Slayer's Hellfire mod - Based on Marsh's Hellfire 1.02 mod
This is just my take on Marsh's mod which I was messing around with before I started university last September.This mod isnt finished yet, but I figured I would post what I DID get done here just to promote the flow of ideas. However, if you are looking to play an "updated" version of Hellfire, i do recommend Belix's mod over this one, as he has a larger selection of raw fixes incorporated into his mod - although you are more than welcome to try this mod anyways.

Marsh's mod:
Belix's mod:

NOTE: you MUST have Marsh's hellfire1.02 mod before you can use this mod, as i only re-distributed files which were modified/created.

also note that you may be required to apply compatibility fixes as needed, depending on what operating system you are using. I will leave that up to you however.

So without further adeau, here's the full excerpt straight from the rather roughly kept changelog that I was keeping:

EDIT: Just realized i made a mistake in crediting the wrong people in the mod notes. it should be Zamal and Zenda, not Varya and Kahn. Dont' know why i got that mixed up, but it was an honest mistake.

* Diablo Hellfire Mod 1.03a *
* Author: Slayer_X64 *
* *
* CREDIT: Based off of *
* Marsh's "Hellfire1.02" mod*
* *
* Special thanks to Zamal & Zenda
* for assembling such *
* detailed mod notes, even *
* though I have barely had *
* the time to study and make*
* use of them yet. *
* And special thanks to *
* Zakarun and his modmaker *
* *

Goal: the goal of this mod is to both make a hellfire that includes all quests in

multiplayer, fixes all bugs, and does some minor rebalancing to the game, while attempting to stay as true as possible to the way the original game played. This mod Itself is pretty elementary, but I've always wanted to try to make one, so this is my first attempt at it.

Proggress: this mod is in alpha. It was not originally intended or even deemed ready for release. However, with the progress of belix's mod in terms of Hellfire1.02a, I figured I would release this anyways just to get some of the ideas i had circulating flowing.

If you Have any questions, please contact me here, and I will get back to you as soon as I possibly can:

And I urge you to check you my backwards compatibility page for Diablo1 as well:

I hope this release is at least useful to somebody. When I get more time in the future,

perhaps I'll put more effort into completing this, and maybe I'll even implement the

changes that belix put in his mod. Thats assumming somebody doesnt beat me to it, however.



-Multiplayer save files changed hrinfo.drv->multi.hsv *Note: multiplayer save files are

still stored in c:\Windows *NOTE: the save file can sometimes be stored in C:\Users\*your

username*\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Windows <-this directory will not show up in global

searches when you look for your save files. You will have to navigate there manually.

-Prefix 'Sharp' is no longer marked as cursed.
-Prefix 'Masters' is now Qlvl 25
-Prefix 'Champions' is now Qlvl 28
-Prefix 'Kings' is now Qlvl 30
-Prefix 'Weird' is now Qlvl 25
-Prefix 'Strange' is now Qlvl 28
-Prefix 'Ruthless' is now Qlvl 25
-Prefix 'Merciless' is now Qlvl 28
-Prefixes 'Holy' and 'Godly' are now Qlvl 28
-Prefix 'Emerald' Qlvl changed from 31 -> 28
-Prefixes 'Wyrm's' and 'Hydra's' are now Qlvl 28
-Prefix 'Platinum' can now be found on Jewelry
-Suffixes of 'the dark'(price 0->750) and 'the night'(price 0->1500) are no longer marked

as cursed.
-Suffixes of 'Carnage' and 'Slaughter' are now Qlvl 28 and 30 respectively.
-Suffix of 'Osmosis' is now Qlvl 28
-Suffix of 'the mammoth' is now Qlvl 28
-Suffix of 'the whale' is now Qlvl 28
-Suffixes of 'burning' and 'thunder' are now Qlvl 20
-Sufffix of 'readiness' did not alter attack speed before, despite having "quick attack". rather than re-adjusting the attack speed of everything, I decided to make this into a "fast block" enchantment to be found on staves, something monks can make use of.
-Unique Item 'Gnarled Root' lost its AC penalty to fix an issue where the AC penalty would wrap around, and the item would actually PROVIDE an AC of 246.
-Unique Item 'Shirotachi' seems to have a bug where it has "faster attack speed" instead of

fastest attack speed. this bug is confirmed unrelated to the attack speed->blocking bonus

change of the suffix 'readiness' so im not sure what could be causing it.

*Character Class Frame Animation Addresses found at offset B4698*
-Bard Blocking Speed 4->3
-Bard Hit Recovery 7->6
-Bard Attack Animation frames cut from 18->10, to help force faster melee attack speed.
-Bard physical attack speed increased 10->9
-Bard spell casting speed 12->10
-Barbarian minimum and maximum magic increased 0->10 to act as a buffer zone for game breaking -magic glitches. damage can be repaired with elixers of magic.

-'The Shredded' name shortened -> 'Shredded'. Moved to 'Doomfire Slot'.
-'Black Knight' Moved to 'The Shredded' slot.
-'Malignus' base monster filled black knight slot. Malignus should now spawn on Diablo's floor, As does the basemonster in the part of his room where the black knight once spawned. In future updates I will try to fiddle with the code to force him to spawn in that room slot, but currently i just dont have the knowledge for it, nor the time.
-Activated monsters 'Oldboned', 'Red Death', 'Litch Demon', and 'Undead Balrog'. Gave monsters colors from "redstorm" monster tree.
-Activated monsters 'Hollow One', 'Pain Master' and 'Reality Weaver'. The Shredded now spawn between nest 1 and nest 3.
-Monster 'The Shredded' damage increased 4-12->8-16. Experience rewarded increased 900->2700.
-Monsters 'Black Knight' and 'Blood Knight' can now appear on Dlvl15
-Lone 'Black Knight' no longer appears on Dlvl16 as a result of the slot change with Malignus. However a lone "melee mage" now appears.
-Unique Monster 'Fleshdancer' now appears on Dlvl15
-New Monster 'Hell Horror' Ported as an Idea from the Diablo Playstation Port. 'Hell Horror' Monster Slot replaced 'Arch Litch Magnus' Slot. However I have not replicated their ability to duplicate in this patch - not because it is not possible, but because i have had issues balancing it because it requires that i both place them in the slot of the horror (because a) the skeleton monster slots have a special ability that allows them to be spawned by leoric, which makes as a perfect match for the hell horror - however the monster cannot be spawned or do any spawning unless they themselves are in a skeleton slot, with the only exception being leoric himself, and b) i would either have to adjust the space allowed for renaming them - probably through editing the code, or be lazy and just give them another name.) and give them the leoric attack type, which makes them too strongly biased to duplicate instead of attack, which currently means they will usually duplicate faster than you can kill them all, which obviously presents a huge balance issue, therefore until i get that sorted out they will simply have plain circle walk melee. Eventually however, i would want to give them this ability.

-Base chance to hit for all monsters have been capped at 130% in an attempt to prevent chance to hit overflow on nightmare and hell.

AC's of armors have been altered slightly to attempt to fill in holes in armor progression, to provide a smoother rate of AC ggrowth for first time playthroughs, rather than in spikes:
-Max AC of 'Gothic Shield' Raised 18->20
-AC of 'Breast Plate' Altered 20-24->26-33
-AC of 'Splint Mail' Altered 30-35->33-38. STR req raised 40->45
-AC of 'Plate Mail' Altered 42-50->40-50. STR req lowered 60->55
-AC of 'Field Plate' Altered 40-45->45-55
-AC of 'Gothic Plate' Altered 50-60->50-65

-New multiplayer quests ported from singleplayer: Arkaines Valor, Halls of the Blind, Zhar the Mad, Warlord of Blood. All are functional enough to be played. See below for

descriptions and or Issues:


==Arkaines Valor==

-This quest works but has some issues:

1. if you leave level 5 anywhere between the time this quest is activated by reading the book, and the time when it finishes by picking up arkaines valor and leaving the area, the quest will break as all areas will be resealed without a way to open them.

2. if you use a town portal while you are within the halls of valor, you will become stuck inside a wall, because the walls will reform when you come back.

3. a large amount of multiplayer desync can make it so the bloodstones do not spawn correctly. this however, is normally only an issue if ping is already really bad between players.

4. it is possible to dupe the same bloodstone 3 times in order to complete the quest, even if it has been broken.

==Halls of The Blind==

-This quest works perfectly from start to finish. The only glitches are that the optic amulet is duplicated for all players, and both the book is read every time the level is entered, and the optic amulet respawns every time the level is entered.

==Zhar the Mad==

-This quest works perfectly, as intended. However unlike all other multiplayer quests, this one is randomly generated and will not appear every time.

==Warlord of blood==

-works perfectly, though his book is read every time the level is entered.

EDIT: I also have found my old side notes that were detailing on some of the effects singleplayer quests had when activated in multiplayer, including why each quest either works, or malfunctions/does not work. Maybe these could be clues for solving what is required to implement them? In anycase, I may as well post them here for documentation. There may be some discrepancy between this list and the changelog quests, as this list eventually got integrated into the changelog once it was found what quests work and what quests didn't.

Multiplayer Quests:

==The Poisoned Water Supply==

-does not spawn, sadly.

==The Butcher==

-Works Perfectly, as designed.

==The Curse Of King Leoric==

-Leoric spawns standardly on level 3 instead of within his sub level, as the tomb of king leoric does not spawn.

-Allowing Leoric to respawn skeletons in multiplayer can lead to enemy graphical animation desync, and minor monster desync, leading to minor teleportation or enemies who seemingly stand still. It also leads to item desync, where only the hoast player can pick up certain dropped items. It is nothing that causes unplayability however, and as for the items, the host can simply pick them up, then distribute them amongst the other players..

==Garhbad the Weak==

-Garhbad will speak to you but he will never get past the first phase of the quest

==Ogdens Sign==

-While Ogden will not give you this quest, and it additionally does not appear to be able to be turned into him, you can complete it by turning it in to snotspill who can give you the quest. problem is that while the special quest area does spawn, it does not spawn with a door, making it so that you can only complete the quest if you know teleport. Strangely enough when you give snotspill the sign, a door spawns where the door should be. very strange...

==The Magic Rock==

-While you can find the rock perfectly fine, you just cant give it to griswold, which pretty much defeats the purpose of the quest.

==Arkaines Valor==

-This quest works but has some issues:

1. if you leave level 5 anywhere between the time this quest is activated by reading the book, and the time when it finishes by picking up arkaines valor and leaving the area, the quest will break as all areas will be resealed without a way to open them.
2. if you use a town portal while you are within the halls of valor, you will become stuck inside a wall, because the walls will reform when you come back.
3. a large amount of multiplayer desync can make it so the bloodstones do not spawn correctly.
4. it is possible to dupe the same bloodstone 3 times in order to complete the quest, even if it has been broken.
5. also in some cases, other players may see the host as if they were walking through solid walls...

==The Chamber of Bone==

-Area does not spawn, nor does the book required.

==Halls of The Blind==

-This quest works perfectly from start to finish. The only glitches are that the optic amulet is duplicated for all players, and both the book is read every time the level is entered, and the optic amulet respawns every time the level is entered.

==Zhar the Mad==

-This quest works perfectly, as intended. Does not spawn every time, only most of the time.


-Fungal tome does not spawn, even though the mushroom does. when fungal tome is hacked into inventory, and black mushroom spawns, adria will still not accept it, similar to the magic rock with griswold.

==Anvil of Fury==

-Area spawns most of the time, but while you can clear it out properly, and while you can recover the anvil, griswold does not accept it.

==Warlord of blood==

-works perfectly, though his book is read every time the level is entered.


-This quest would work perfectly except the golden elixer does not spawn on level 15. however, by using a trainer and editing in the golden elixer into my inventory, i was able to complete the quest by speaking to him. however he does not die on all players screens, and there is some desync as to what items are dropped - while he stays alive for all other players however, the items are fixed by simply having the player who completed the quest pick them up(and then re-drop them if they are to be given to other players.)

maybe the quest would work better if lachdanan was set to level 13 instead? seeing as the level 15 dungeon in multiplayer is pretty much fixed...will have to try later.

==The Arch-Bishop Lazarus==

-works perfectly as intended


-works perfectly as intended.

==Nest entry==

-works perfectly only so long as the hosting player talks to the farmer. otherwise the rune bomb cannot be picked up by anyone and does not drop for the host.

==Little Girl (aka Celia's quest)==

-would work, but in my experience this quest suffers from syncing issues, and the item does not seem to drop properly for the host or other players in the room.


==Crypt Entry==

-works, although it suffers from the same syncing issues as the Little Girl quest does. However, the crypt can be entered even without map, so it doesnt even matter if this works or not anyways.

Attached Files
.zip   Slayer's Hellfire103 mod - alpha (Size: 458.7 KB / Downloads: 19)
I can see what you see not
Vision milky, then eyes rot
When you turn they will be gone
Whispering their hidden song
Then you see what cannot be
Shadows move where light should be
Out of darkness, out of mind
Cast down into the halls of the blind
Really great to see more another person working on Diablo mods. Thank you!

Looks like a really great version to play in a LAN. I like the multiplayer quests.
(12-19-2013, 10:34 PM)qualakon Wrote: Really great to see more another person working on Diablo mods.

+1 to this.

Increasingly I believe un-modded HF's 'sorta incomplete, closer to unfinished' state is a blessing in disguise.

It was bad that it was not a completely ready expansion pack. But it did give a sandbox for modders.

Anyhow. I do like some of the things I see here. Anything that makes the multi save file folder locations is good.

How does the bard play with the changes to her blocking, casting, and attack speed? I mean in general, she's a generalist. Tongue At least for me, that's her charm.
(12-19-2013, 09:47 AM)Slayer_X64 Wrote: Goal: the goal of this mod is to both make a hellfire that includes all quests in multiplayer
Ambitious! Were that I could do more than contribute a few minor adjustments.

I was always sad that so many of Diablo's quests only appeared in single player. They do add a little more personality to the game. It'd be really neat if they could all be made to work in multi properly. While I was perusing The Dark mod notes, I noticed they fixed the synchronization issue with Oily Shrine fires not appearing on everyone's screens... perhaps, if they could fix that, there's hope to fix some of the quest behaviors too. Smile
(12-19-2013, 11:15 PM)Hammerskjold Wrote:
(12-19-2013, 10:34 PM)qualakon Wrote: Really great to see more another person working on Diablo mods.

+1 to this.

Increasingly I believe un-modded HF's 'sorta incomplete, closer to unfinished' state is a blessing in disguise.

It was bad that it was not a completely ready expansion pack. But it did give a sandbox for modders.

Anyhow. I do like some of the things I see here. Anything that makes the multi save file folder locations is good.

How does the bard play with the changes to her blocking, casting, and attack speed? I mean in general, she's a generalist. Tongue At least for me, that's her charm.

Well the reason why I increased the bard's attack speed was just to make it so that she could actually stunlock things in melee combat. From all the testing I did, it just didn't seem right for her to not be fully capable as a melee combat character. Same reason for the block speed thing.

That being said, she doesn't have the critical hit ability of the Warrior, so even then she still isn't the strongest at melee combat.

As for the casting speed, I *believe* I bumped it up to match the Rogue's casting speed. I seem to recall that her casting speed before that was no faster than the warriors. She is a generalist, so jack of all trades master of none was something I wanted to remain the same - that being said, when you look at how high her magic rating can go, as well as the concept for the character class as well, it just didn't make sense that she would be as terrible at casting magic as the Warrior. That being said, it would have been completely unjustified to have her casting speed as high as the sorcerer, for obvious reasons.

As she plays now, she is still a generalist, but she plays almost like a melee version of a glass cannon. She's got a very high damage output when dual wielding, and can fairly easily stunlock things. In single combat she is incredibly scary. With a shield, she plays similar to the warrior with a little bit less damage output, but a little bit better blocking once you get your dexterity high enough - and the increased attack and block speed make this a viable defensive option, which can be handy especially if you need to rely on a shield for some defensive bonuses if you're playing say, on hell difficulty (she can still dual wield on hell because of her damage output, but you have to be incredibly cautious because it is very easy to die if you mess up). However in combat with large groups of enemies, you'll find you may have to rely a bit more heavily on spells, as it only takes a handful of hits to kill her, even with mana shield. On the bright side, she can use an ok amount of ranged spells like Holy Bolt and fireball with good efficiency, and of course she can also do everyone's favorites like firewall or stone curse.
(12-20-2013, 07:14 AM)Belix Wrote:
(12-19-2013, 09:47 AM)Slayer_X64 Wrote: Goal: the goal of this mod is to both make a hellfire that includes all quests in multiplayer
Ambitious! Were that I could do more than contribute a few minor adjustments.

I was always sad that so many of Diablo's quests only appeared in single player. They do add a little more personality to the game. It'd be really neat if they could all be made to work in multi properly. While I was perusing The Dark mod notes, I noticed they fixed the synchronization issue with Oily Shrine fires not appearing on everyone's screens... perhaps, if they could fix that, there's hope to fix some of the quest behaviors too. Smile

Well I *think* I've at least managed to pinpoint the majority of the reasons that most of the quests dont work - ie. NPC X doesnt accept an item to complete a quest, or the Optic Amulet continually drops when the area is re-entered(perhaps this could be solved with a simple check to see if it has already dropped once in this game or something)

Some quests like Arkaine's Valor, while they work, I dont think I have a clue how to fix the bugs associated with them.

For now though I have no idea how to implement these changes - I will have to study their mod notes before I attempt anything else.


Another thing I want to eventually implement was additional Hitstun resistance based on your character's un-enhanced Vitality rating.

The main reason for this actually applies more to Warrior's than any other class(and I suppose to a lesser extent it COULD apply to a barbarian, though they already have additional stun resistance) and it is because:

a) since a warrior-type character can be stunlocked so easily without a shield, it really limits the use of two-handed weapons.

b) it doesnt really make sense that the majority of hell-difficulty monsters can stunlock a character, especially a hardened warrior, simply by landing a minimum damage blow. I certainly agree the chance to get stunlocked should be very high on Hell, but not guaranteed. Something that makes this a little worse, is that because the game's loot is random, you wont always find a set of very high AC gear(even though in this mod it is easier to find, its still not guaranteed), so the aim is to make it more viable to play straight through the game if you dont have high AC gear (ie. less equipment grinding, especially in singleplayer games). This also plays into the 'viability' of two handed weapons - you essentially cant use one, because if you do, you lose the AC bonus from a shield, and will end up getting stunlocked constantly. This would at least allow the barbarian character to shine with a two-hand on Hell, and would allow the warrior some limited use out of them in Normal(and perhaps a little in nightmare.

It also makes it so that you dont necessarily have to be level 50 to avoid getting stunlocked like crazy.

Another thing i've thought about modifying is both the warrior's and the Barbarian's hitstun formulae in order to help in this regard, in relation to their un-modified Vitality rating. The ideal range is to essentially have them at a point where they can at least have a chance of not getting stunlocked on hell difficulty when they meet the minimum level required to get into hell, while still making it plausible for them to get stunlocked at each and every point in the game (a good reference is - can they be viably stunned by the butcher? For the warrior I put this as within falling within 3 points of his minimum damage range, at 9 points of damage - butcher's damage on normal is 6-12)

Some sample formulae I've potentially playing with are:

-Clvl * 1.15 + (Vit/15)
-Clvl * 1.10 + (Vit/15)

gives a somewhat decently rounded amount of stun resistance. a touch high for normal mode, but nothing out of range that makes it so that most monsters cant stun you.

-Clvl * 1.25 + (Vit/15)
-Clvl * 1.25 + (Vit/20)

gives better high-end stun resistance, to meet demands of higher difficulties. Unfortunately it does make stun resistance a little bit high for normal mode, but endurance wise, the barb is already very powerful on normal anyways. Besides the barb DOES lack magical ability, and if he focuses too much on vitality, he'll pay for it by not being able to hit anything very well, thus taking more damage in the long run.

-Clvl * 1.10 + (Vit/15)
-Clvl + (Vit/15)

-Clvl + (Vit/15)

-Clvl + (Vit/20)

-Clvl + (Vit/20)

And of course these things would be further helped by putting a hard cap on experience gain to prevent overflow beyond 65535, and by removing the multiplayer character caps on gainable experience.

Essentially the idea behind these changes is to allow a character to viably be able to start Hell difficulty immediately after finishing nightmare (which especially helps melee characters - other characters dont really have a problem doing so as long as they are careful) Of course even with these changes, the most powerful monsters will still easily stun a Barbarian with minimum damage, but this at least evens out the playing field a little, and gives a bit more practical use to two handed weapons as well.
I can see what you see not
Vision milky, then eyes rot
When you turn they will be gone
Whispering their hidden song
Then you see what cannot be
Shadows move where light should be
Out of darkness, out of mind
Cast down into the halls of the blind
(12-20-2013, 07:08 PM)Slayer_X64 Wrote: Well the reason why I increased the bard's attack speed was just to make it so that she could actually stunlock things in melee combat. From all the testing I did, it just didn't seem right for her to not be fully capable as a melee combat character. Same reason for the block speed thing.

IIRC the increased speed for stunlock applies mostly vs advocate type monsters. If the char meets the dmg requirement and to hit etc, stunlock is do-able for everything else.

Now I'm not saying kings speed haste weapons etc are not nice. I'm just saying what I found to be the minimum. VS advocates types, dmg for stun and speed, since iirc their AC was 0, %to hit is not a real concern. VS most other monsters it's %to hit and dmg, speed is usually not a minimum requirement. Obviously with low AC char builds vs fast monsters that sorta goes out the window. Tongue

Blocking speed for bard iirc was not changed in vanilla HF, it's identical to the Rogue natural blocking speed. Same with her casting, and melee attack speed. Only reason I mentioned this, is if you wanted your mod to keep most of the basics of HF intact.

I'm asking how it plays out in your testing because it seems a potential balancing issue. Bards requiring a +speed block shield to match a Warrior\Barb block speed is IMO, a fair trade off as well.

There is a glitch iirc in HF:F, that allowed Bard with a mace type weapon in main hand, to attack as fast as a Warrior's speed\haste (providing the mace is a speed\haste as well etc).

However at least in my own play\testing, it wasn't as overpowering as I would've thought. Because again iirc, the dmg was less than sword using bards, and you needed to reach a relatively higher clvl to really see the benefit. Even then a dual sword bard usually still have a higher dmg range.

So it wasn't that big of an upset IMO. I do think that might change if it was applied to both mace and swords, without the dmg restraint.

I've played low ac bards, high ac, dual wield, sword\shield, shield\mace, mostly melee, mostly magic, melee&magic builds etc. Really fun character class.

She's also IMO, very easy to trip into overpowered mode.

Anyhow, good luck on the modding. If I had any coding skills the first thing I want to do, is to bump up the Warrior's melee speed into speed\haste. A rogue's natural attack speed is sufficient to stunlock advocates if she has enough dmg. A sorcerer casting speed is built in turbo all day every day. Monks kick, ditto. Warriors...has fast block built in. I always thought this was a bit of a shaft.

HF brought in sweep dmg for melee, which is great. Except in only applies to Bards dual swords, Barbs 2handers, and Monks staves. bupkus.

But that might only be my complaint and bias. Again, good luck with your modding sir.
Well this particular change was made to aid in the stunlocking of all monsters, instead of just advocates. The way I saw it, is if she is going to be capable of melee combat, she may as well be relatively proficient at it. Besides that, she doesnt exactly carry a shield, and when she does, she doesnt have the ability to critical hit like a Warrior or Barbarian do (nor would she have the suggested hitstun adjustments that i plan on implimenting for those classes)

She may do alot of damage, but especially at earlier levels (and even mid level) she doesnt have the endurance of say, the warrior class, let alone the barb, so she's better at 1 on 1 combat, but she doesnt perform as strong at 3 on 1 combat even with the sweep ability because she is more fragile(warrior has a shield to protect him, and barb has greater stun resistance). In larger groups than that however, any of these 3 characters are in an extremely disadvantaeous position where they will either spend alot of resources, or die.

Overall though I dont think this particular change harms the balance of the bard - if anything she certainly isnt as strong as the sorcerer, which is what I consider to be the upper limit for how powerful a player character should ever be (for obvious reasons). In the endgame, I've always found you end up fghting a guerilla-style battle regardless of which class you play simply due to the raw power of monsters combined with general equipment limitations.

But that is why I made the change that I did. Your feedback is appreciated however, and will be taken into account in the future.
I can see what you see not
Vision milky, then eyes rot
When you turn they will be gone
Whispering their hidden song
Then you see what cannot be
Shadows move where light should be
Out of darkness, out of mind
Cast down into the halls of the blind
Hi Slayer,
I've been playing Diablo on and off since it came out in '96 and the one thing that has always bothered me has been the lack of quests in multiplayer. I am greatly looking forward to trying this mod out. Thank you for your work and please keep it up!
(12-28-2013, 02:45 PM)Slayer_X64 Wrote: Well this particular change was made to aid in the stunlocking of all monsters, instead of just advocates. The way I saw it, is if she is going to be capable of melee combat, she may as well be relatively proficient at it. Besides that, she doesnt exactly carry a shield, and when she does, she doesnt have the ability to critical hit like a Warrior or Barbarian do (nor would she have the suggested hitstun adjustments that i plan on implimenting for those classes)

She may do alot of damage, but especially at earlier levels (and even mid level) she doesnt have the endurance of say, the warrior class, let alone the barb, so she's better at 1 on 1 combat, but she doesnt perform as strong at 3 on 1 combat even with the sweep ability because she is more fragile(warrior has a shield to protect him, and barb has greater stun resistance). In larger groups than that however, any of these 3 characters are in an extremely disadvantaeous position where they will either spend alot of resources, or die.

I find that if your char is lucky enough to find a crystal weapon and puncturing weapon in the early game, she can become a dual wielding steam roller for a while. Big Grin

At the end of the day it is your mod however. Hell, I'm happy enough that there is still interest in modding HF.
(01-07-2014, 02:01 AM)Hammerskjold Wrote: At the end of the day it is your mod however. Hell, I'm happy enough that there is still interest in modding HF.

Yes, me as well.

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