Fallout 3

I played the PS3 version at a friend's place, and showed a bit of his later saved game. Current news is Bethesda is -not- releasing a Construction Kit for the PC version at this time. Which is a real shame since without some excellent fan mods, I know I would've only played through Morrowind once.

I'm a Fallout fanatic so to be blunt, I think it's not a question of if I will buy FO3 for the PC, it's a question of when. But the way things are going, I think I'll wait until it's on sale for the GOTY edition or something.

In other sites, there's a few people that rates this game on 2 separate scales. One as a game on it's own without the 'Fallout' name, and one with the 'Fallout' legacy.

On it's own, it's not a bad game. I'd say it can even be a very good game. Bethesda can usually be counted on making great environments, and building atmosphere. And IMO they succeded here again. Unfortunately I think they still need work on the character models. Some of it is just lighting and 'dead eyes' syndrome.

So on it's own, I can easily give this at least a 7 out of 10. That will be bumped higher as soon as Bethesda release the mod tools so fans can really make it shine.

As a game that tries to carry the 'Fallout' legacy. I'm not that happy. At best a 4. Much better than that straight to console B.O.S., and better than Fallout:Tactics.

The Repair skill, meh. For me this was a case where I think it could've been handled better, and go in favour of 'fun game' over 'is this realistic enough' direction. There's already fan made mods that attempts to address this, and frankly I can't wait until there's more mods for it. I'm not really excited about the way it's handled as is. Same with some of the weapons. A bit too silly for my taste. Yeah FO2 has it's share of silly camp humour, but not when it comes to weapons. I just can't get too excited about a large nuke slingshot. It sorta diminishes the atomic spectre atmosphere for me.

But the one that really got me was, Power Armor. Powered Armor in the Fallout Universe to me is what the Lightsabre is to the StarWars universe. In FO1&2, life can be brutal in the wasteland. The game can be pretty unforgiving the first time you play it without hints etc.

When you get the Powered Armor, holy crap. You are now somewhere between Robocop, and a walking tank. You finally get a taste of the level of technology was in the Pre-War era.

In short, with the Powered Armor, you're now a bad-ass. You're not invincible, but you're not that far off. In Fallout 3, I just don't get that sensation. Instead of pre-war technology, I get the impression that I'm just putting on the heavy outer shell of the armor*, without the fusion powered high tech magic that defined what Pre-War tech was. It's like a driving an M1 Abrams tank that's powered by a lawn mower engine.

(*This fits the motif when I found the Dwemer (dwarven) armor in Morrowind, but Fallout is not Morrowind or Oblivion.)

I've read a bunch of explanations from some fans that this makes sense because of the passage of time and decay etc, and they're entitled to their opinions. My opinion is Bethesda got overeager with the nerf stick in the name of 'balance'.

That's just me though. What's the word from Lurkers who played FO3?
Quote:That's just me though. What's the word from Lurkers who played FO3?
I haven't played it, but I've read several threads about the game in other forums. The reaction is pretty much the same everywhere - it's a good game, but it's not Fallout.
"What contemptible scoundrel stole the cork from my lunch?"

-W.C. Fields
To be honest, I think they did the best they could given the time that had elapsed and that they weren't the makers of the original game.

The game is fun, very fun. Given that they essentially plugged oblivion into a 1960 alternate universe, things went very well. My complains would be a lack of dialogue, and depth from supporting npc. Essentially watch Yahtzee's review of Oblivion and subtract the complains about immersion - of which I have no problem in this game. I only with the game were a bit harder, because if's fairly much a walk in the park.

On a side note, I was a fairly big fan of oblivion as well, so that may skew things as well. And don' forget, there is a ratings system in place now, so they were never going to get away with some of the content they had in the original games.
Currently a PoE junkie. Wheeeeee
Played it, loved it, worshipping it. I agree with most of the 9/10-10/10 reviews. And everyone who whines about 'it's not Fallout!' can get a Fat Boy shoved up his rear for all I care.:P
Former www.diablo2.com webmaster.

When in deadly danger,
When beset by doubt,
Run in little circles,
Wave your arms and shout.
I'm with Crusader on this one. I'm playing the PS3-version at the moment and loving every minute of it. The lockpicking and (especially) the hacking make for new ways to handle old gameplay mechanics. Combat is also fun, and I've yet to grow tired of the VATS slow-mo death sequences. Also love the Max Payne-inspired "following the bullet to its target"-thing that occasionally replaces the default death sequence.

It seems they fixed most of what was wrong with Oblivion, which to me were characters and dialogue. I haven't completed the game yet, but I think I've come a way. I'm lvl 14 and just found my father. I've dabbled in sidequests and discovered the main quest by accident when I hit a certain city. I'm playing a super villainous, evil bitch who basically kills everyone who has a dialogue path that ends in a confrontation. The sheriff in Megaton didn't last that long;)

Can't wait to play through the game as a good guy though!

Fallout 3 is excellent in that it has completely distracted me from Far Cry 2 (although I still play a a good deal of Rock Band. Thanks again, Pete!!:))
Ask me about Norwegian humour Smile
How are the controls?

PC games that have simultaneous console releases are not something I can get excited about, no matter what the history. The controls are usually dumbed down for the consoles and then the PC interface is a kludgy mess.
Conc / Concillian -- Vintage player of many games. Deadly leader of the All Pally Team (or was it Death leader?)
Terenas WoW player... while we waited for Diablo III.
And it came... and it went... and I played Hearthstone longer than Diablo III.

Quote:Thanks again, Pete!!:))
What can I say, it was fun. Glad you're still enjoying it.:)


EDIT: the square brackets are messing up the quote tag.

How big was the aquarium in Noah's ark?

I somehow missed out on the first two installments of Fallout on the PC (much to my chagrin). I have this as the number one item on my B-day/Christmas list and if I don't get it I will pout all day;)

p.s. can the older games be played on a 2 year old machine running xp?
'Me not that kind of Orc' - lazy peon
Quote:p.s. can the older games be played on a 2 year old machine running xp?

Fallout 2 requires windows 95 and DirectX. This should be be able to be played easily in Win2k based (Which includes XP) OSes and Vista.

First one was a DOS title that had Win95 support. Harder to say if that will play or not. It may take some work to make it work in XP (like 3rd party program) and may not play at all in Vista.
Conc / Concillian -- Vintage player of many games. Deadly leader of the All Pally Team (or was it Death leader?)
Terenas WoW player... while we waited for Diablo III.
And it came... and it went... and I played Hearthstone longer than Diablo III.
Quote:p.s. can the older games be played on a 2 year old machine running xp?

There's some help guides that are on I think 'No Mutants Allowed' and 'Duck and Cover' for that. I heard it can be done using the compatibility properties, set it to run as either win95 or win98. In my case it won't (FO1 can be installed and runs very slowly with lotsa problems, FO2 won't run at all) not because of XP, but because my current rig is more a workstation than a gamestation. In any case, nothing a 'running Fallout in windowsXP' 'Goggling' can't solve.

I envy you if you can get it to run on your machine, I miss those 2 games.

How are the controls?

PC games that have simultaneous console releases are not something I can get excited about, no matter what the history. The controls are usually dumbed down for the consoles and then the PC interface is a kludgy mess.

I know what you're saying. For me, the PS3 control ain't bad. Not my personal preference, but I'm more of a PC keyboard+mouse guy most of the time. From what I've read at least, the PC control can be assigned hotkeys. The UI and HUDs, will probably be identical\very similar looking. There might be hope that some fan with skills can reskin it if you don't like the standard interface, but that's not looking sure right now.

On the game ratings, Vinnie and Angel brings up good points that I've read elsewhere too. That is how you'd rate the game will depend greatly on the baggage you bring in.

My own 2 cents, I can judge Fallout 3 on it's own term, but having the Fallout name you can't help see it in the context of the series as well. It does bring in more new fans to the series, in terms of what that does to the fan base, I've seen this movie before.

To echo some perspective, I'll stea- I mean paraphrase something great I've read on a fan site. When Fallout1 came out, it's creator said it was the spiritual successor to Wasteland. (Spiritual since the rights to Wasteland is tied to ElectronicArts.) Some hardcore fans of Wasteland says it is not and never will be Wasteland. Other fans who have heard but may not have played Wasteland wonders what all the hubbub is about, since they enjoyed Fallout and thinks the fogies are meanies who says Fallout (their game!) sucks.

Fast forward to now and skip a few bankruptcies and shelved projects, the rights to the Fallout property is bought by Bethesda, and Fallout 3 is made. Some hardcore fans of Fallout1&2 feels FO3 is in name only, and will never be a true Fallout game. Other fans may not feel the same way, and thinks the fogies who cling to FO1&2 should get a life and a newer computer or something, but in anycase should stop picking on FO3 (their game!) unfairly.

To try to complete the circle, one of the people responsible for both Wasteland and Fallout(s), bought the rights to Wasteland and is planning to 'bring back the game that spawned the Fallout series...' http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wasteland_(computer_game)
Quote:p.s. can the older games be played on a 2 year old machine running xp?
If you get them from Good Old Games there should be no problems running under either XP or Vista. $5.99 each.
Hugs are good, but smashing is better! - Clarence<!--sizec--><!--/sizec-->
Quote:There's some help guides that are on I think 'No Mutants Allowed' and 'Duck and Cover' for that. I heard it can be done using the compatibility properties, set it to run as either win95 or win98. In my case it won't (FO1 can be installed and runs very slowly with lotsa problems, FO2 won't run at all) not because of XP, but because my current rig is more a workstation than a gamestation. In any case, nothing a 'running Fallout in windowsXP' 'Goggling' can't solve.

I realize you pretty much know the way to find the answers but anything that could be run in DOS mode seems to be very usable on any system I've tried with DOSBox. So something to consider with FO 1. I ran Arena (the start of the whole TES line) that way for quite awhile, even before Bethesda gave it out for free (and they used DOS Box for it too).
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.
I've got it for the 360 and I'm loving it. I've also played the first two, so I can kinda see where the "it's not fallout" people are coming from, but I can understand why the game is done the way it is.

I'm having a blast so far (I'm not that terribly far into the main storyline missions), but the best OMGWTF moment was when the Super Deluxe Behemoth Mutant wielding a fire hydrant comes crashing through the barricade and then promptly smooshed me.:)At that time, I knew it was love.
Terenas Characters:
Quote:I realize you pretty much know the way to find the answers but anything that could be run in DOS mode seems to be very usable on any system I've tried with DOSBox. So something to consider with FO 1. I ran Arena (the start of the whole TES line) that way for quite awhile, even before Bethesda gave it out for free (and they used DOS Box for it too).

Just tried it, still no go. Thanks for the tip though. Then again this might be a blessing in disguise, FO1 was a pretty massive time sink for me at one point.

I've played FO1&2 on both Vista and XP machines. Minimal issues, other than install and/or checking compatibility box (and sometimes not even that) Also, FO3 is fully compatible using an xbox 360 wired controller on a PC (under vista at least, haven't tried using XP).

I like the game, a lot. I won't claim it is FO1 or 2. It isn't, it can't be. I would very much like to see a Construction Kit for it, and I've already seen .bsa unpackers to get to the real content.
Quote:I like the game, a lot. I won't claim it is FO1 or 2. It isn't, it can't be. I would very much like to see a Construction Kit for it, and I've already seen .bsa unpackers to get to the real content.

One thing that I do have to give FO3 over FO1&2 is, beards. FO3 has the most beard selections I've ever seen in a video game, possibly ever of all time.

I pine and yearn for the GOTY edition, complete with the CSet -and- bonus beards pack.
Quote:I'm having a blast so far (I'm not that terribly far into the main storyline missions), but the best OMGWTF moment was when the Super Deluxe Behemoth Mutant wielding a fire hydrant comes crashing through the barricade and then promptly smooshed me.:)At that time, I knew it was love.

I was at a sliver of health when I got there, and he came though and some of the debries he kicks up damn nearly killed me. I think that was the first time in the game I busted out the buffx, stims, and huffed as many chems as I could. I took it personally he was trying to hit me with a fire hydrant. And of course those brotherhood nubs had already gottem themselves kill, and my mysterious stranger wouldnèt show up when it was important. Wheeee!
Currently a PoE junkie. Wheeeeee
Quote: On it's own, it's not a bad game. I'd say it can even be a very good game. Bethesda can usually be counted on making great environments, and building atmosphere. And IMO they succeded here again. Unfortunately I think they still need work on the character models. Some of it is just lighting and 'dead eyes' syndrome.

I spent a while without responding to this post because i hadn't played through the whole game, and then a little while after finishing it because I was so pissed i didn't want to think of the game.

After playing 90% of FO3 including finishing the main story and most of the optional side quests I have come to the conclusion that bethesda really has little to no skill when it comes to game design and that they are completely comfortable riding out the self congratulatory masturbation they must partake in everytime they look at a copy of Oblivion GotY edition.

The barren post-apocaliptic wasteland of the fallout universe is perhaps a perfect metaphore for what has become their design philosophy: Large play arenas to explore and interact in resulting in little to no consequence. Fallout 3 is a new skin slapped on the same game they have been making for the last 7 years. I've done these same quests before in Oblivion, and even yet again before in Morrowind.

My defining moment while playing FO3 was when i reached level 20 and was hit with the dawning realization that i had been duped and that my natural obsessive leveling impulse had been used against me in a kind of sadistic bait and switch to cover up the vast emptiness of gameplay in the title. Sure there was a lot of places i had not explored and some quests i had not done, but why bother exploring those places? I can tell you already what i'd find: some inconsequential enemies to fight, some weapons and armor which were no different than the ones i had already encountered, and a metric crap-ton of bent tin cans. Whoop-a-dee-doo. At this point I rushed through any remaining quest i had to do and finished off the main quest without so much as a second glance. And if it weren't obvious enough how inconsequential everything is in this game, the final ending essentially tells you it to your face.

Bethesda: You've gotten really good at making interesting and attractive environments. Now if only you could learn how to make a good game to go in those environments.
Quote:After playing 90% of FO3 including finishing the main story and most of the optional side quests I have come to the conclusion that bethesda really has little to no skill when it comes to game design and that they are completely comfortable riding out the self congratulatory masturbation they must partake in everytime they look at a copy of Oblivion GotY edition.

Bethesda: You've gotten really good at making interesting and attractive environments. Now if only you could learn how to make a good game to go in those environments.

Don't hold back now, tell us how you really feel.;)

After playing around some more at my friends house, and seeing some of the complaints about the endgame mission, I can see why and how some players are pissed about it.

The PC version from last I heard, will have the GECK mod kit released, and a bunch of added missions and possibly patch updates and the likes. (IIRC, you can now continue after the last mission. I could be wrong on that one though. Maybe some differences and delay between different platforms. Console will most likely not get the GECK kit.)

But yeah, bethsoft brought their strength, and their usual weakness too it seems. I don't mind their take on the turn based system. They're still one of the top companies when it comes to environments. Some of the missions, meh. Kinda like you said, I had a slight deja vu', didn't I play this mission in Morrowind?

My personal rating of FO3 will probably wind up the same way Morrowind did. Get the PC version if possible, because chances are the mods are what will make the game feel complete. Or at least have the potential to tailor it to your personal liking.

I modded the game tot he hilt about 20% of the way through, and it really did enhance it's value for me. However, it just wasn't enough. Essentially they shoehorned the Fallout environment into an Oblivion shell without many innovations in the process. I don't know, I just got bored of the game the same way I eventually got bored with oblivion. Yahtzee's review of the former game essentially sums up my experience here.

That being said though, I still would love for them to pick up the license for a sequal to Mafia. There really hasn't been a good '30's game in a long time.
Currently a PoE junkie. Wheeeeee

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