I recommend you Dragon´s Crown
(01-25-2014, 11:43 PM)FireIceTalon Wrote: Actually, he did it before I did when he made his snide remark implying that I have never been with a female companion before - which not only smacks of chauvinism, but also borderline homophobia and/or discrimination against those who are asexual (I'm not asexual, but that is irrelevant).

....Are you a student at Greendale? Because that would explain a lot. Not everything, but a lot of things.


But on to more important things. Like a lego sidetrack.

LoG wrote:

Quote:Female friends have told me all about how being a girl meant getting craptastic toys compared to your brothers.

Sadly still true for the most part from I've seen.

I personally never really cared about the 'proper gender roles' for toys, because I was looking at their durability. I once got a 'girly' doll house set as a hand me down, and that thing was a hideout for the A-Team, and a jungle hut complete with curtains made of twigs. Also became a base for some underwater Cousteau type scientists. Probably a 'normal' house at one point or another, then became an earth based mission control room.

But that's just me, I could not afford to get all the officially branded stuff.
If a toy can survive more than one siblings in my family, it's considered durable enough, and sometimes gets handed down. Durability isn't cheap, but imagination is free.


They have lots of different buckets available with differing numbers of bricks.

It's true that there is still buckets\packs of random bricks and parts. The problem seems to be, and this is my own impression at least after browsing through some lego brick layers \ collector conny-sures forums.

The problems are lego isn't really pushing these generic\bulk packs, because sets are the moneymaker for them. That pack is still a fairly good deal compared to say, a 20 dollar lego brand small vehicle 'set', if we're just comparing part counts. But it becomes a bit more tricky if we're doing a bulk pack vs bulk pack count.

Some of these packs are using inflated part counts. Small, near custom pieces still counts as one part. The rubber wheel + plastic rim assembly, might count as two. It's legal, it's technically correct.

But it's kinda useless if you're hoping to get a larger quantity of bigger pieces to construct a bigger model, because a bunch of 1x1 nubs probably won't help you much in your construction. They can be valuable as accent, or near custom pieces sure. But in general, they seem to be the chip crumbs at the bottom of the chip bag.

Lego also discontinued some bulk\generic packs, or at least the types that were praised and liked by some builders.

So lego builders seems to turn to e-bay, discount\clearance sales, estate \ garage sales to get some of their bulk bricks. It seems possible to get a specific type and quantities of bricks from lego, but from what I understand they might not offer any discounts on bulk purchases.
(01-26-2014, 07:35 AM)kandrathe Wrote:
(01-25-2014, 11:43 PM)FireIceTalon Wrote: Actually, he did it before I did...
How reactionary.

What can I say...I just really, really, really dislike him.

"Your very ideas are but the outgrowth of conditions of your bourgeois production and bourgeois property, just as your jurisprudence is but the will of your class, made into law for all, a will whose essential character and direction are determined by the economic conditions of the existence of your class." - Marx (on capitalist laws and institutions)
Can we get back to talking about art and games?

FWIW, there is an over the top gal graphic in League of Legends for Sona (called Muse Sona) that I thought was Over the Top boobage.

The sorceress presented for Dragon Crown is ... well ... out of proportion and out of whack in a lot of ways. There is a later pic/screen capture in this thread where a sorceress is coming out of the bar, and the barmaid in the street seems to be drawn in buxom but believable proportions.

It ain't Picasso, but it's art, I suppose. Speaking of art, the D I rogue was thankfully not drawn with over the top boobage. Exaggerated a bit, and an idealized comic book form, but at least in proportion.
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