Hearthstone deck discussion
I thought a thread for discussing the decks we play and getting input on how to improve them could maybe be a good thing. I'll start us off. I play a Shaman deck in ranked play. Looks like the following:

2 Lightning Bolt
2 Young Priestess
1 Ancestral Spirit
2 Acidic Swamp Ooze
2 Knife Juggler
2 Feral Spirit
2 Hex
2 Lava Burst
2 Lightning Storm
2 Flesheating Ghoul
2 Mana Tide Totem
2 Unbound Elemental
2 Spellbreaker
1 Bloodlust
2 Earth Elemental
2 Fire Elemental

I'm up to rank 12 currently, but constantly fiddling with the deck list. I've had Flametongue Totem, Rockbiter Weapon, Stormforged Axe, Forked Lightning, Azure Drake, Sunwalker, and I'm sure other cards too in the mix at various points.

Currently I'm really debating taking out the Unbound Elementals. I have 10 cards with overload so 1/3 of the deck makes them grow, but it still feels like not enough and I have plenty of other things to do at that mana point so I often find myself holding them back and it just doesn't really feel like it is working quite right. Not sure what to put in their place though. Often feel like I need a little more beef in the deck. There are some legendaries that would be perfect, but I don't have them. Looking at non-legendary options and nothing currently is feeling right.

The Ancestral Spirit and Bloodlust are actually new. Ran with two Flametongue Totem for a while. Was feeling like too often I'd end up just holding them cause they would die right away if I didn't. Which maybe says I need more taunt. Instead I took them out for those two which I am liking so far. The Ancestral I like since it can be used as kill (cast, attack, get the creature back) or to keep the beef I do have out there or other things too. It seems versatile. The Bloodlust also works as more kill with empowering my totems and such. Gives me a good burst even if I just have smalls out. 2 of them feels like too much though so thus only running the one.

Anyway, any thoughts on how you would modify the deck if you were playing it?
I've been having fun with a really gimmicky spell damage mage deck. It's certainly not ideal, but I made it based on the cards that I have.

[Image: PU2Bq58.jpg]

The Sylvanas is in there just because it's the only legendary I was lucky enough to get, and it's pretty fun to watch how opponents deal with it. I'll replace Sylvanas and Flesheating Ghoul with a pair of Pyroblasts when I can get them.

The board control of this deck is usually hilarious to me, and probably extremely frustrating for my opponents. There is rarely a point in any given match that I cannot completely wipe out every one of my opponents' minions.

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