DayZ- Anyone playing
Zombie apocalypse survival simulator mod for ArmA 2. Still in the Alpha stage but very fun regardless. Really not a pleasing insight into morality though when people will gladly kill you for a can of sardines. Grrrr bandits grrrrr.
Currently a PoE junkie. Wheeeeee
DayZ has piqued my interest since I saw a few articles on it, alas I've been trying to trade for ARMA II with a few things since cash is a little tight this month.

I'll definitely be on it as soon as someone takes my trade or after payday. Whichever comes first.
When in mortal danger,
When beset by doubt,
Run in little circles,
Wave your arms and shout.

BattleTag: Schrau#2386
Hey NiteFox, if you want company for your first forays into the game just let me know. It's a fairly steep learning curve and the inventory system is um, difficult. Using mumble will make the first few hours significantly less frustrating. or, if you want to give it a few tries solo then hit me up that's okay too. It was fairly satisfying after several days of abject failure to start making progress in game.
Currently a PoE junkie. Wheeeeee

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