Upcoming Self-Found Leagues
Anyone playing the new self-found leagues that will be introduced sometime in March?

I think I'll give self-found hardcore a shot. I've had a self-found (softcore) account for a bit and I'm really enjoying it. There's pluses and minuses, but overall I've found it to be a more rewarding experience playing off of your drops rather than by trading. Because I know I won't be able to reach absolute end-game in self-found consistently, even after playing a lot in Softcore, I'd rather play a slower paced game in hardcore mode.

I'm thinking of giving Fire Nova Mines a shot. It has insane mana requirements, but the damage is there, and if I offset the mana by building around it and Mind over Matter, I think I'll be OK for hardcore mode.

But yea, seeing if there's still interest here in PoE and what everyone else is playing, if so.

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