was a lazy student in middle school and had to come up with an experiment, therefore I just half assed something about whether or not ice melts faster in warmer water.

[spoiler]It did[/spoiler]

Somehow that was less of a shitshow than this thread. Then again, I suppose I wasn't adding a political agenda to it.
With great power comes the great need to blame other people.
Guild Wars 2: (ArchonWing.9480) (ArchonWing.1480)
Here are 15 studies showing a biological origin of gender dysphoria.

1.“There is also evidence, albeit clinical, for a role of testosterone in the sexual differentiation of the human brain, in particular in inducing male gender role behavior and heterosexual orientation.” - Julie Baker, Focus on Sexuality Research, 2014

2.“...We conclude that there is sufficient evidence that EDCs modify behavioral sexual dimorphism in children, presumably by interacting with the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis.” Winneke et al, Environmental health perspectives, 2013

3.“Gender-dependent differentiation of the brain has been detected at every level of organization—morphological, neurochemical, and functional—and has been shown to be primarily controlled by sex differences in gonadal steroid hormone levels during perinatal development.” Chung and Wilson, European Journal of Physiology, 2013

4.“Gender identity (the conviction of belonging to the male or female gender), sexual orientation (hetero-, homo-, or bisexuality), pedophilia, and the risks for neuropsychiatric disorders are programmed into our brain during early development. There is no proof that postnatal social environment has any crucial effect on gender identity or sexual orientation.” Swaab and Bao, Neuroscience in the 21st century, 2013

5.“Testosterone, estrogen and dihydrotestosterone are the main steroid hormones responsible for the organization and sexual differentiation of brain structures during early development.” Serkan Karaismailoğlu; Ayşen Erdem, Journal of the Turkish-German Gynecological Association, 2013

6.“In human males, we show that variation in fetal testosterone (FT) predicts later local gray matter volume of specific brain regions in a direction that is congruent with sexual dimorphism observed in a large independent sample of age-matched males and females from the NIH Pediatric MRI Data Repository.” Lombardo, et al., The Journal of Neuroscience, 2012

7.“Testosterone measured in infancy predicts subsequent sex-typed behavior in boys and in girls.” Lamminmäki, et al., Hormones and Behavior, 2012

8.“The finger length ratio between the second and fourth digits in transgender men was significantly lower than in female controls in the right hand in this study. 2D : 4D showed a positive correlation with GIS score. Because 2D : 4D influences are assumed to be established in early life and to reflect testosterone exposure, our results suggest a relationship between GID-FtM and perinatal testosterone.” Sasaki, Tsukamotoa, and Horie, The Journal of Sexual Medicine, 2012

9.“...growing evidence shows that testosterone exposure contributes similarly to the development of other human behaviors that show sex differences, including sexual orientation, core gender identity, and some, though not all, sex-related cognitive and personality characteristics.” Hines, Annual review of neuroscience, 2011

10.“There is strong evidence that high concentrations of androgens lead to more male-typical behavior and that this also influences gender identity. “Jürgensen, et al., Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology and Metabolism, 2010

11.“However, when the process of genital development and of brain sexual development does not match the same sex, females with a male brain and vice versa can arise. These transsexual people have problems with their gender identity and have the conviction of being born in the wrong body.” Worrell, Master Thesis, Faculty of Medicine, Universiteit Utrecht, 2010

12.“In this study, more than 150 individuals with confirmed or suspected prenatal diethylstilbestrol (DES) exposure reported moderate to severe feelings of gender dysphoria across the lifespan.” Kerlin, Paper prepared for the International Behavioral Development Symposium, 2005

13.“Secondly, as predicted twin girls where one displayed gender dysphoria had a more masculine pattern of cerebral lateralization, than non-transgender girls. These findings support the notion of an influence of prenatal T on early brain organization in girls.” Cohen-Bendahan; Buitelaar; van Goozen; and Cohen-Kettenis, Psychoneuroendocrinology, 2004

14.“It thus appears conceivable that due to local hormone dependent changes during development at least some areas of the brain may follow a different course than the genitals during the process of sexual differentiation. A partial or even complete brain-body sex reversal may eventually be the result.” Kruijver, Dissertation, Faculty of Medicine, University of Amsterdam, 2004

15.“Results support the notion that the gender identity is related to the sex steroid-driven sexual differentiation of the brain, and that certain genetic variants of three of the genes critically involved in this process, may enhance the susceptibility for transsexualism.” Landén, Doctoral Thesis, University of Gothenburg, 1999
”There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy." - Hamlet (1.5.167-8), Hamlet to Horatio.

[Image: yVR5oE.png][Image: VKQ0KLG.png]


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