Plain War Staff found
I have always been intrigued by .Plaid's post regarding plain staves. Without necroposting:

I happened to come across a Plain War Staff on dlvl 2 on NM difficulty. I was elated to find this item laying on the ground in a group of dead bodies after a chain light cast from a room away. I wish I could say which monster it came from. This will definitely be staying in my collection.

Has anyone else found one since .Plaid posted about them?
The best I remember finding in that time frame was a plain long staff. My memory is quite fuzzy on those nightmare and hell difficulty church runs but at the very least I also saw 2 short staves, and maybe a quarter staff on hell church.
(09-08-2011, 05:06 AM)maht1 Wrote: The best I remember finding in that time frame was a plain long staff. My memory is quite fuzzy on those nightmare and hell difficulty church runs but at the very least I also saw 2 short staves, and maybe a quarter staff on hell church.

So it seems they are quite common, when looking in the right spot. I guess I was never really looking until .Plaid mentioned them, but I had probably seen them. I definitely was not doing any runs in the church until just recently, which would explain why I just now found one.
I wouldn't necessarily say they are common, at least from my experience of doing numerous hell church/catacomb runs. I usually go through dlvls 1 to 8 to check for enchanted and hidden shrines, as well as certain rare uniques and magic items.

The highest plain staff I have seen that was already on the dungeon floor was a long staff. I am not sure if the same can be said about the higher staff bases.

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