Open Diablo Editor (ODE)
Version 0.2 is available at Nexusmods:

To use, put the .bat, .sh and .jar files next to your Diablo.exe then run the .bat. If you have Java installed (you need the Java JRE) it will launch the editor.

To use the editor:
1. Make some simple changes
2. Click "Cache changes" after the edits (this will remember the changes, otherwise switching entities will discard your edits)
3. Click File -> Save
4. Load up DiabloModded.exe

I would advise backing up all characters before you use a modded exe. Some of the edits the editor permits you to make will result in a non-functional modded exe. To find out which edits will work, refer to

I hope you enjoy using the editor.

Any suggestions for improvements can be sent to firstname at lastname dot me dot uk where firstname and lastname are my first and last names respectively (see -- or simply post here!

Original post:

Hello all,

Since this seems to be the most active Diablo forum in existence I thought I would post this here.

I am making an editor for Diablo.

My motivation/reasoning is as follows:
1) A lot of people seem to want Mod X or Mod Y +/- a few adjustments.
2) The editor will act as a repository of knowledge for the diablo community (both users and modders, though Jarulf's guide caters better for users).
3) I wanted to make a mod but couldn't decide what to make.
4) Editing in a hex editor makes my eyes bleed.

I have a working version at the moment, but you will need basic Java skills to make use of it (and, preferably, Eclipse). V1 is more of a "toolkit" than a full editor.

A later version will have a full GUI.

I am looking for interested parties to (1) make mods using the editor and (2) provide more memory locations/routine modifications that I can include in the editor.

I'll post more if anyone is interested. I'm happy to answer questions/accept input.

I'm also interested in collaborating to produce an annotated ASM file. I've already made a start but there are 200,000 lines of code so it is a big project.

Thanks & regards,

This sounds like a very interesting project. Do you have a GitHub repository with some initial work?

You probably know about freeablo already (a reimplementation of the Diablo 1 engine in C++). Some work has been done to analyze the Diablo 1 file formats (CEL, CL2, etc) at blizzconv (in Go) and diablo-file-formats (in Node.js).

If you know of any other projects which aim to provide insight into how the original Diablo 1 engine works, please let me know.

Looking forward to hearing back from you.

Cheers /u

P.S. if you are not yet a member, consider joining the Kanduras network, which is specifically dedicated to Diablo 1.
Hi /u,

Thanks for the response.

Edit: I now have the software up on a GitHub repo at

Let me know what you think.

PS: Thanks for the info about diablo-file-formats (in Node.js) -- I didn't know about that project!

PS2: I have tried joining the Khanduras network, but get no confirmation e-mail when signing up. The site admin has not responded to my attempts to contact them.

Thanks & regards,

I've downloaded a copy of the code and started to look through it. At this stage the project is basically a codification of the Dark mod notes. It has a lot of potential, especially as well-commented code could serve as an interactive reference to the Diablo engine.

I'd be very interested in commenting on specific parts of the code (a feature which is provided by code hosting sites such as GitHub and Bitbucket) and follow the projects future development. If you would decide to start using a revision control system (e.g. git, hg) it would be much easier to track the deltas (diffs) between each change of the code. This may very well be old news to you, but I just wanted to point it out as it truly facilitates collaboration on open source projects. Btw, I'm very happy that you've decoded to license your code MIT!

Let me know if you do decide to create a GitHub user :)

Cheerful regards /u
Hello /u,

Thanks for the comments.

I'm certainly planning to annotate/comment the code a lot more. I'll also look in to seeing up a GitHub account sometime this week -- it's about time I worked out how to do that.

> Btw, I'm very happy that you've decoded to license your code MIT!

Thanks. It puts the Open in ODE. ;)

Hi all,

The GitHub is up at

It has nothing in it yet, but it is up. I'll try to fill it sometime this week.

Edit: OK. It now has stuff in it. Not sure if I did it right -- I need to read up on Git I think.

Thanks & regards,
Thanks! I've sent my first pull request :) Have a look when you get time:
Hi /u,

Sent you a PM, if you're watching this thread...

What versions of Diablo do you intend to support? Awhile back I think people still used v1.07 for compatibility with older mods, but I'm not sure if anyone plays them any more.

Also curious if you intend to support Diablo's wayward expansion pack, Hellfire.
Hi Belix,

Thank you for the question.

Initial support is for Diablo 1.09.

I intend to add support for Hellfire sometime later (as you know, it's not too difficult once the basic software is in place -- it's just the offsets that change).

Thanks & regards,
(06-14-2015, 07:14 PM)quixotic-cynic Wrote: Initial support is for Diablo 1.09.
It will be great. The Awakening mod based on 1.09.
Hello Noktis,

(06-17-2015, 08:28 PM)Noktis Wrote: It will be great. The Awakening mod based on 1.09.

Thanks. :)

PS: Diablo The Awakening looks like an impressive mod! (Just watched the Youtube video).

If you finish it, just tell me Smile
Hello all,

Happy new year -2 days. Wink

GUI is now operational. It is quite simple at present and it is easy to break the Diablo.exe (but difficult to break anything else).

Constructive comments/feedback will encourage me to work on this more.

Unless you intend to limit your potential sources of testing and feedback to other programmers, you may want to explain what steps are necessary for normal people to download and run your program, or provide some ready-to-run package. Smile
(01-01-2017, 12:54 AM)Belix Wrote: provide some ready-to-run package. Smile

Hello Belix,

Thank you for a sensible suggestion. I will (at some point) make a JAR that can be downloaded without worrying about all the build stuff.

Thanks & regards,
Hello All,

I uploaded a more convenient non-developer version to

To use, put the .bat, .sh and .jar files next to your Diablo.exe then run the .bat. If you have Java installed (you need the Java JRE) it will launch the editor.

To use the editor:
1. Make some simple changes
2. Click "Cache changes" after the edits (this will remember the changes, otherwise switching entities will discard your edits)
3. Click File -> Save
4. Load up DiabloModded.exe

I would advise backing up all characters before you use a modded exe. Some of the edits the editor permits you to make will result in a non-functional modded exe. To find out which edits will work, refer to

I hope you enjoy using the editor.

Any suggestions for improvements can be sent to firstname at lastname dot me dot uk where firstname and lastname are my first and last names respectively (see -- or simply post here!

Thanks & regards,

Attached Files
.zip (Size: 132.14 KB / Downloads: 12)
(01-15-2017, 10:10 AM)quixotic-cynic Wrote: Hello All,

I uploaded a more convenient non-developer version to

To use, put the .bat, .sh and .jar files next to your Diablo.exe then run the .bat. If you have Java installed (you need the Java JRE) it will launch the editor.

To use the editor:
1. Make some simple changes
2. Click "Cache changes" after the edits (this will remember the changes, otherwise switching entities will discard your edits)
3. Click File -> Save
4. Load up DiabloModded.exe

I would advise backing up all characters before you use a modded exe. Some of the edits the editor permits you to make will result in a non-functional modded exe. To find out which edits will work, refer to

I hope you enjoy using the editor.

Any suggestions for improvements can be sent to firstname at lastname dot me dot uk where firstname and lastname are my first and last names respectively (see -- or simply post here!

Thanks & regards,

Surely this isn't considered legit (even if we consider the realm of legitamcy to have many grey areas). The cheater friendly folks over at the community of might condone or even be interested in the use of such programs - that place is crawling with people who export, abuse mana shield bug, use dupes, and plenty of slandering and hypocrisy to go along with all of it. But I don't think anyone here would condone the use of this.

"Your very ideas are but the outgrowth of conditions of your bourgeois production and bourgeois property, just as your jurisprudence is but the will of your class, made into law for all, a will whose essential character and direction are determined by the economic conditions of the existence of your class." - Marx (on capitalist laws and institutions)
Quote:Surely this isn't considered legit (even if we consider the realm of legitamcy to have many grey areas). The cheater friendly folks over at the community of might condone or even be interested in the use of such programs - that place is crawling with people who export, abuse mana shield bug, use dupes, and plenty of slandering and hypocrisy to go along with all of it. But I don't think anyone here would condone the use of this.

Are you trying to make yourself look like a complete idiot, or did you actually read what this tool is used for, in which case you are a complete idiot.

(01-15-2017, 10:10 AM)quixotic-cynic Wrote: Hello All,

I uploaded a more convenient non-developer version to

To use, put the .bat, .sh and .jar files next to your Diablo.exe then run the .bat. If you have Java installed (you need the Java JRE) it will launch the editor.

To use the editor:
1. Make some simple changes
2. Click "Cache changes" after the edits (this will remember the changes, otherwise switching entities will discard your edits)
3. Click File -> Save
4. Load up DiabloModded.exe

I would advise backing up all characters before you use a modded exe. Some of the edits the editor permits you to make will result in a non-functional modded exe. To find out which edits will work, refer to

I hope you enjoy using the editor.

Any suggestions for improvements can be sent to firstname at lastname dot me dot uk where firstname and lastname are my first and last names respectively (see -- or simply post here!

Thanks & regards,

Best of luck with your endeavors with this project. I've written a few similar tools myself over the years. Unfortunately most of them were lost in a HDD crash, and I lost most of my interest in modding after that.
"What contemptible scoundrel stole the cork from my lunch?"

-W.C. Fields
I downloaded this when you updated the GUI, but I haven't had time to play with it yet. I've been very busy lately but I do intend to see how your mod making tool is doing and give you some feedback/suggestions if I have any. I will check it out as soon as I can take a thorough look at it. Hopefully within the next few weeks.

I just didn't want to remain silent at the risk of giving you an impression of disinterest, since that's not very encouraging for a developer. Smile

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