Quelf Board Game... help!
This is one of the funnest party games I have ever played (when everyone at the party was drunk). So here comes the help portion of this post: to those of you who have played this game, how do you think this could be turned into a drinking game to enrich the experience? And what do you think could spice up the end-game, so people would really be excited to "win", i.e. make it to the end, because as of now, there is no purpose in winning whatsoever. And one more question, how many players would be too many for this game?

Re: drinking, I had two thoughts, but I'm not entirely sure how they'd play out. The first is the start the game off with a shot before the first turn is even played out. Second, whenever someone get penalized for failing to perform a card correctly, take a shot. The two times we played, nobody failed more than 5x, so this seems like a fairly safe bet, except for those who simply cannot fail, in which case they might find themselves a bit left out.

Re: end-game, I had one thought; betting! Everyone throws in $10 before the game even starts - last time we had 9-players and had to use another figure from a different board game, so if we could finagle at least 8-players this time, that'd be $80 to the winner, and we could even go two-rounds if we weren't too inebriated. Although now that I'm thinking about it, it'd be cool to make the pot an even $100 and have everyone toss in their fair-share, then on round two if you only had 5-players, the pot would still be another $100 with $20 buy ins, all in the name of fun mind-you!

Re: players, like I said, last time we had 9-players and the experience was so far past my expectations, I think it might have been one of the funnest experiences I've had at a party before! Anyways, I'm highly, highly considering bringing this game over to my cousins (6-10 players there alone with our two families), and inviting some buddies over, so there is a potential of up to 12-players. What do you think is the max amount of players this game could support? There are some times where there were global rules, like when person "x" stands, everyone has to stand, and with 9-people, it was borderline impossible to keep track, however I feel with everyone drinking and money on the line, players will be watching other players even closer than before so I'm not so sure having more players would be a bad thing, and since this game is mostly about watching your friends and loved ones make huge jack asses out of themselves, I'm sure the more the merrier. But twelve players... Even I have my doubts. Thoughts on this one?

So, I'm really looking forward to this, and am in the process of organizing this whole family bbq and inviting friends over just for the chance to play this game again, so I'd really like to nail it. All comments welcome. If you haven't played this game yet, do yourself a favor and pick it up and play it with a group of friends. I can promise you, its an experience you won't soon forget!
"The true value of a human being is determined primarily by the measure and the sense in which he has attained liberation from the self." -Albert Einsetin

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