Questions about multiplayer save file for Hellfire
Hello, i´m a long time fan of the Diablo series (just like everybody here, i suppose Smile ), and after a long time researching about Diablo 1, it seems that this forums are one of the most active that still talks about this classic.

I also noticed several community releases, so i wanted to join and ask a few questions, if i may.

After trying to convert my diablo 1 mp save to hellfire mp save, i managed to do it with Diablo Saver 1.09.

But only to find out that Hellfire is based off Diablo 1.04, and has a retarded multiplayer saving system that places hidden system-like .drv extensioned files on a system protected folder on WinNT based systems, AND (worst of all), make that save usable only on that machine, making the backup of save files a real pain in the ass.

That all seemed resolved when i found in this forum the "My Unnoficial Hellfire 1.02 Patch" o this link:

When i read that one of the changed was that now multiplayer save files are all usable independant of the machine it is in, i got excited.
I managed to find the link for the mod, downloaded and installed it.
The game opens fine, but now Diablo Saver won´t work because its a different client version.

Is there a workaround for this?

The situation is: i either use the 1.01 version and use the save file only on this machine, forever (diablobackup can´t seem to restore it), or i use the 1.02 mod fixes and loose all of my existing diablo characters, that i worked so hard do level up.

Sorry for the long post, and thanks in advance for any replies.
For what it is worth, the security you are talking about does not do an actual hardware check. It just checks the computer name (the label that identifies your computer on a network etc.). You could write down this name and change the settings of future computers to match, if that situation ever arises that you need to use a different computer to play Hellfire.

Or you could just start over. Diablo is a fun game and doesn't need to be much of a time sink. It really only takes a few days of gaming for a character to be able to beat the most difficult enemies, unlike more recent games where you might grind for gear to help you grind for more gear to trade for gold etc.
Yeah i tried all trainers, Bobafett´s, Raymond´s, DiabloSaver the lastest versions, none worked
They all give me a Invalid version when i load the .CHA file

Bobafett´s Trainer is the only one that can actually load the character into the game in v1.02, but as soon as you click the ground to move your character, the game freezes, and the changes aren´t saved.
Tried to add permissions for my Windows user directly into the hrinfo_0.drv file inside C:\Windows, didn´t work either (that did the trick for hellfire 1.01)

But i think the changes on this patch are too great to not be used, so i decided to start a new character with a friend on multiplayer.
The LAN UDP apperantly resolved the issue with games eventually disappearing from the LAN IPX games list after some time has passed.

Plus the features like run/jog, all oils and shrines in mp and the friend appearing on the automap are priceless.
There are lots of new stuff to enjoy from Diablo Hellfire now. Really recommend this patch.

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