Anyone else disappointed with Fallout 3 in the end?
I just finished my first playthrough, and i'm kind of thinking that all these perfect and near perfect reviews were either "sponsored" or not done by people who had completed the game. It was good, there is no doubt about it, but there were several things that made the release that would probably limit any review I gave to about an 83% or so. Any thoughts?
Currently a PoE junkie. Wheeeeee
I can't say anything helpful about FO3. Mention of FO3 makes me curl up into a ball and lament the sad demise of turn-based combat with isometric view.

One day I will work up the courage to play it. One day.

*holds herself and rocks back and forth*
Dewdrop - Blood Elf Paladin (Shiny Happy Healer)
Tamorrax - Troll Hunter (Crazy Cat Lady)
Sybaris - Blood Elf Priest
Hah, it's not that bad Tam, honest. Besides, except for the few diehards - of which I'd most likely be one - they really couldn't sell a game like that. Plugging it into the Oblivion framework was actually a fairly good idea. But it's still too big of a project for what we can currently do with technology.
Currently a PoE junkie. Wheeeeee
I liked FO3, but I was surprised when the game ended. I was like "What, already?" The ending in itself was not bad. The little stroll you make with the brotherhood's toy was pretty awesome. All I really missed was a final boss. The previous games had a big, bad evil dude that took a lot of effort to kill. Not so in FO3 where the final guy you kill is interesting, but far from uber (in fact, he died in 2 seconds). Hence I was surpised when the game was over. Even if you do not die in the end, you can't play on.

So I'm hoping for an expansion. I need more quests!

Former webmaster.

When in deadly danger,
When beset by doubt,
Run in little circles,
Wave your arms and shout.
Yeah, there wasn't a single point in the game on hard where I was like "damn, this is difficult"
Currently a PoE junkie. Wheeeeee
Did you survive your first 5 Deathclaw encounters? I didn't:)
Ask me about Norwegian humour Smile
First time I finished the game I hadn't seen a single Deathclaw yet, adding to my general 'that was it'? feeling.:D
Former webmaster.

When in deadly danger,
When beset by doubt,
Run in little circles,
Wave your arms and shout.
Oh yeah, but then again I found it very very difficult to die. I think I finished the game with over 200 some stimpacks.
Currently a PoE junkie. Wheeeeee
Quote:First time I finished the game I hadn't seen a single Deathclaw yet, adding to my general 'that was it'? feeling.:D
The game's primary weakness (as I see it), is that the game can be completed by visiting a fraction of t he locations on the map. If you follow the main quest, you can finish it quite easily in 5-6 hours. You should however, take the time to visit every location. The Republic of Dave was one of my favourites:)
Ask me about Norwegian humour Smile
I'm totally going to try and make that the republic of Vinnie next time around. I DEMAND DEMOCRACY!!! If not I'll probably just shoot Dave in the face and leave the place a ghost town. I've already played nice guy so evil is the plan for the next playthrough.
Currently a PoE junkie. Wheeeeee
Remember to get all the evil stuff done in Megaton before you head for Tenpenny tower;)I played an evil character first time around. Didn't try cannibalism though...
Ask me about Norwegian humour Smile

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