Is it too late to play WoW?
I've been lurking these boards for a number of years and I have played WoW now and then for a week or less before eventually becoming bored with it and moving on only to return again a few months later and do it all over again.

Now that I've pretty much tried everything to help cure the WoW itch, I've finally succumbed to it and just this moment bought a US copy of WoW from the Blizzard store if only to play with my favourite D2 guild, Lurker Lounge.

But is it all too little too late to be starting fresh?
Not really. Keep in mind I stopped playing at the end of Cataclysm, So I'm not "hip" to the new expansion.

At the end of Cataclysm, in an effort to keep myself invested in the game, I started a new character, on a new server. I knew no one. I had no existing wealth. I had nothing. I even went as far as playing alliance, so that it was a completely new experience for me.

I was able to reach level cap quickly. At level cap, I had enough gold to purchase several items from the AH, as well as gems, and enchanting mats so that I could get my char ready for heroic dungeons. Within 24 hours of play time at level cap, I was "raid ready".

And then, I raided on the character a couple of times.

I also was able to farm up things for transmog. My little warlock was sporting a nice Tier 1 Transmog set, and along the way, even picked up both bindings, resulting in my Warlock being my only character with a Thunderfury, despite 3-4 YEARS of consistent, never missing a raid lockout on my paladin, and then my death knight.

Talk about a kick in the teeth.

But back to playing. I see no reason why you wouldn't be able to jump in now, and get going. Even unlocking the Death Knight Class wouldn't take that long if that's your bag. level 55 isn't hard to get, especially since Cataclysm, when they redid the zones, making leveling an absolute breeze. Toss in the RDF tool, and you can quest, while you sit in queue waiting for a dungeon, and you no longer have to worry about having all the quests for the dungeon. The NPC's are waiting for you right inside the entrance, looking for your help.

If you were to be so brave, you can actually level solely through dungeon runs. I had done that on several alts along the way. I would pick up mining / herbs / skinning (pick two, run with it), and just gather while waiting on dungeon queues. Both Profitable, and enjoyable at the same time. I wouldn't recommend that for a first char, because the new story is actually really good.
nobody ever slaughtered an entire school with a smart phone and a twitter account – they have, however, toppled governments. - Jim Wright
(10-18-2013, 05:18 PM)Darky Wrote: before eventually becoming bored with it

So, what made you bored with it? Honestly asking because that's the fundamental point here - being bored with the game can come from all kinds of reasons, so the real question is "how can I make WoW interesting to me?"

WoW is a hell of a drug, since it can appeal to so many different people in different ways. The game is so huge now and supports so many game styles that you should be able to find something in it that you enjoy and want to progress on, at least for the span of a few months.
Quote:Considering the mods here are generally liberals who seem to have a soft spot for fascism and white supremacy (despite them saying otherwise), me being perma-banned at some point is probably not out of the question.
Partly because I didn't have anyone to play with which is down to me being a lurker on forums rather than a poster and putting myself in a position to make friends to play with. It's the main reason why I registered here and started posting in hopes that I can make a few friends to play with this time around.

Another reason was the graphics. Maybe it's just my imagination but I remember playing WoW at the time Burning Crusade was released and it looked a bit funky back then. I remember thinking it looked like a Disney cartoon. It doesn't seem to bother me as much now that I'm older.

It is the first time I've played for about 2 years so I feel like I'm coming back with a clean perspective. I've been playing Diablo 3 for the past few months and despite what people say about finding items and Inferno difficulty, I had no problems "completing" the game with a Demon Hunter. I say Demon Hunter, I played her like a Lightning Trapsin from D2 and dropped sentries everywhere and ran around like a headless chicken until dead bodies filled my screen.

Back on topic, though. I'm hoping I can join the Terenas guild here and maybe play with some of the alts of fellow players. If not, at least taking part in guild chat and things like that would kind of soothe me into playing WoW and spruce up my enjoyment of it.
You will want to hit up Zasja in game. That's Swirly here on the boards. He can get you situated with how the current climate of things goes on Terenas.
nobody ever slaughtered an entire school with a smart phone and a twitter account – they have, however, toppled governments. - Jim Wright
Lurkers on Terenas have joined up with Keepers of the Dusk since numbers were dwindling and the game is more fun with more people. You are absolutely welcome to join Keepers though. For that you should keep an eye out for Zasja, Pawprints, Rayllen, or Diacono. Those are the officers and can guild invite you. Just tell them you are a Lurker and swirly knows about you and you'll be fine. If you have trouble finding those, I think Blay, Busby, Crucius, and Ruder can invite too, but I'm not 100% on that since they are a lower rank. If nothing else they could check to see if any of the others are on alts though for you so doesn't hurt to hit them up if you are on and looking for an invite.

I'm sure that once we get you in the guild that the guild chat will indeed be enjoyable for you and make playing more fun. : )
I think by design it is never too late. As someone who has been playing continuously since beta and can no longer count the years, WoW for me has changed a lot. Originally I enjoyed the friends, then PvP and raiding. But guilds come and go and I have only a couple friends still playing. And, at that, we seldom chat. I've not been in an instance in a couple years.

Still, I log in every night and have a lot of fun doing so. Even if sometimes I wonder why.
"I may be old, but I'm not dead."

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